
Candidate Elizabeth Warren Claims Ferguson Police Officer "Murdered" Mike Brown…

Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren sent the following tweet today recognizing the five-year anniversary of Officer Darren Wilson shooting Michael Brown in self defense.   Everything about this “murder” claim is factually false.

CTH researched and covered every aspect this shooting in real time. [451 Articles here]  CTH even discovered evidence that investigators used in grand jury presentations and witness interviews.  [DOJ Report Here]
Michael Brown attacked Police Officer Darren Wilson while the officer was seated in his vehicle.  Brown attempted to get Wilson’s gun from his holster.  The firearm discharged twice wounding Brown’s forearm, while a second bullet traveled to lodge under an apartment window. During the struggle Brown’s friend Dorian Johnson lost his bracelet.  Brown and Johnson both fled.  Officer Wilson pursued Brown.  Brown stopped, turned around and charged Wilson.  While retreating Wilson fired seven shots, six hit Brown.
Ultimately the Eric Holder DOJ came to the same conclusion. Attorney General Eric Holder stated as a result of their investigation the DOJ found there was nothing even remotely accurate about how the shooting was originally reported in the media. [LINK]

Shots Fired At Ferguson Market After CNN Broadcasts Fake News and Edited CCTV Footage…

CNN’s Fake News is going to get someone killed.

As we shared last night, CNN is promoting a highly charged false claim about new, heavily edited CCTV footage from the Ferguson Liquor Market on the night before Mike Brown was shot and killed.  We have thoroughly deconstructed the lies HERE.

CNN is promoting this fake documentary, “Stranger Fruit“,  that uses heavily edited footage of an earlier Mike Brown visit to the store.  According to the documentary Mike Brown was exchanging marijuana for store product at 1:13am the night (early morning) prior to his return and strong arm robbery of the same store.  The footage is edited to give the appearance of store employees accepting weed as barter for product.  This is false.
Secondarily, the producer of the video, Jason Pollock, is claiming the police never released the earlier in the day CCTV footage and instead tried to hide it.  Again, this is false.  All of the CCTV video was documented by the police, reviewed, included in all records that were part of the Grand Jury inquiry and given to the FBI. Including footage from the 1:13am visit. However, CNN is promoting the falsehoods by the documentary producers in an effort to stir trouble.
Well, their collective antagonism worked: (more…)

Whoops, San Jose Democrat Mayor Admits "The Ferguson Effect" is Real…

Folks, we’ve been waiting almost 30 years for a national politician to draw out the inherent hypocrisy of the professional left, and Trump’s candidacy is doing just that.
sam liccardoFor the past ten months the professional left, including all elements of the MSM, have been telling everyone that Donald Trump is opposed by all Hispanics.  Now the same group is saying a Hispanic Judge can be supportive of Donald Trump.
Which is it?
I digress….
Because today it gets even better.
The professional left (including President Obama) have continually said the existence of the “Ferguson Effect”, a principle outlining law enforcement’s reluctance to engage violent offenders based on political correctness, as non-existent.  They say the escalating violence amid inner-cities has nothing to do with police being fearful of carrying out their duty.
However, today Democrat San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo says this: (more…)

Saint Louis / Ferguson Church Arsonist Arrested…

Because the church fires were amid black churches, various media including CNN had previously attached a racial component to the arson attacks…

saint louis arsonist 2ST. LOUIS • David Lopez Jackson, 35, was charged Friday afternoon with two in a string of seven church fires this month but authorities say they don’t yet know the motive.

The charges, two counts of second-degree arson, list his address as in the 200 block of Presley Road in the Glasgow Village area of unincorporated St. Louis County. He was held in lieu of $75,000 bail, according to court documents.

Forensic evidence and video of his car link Jackson to the fires, Police Chief Sam Dotson said. A container of gasoline and a Thermos bottle that smelled of gasoline were found in his car, Dotson said.

Asked about a motive, Dotson said, “We’re still trying to understand that.” (more…)

Ferguson Islamic Extremist Runs For Saint Louis Mayor as a "Conservative Republican"…

Many of you may remember the name “Umar Lee” aka “Bret Lee” from the Ferguson protests in 2014.   In the months of Ferguson Black Lives Matter protests, Umar Lee surfaced as a rather unstable fellow who called on his BLM cohorts to engage in violence.
Umar Lee is now running for Mayor within the City of Saint Louis. See Video:

Flashback 2014:
umar lee tweet 1 (more…)

UPDATE: CONFIRMED !! Kentucky Cop Killer, Joseph Johnson-Shanks, Is Ferguson Activist "Jay Mile High"…

Here’s the basic storyline:

jay milehigh 3[Kentucky State Trooper]  Joseph Cameron Ponder, who was 31 and had been on the force less than a year, was conducting a traffic stop Sunday night around 10:20 p.m. on Interstate 24 when the driver fled, Kentucky State Police said in a news release.

A chase ensued with the suspect stopping abruptly, causing the trooper’s vehicle to “make contact” with the rear of the suspect’s vehicle, the news release said.

The driver then fired several shots into Ponder’s police cruiser, hitting him several times. Ponder was taken to a hospital, where he died shortly before midnight, the release said. (more…)

Something Is Sketchy In Ferguson – Tyrone Harris Bond Previously Paid By ACORN/M.O.R.E…

Activist Deray McKesson has close ties to the White House.  McKesson has also traveled around the U.S. stoking the fires of racial animus in Ferguson, Madison, Baltimore, Charleston, Cincinnatti and McKinney Texas.
ty da shooter
Despite video showing Tyrone Harris shooting a handgun in Ferguson, and despite the CCTV video showing Tyrone Harris holding the handgun just prior to the shooting, and despite Alderman Antonio French seeing the shooting, activist Deray McKesson claims Harris, aka “Ty_Da_Shooter”, was not shooting. (more…)

Saint Louis Police Desperately Trying To Stop Ferguson Looters "This Time"…

Twice last year the business owners within Ferguson Missouri begged the police to stop their stores from being looted, torched and destroyed.  Both times their pleas fell on deaf ears.
The second time the Missouri governor promised to use the National Guard to protect them; but when it really mattered the National Guard were told to stand down – the town was torched, businesses lost.
Today a desperate community pleaded with Saint Louis leadership to protect them.  Perhaps, the third time is a charm?  Ongoing….

Another Ferguson State of Emergency Declared – Professional Activists, Anarchists, Back To Agitate….

Cornel West and dozens of professional anarchists were arrested today in downtown Saint Louis as the Communist groups, Occupy Wall Street groups, Black lives matter groups, and other professional provocatuers take their place again to create chaos in the streets and advocate for various anti-Law and Order issues.
NetaaaaCol west
As a consequence of the multiple shooting events last night in Ferguson Missouri another state of emergency has been declared.
deray getting arrested
Activst Deray McKesson (pictured above being arrested) and Communist activist Lisa Fifthian can be seen (below) coordinating today’s confrontation with police.   (more…)

Chaos Again – Ferguson Thugs Celebrate Anniversary of Mike Brown Shooting By Targeting Police – *Update* Video Of Thugs Shooting…

In the video below, watch the highlighted area.  You will see shots being fired from behind the White Pick-Up Truck toward the police station.
ferguson shooting

Earlier – Dozens of shots were fired tonight in Ferguson Missouri as protestors target police in hail of gunfire.  One reporter was mugged and robbed shortly before Ferguson thugs began targeting police.  Video shows of dozens of shots being fired, and pictures of police cars riddled with bullets. (more…)