
A Non-Pretending Discussion About Barack Obama

Every once in a while, you stumble upon an article that is insightful and valuable. This outline is intended to draw everyone’s attention to one of those articles.  ~ SEE HERE

Writing in Tablet Mag, David Samuels outlines his discussion with very well-respected historian David Garrow about Barack Obama and Dr. Martin Luther King, but mostly about Obama.

It is an intensely interesting albeit very long read, much of it drawn from a transcript of the conversation initiated by Samuels about the research Garrow did for his 2017 book on Obama called “Rising Star.”

The type of intense, deeply cited and granular research that David Garrow did for his book, is the type of research historians 50-years from now will be citing as they outline the legacy of President Obama.  This is also the type of research and non-pretending analysis you will never see approved for conversation by those who currently maintain the false pretense of the subject.

“I doubt that in the long run, Obama’s foreign-policy failures are going to be seen as the most important part of his legacy. I think future historians are going to look at the Obama presidency and see it as the moment when this new oligarchy merged with the Democratic Party and used the capacities of these new technologies and the power of this new class of people, the oligarchs and their servants, to create a new apparatus of social control. How far they can go with it, what the limits are … you see them trying to test it out every week or so.”  ~ David Samuels

Garrow and Samuels both discuss Barack Obama in a way that is extremely accurate; as a result, antithetical to the populism that surrounds the former President.  People who have followed political events will bathe in the truthfulness of the discussion.  Obama, a man created by his own intent and purpose, to present himself and his transitional identity to a select audience of affluent white liberals.  This audience would help Obama achieve his narcissistic life goal to have a “valet and private plane”, while simultaneously assuaging their white guilt.  The plan worked swimmingly.


UPDATE, Body of 45-year-old Black Male, Found in Pond Behind President Obama’s Martha Vineyard Estate

UPDATE: The body of the unidentified man has been confirmed to be Barack and Michelle Obama’s personal chef, Tafari Campbell, aged 45.

The original age of the victim was incorrect in the initial reporting.  Despite the Obama family vacationing on the island, the Obamas were not at their home in Martha’s Vineyard at the time of the incident.

(Chicago Sun Times) – […] Tafari Campbell, 45, known as one of the chefs who brewed White House honey ale beer while Obama was in office — using honey from Michelle Obama’s famous South Lawn garden — went to work for the former first couple when they left the White House.

In a statement, the Obamas said of one of the top chefs in the White House kitchen: “Tafari was a beloved part of our family. When we first met him, he was a talented sous chef at the White House — creative and passionate about food, and its ability to bring people together. In the years that followed, we got to know him as a warm, fun, extraordinarily kind person who made all of our lives a little brighter.

“That’s why, when we were getting ready to leave the White House, we asked Tafari to stay with us, and he generously agreed. He’s been part of our lives ever since, and our hearts are broken that he’s gone.

“Today we join everyone who knew and loved Tafari — especially his wife Sherise and their twin boys, Xavier and Savin — in grieving the loss of a truly wonderful man.”

The Obama’s have been spending part of the summer in Martha’s Vineyard for years.

Massachusetts State Police said Campbell was from Dumfries, Va., and “was visiting Martha’s Vineyard at the time of his passing. President and Mrs. Obama were not present at the residence at the time of the accident.” (read more


Sunday Talks, Bill Barr Continues His Crusade Against Trump in Effort to Protect the Bush-Obama Surveillance State and DOJ-FBI Constructs

Bill Barr continued his Sunday Talk appearances this week, specifically organized by the apparatus in control of DC, to attack Donald Trump and position the executive branch of government as subservient to the interests of the United States Intelligence Community.

Don’t miss the forest when you are looking at the trees. 

Barr is advocating for a system of government that has institutional interests above the constitution.  According to Bill Barr, the DOJ, FBI and US Intelligence Community control the Office of the President.  Look at what he is saying.  The bureaucracy of the administrative state is above the chief executive office holder. The intelligence community supersedes the President.

I’m not putting words in his mouth.  Barr believes the President is a functionary of, and in a lesser position than, the unelected people who control institutions that make up the executive branch of government.  THIS is what he believes.  Get past the parseltongue and obtuse linguistics; this is Barr’s advocacy position.  WATCH:


Why?  Why is he doing this?  Does he really believe this?  The answer is yes, and essentially what Bill Barr is doing is protecting the system that George W Bush, Dick Cheney and Barack Obama constructed and then used respectively.  Barr is defending the surveillance state, the post-Patriot Act state of intelligence agency control over government.

Bill Barr is protecting the weaponized institutions of the Director of National Intelligence (Bush/Cheney), the Dept of Justice – National Security Division [DOJ-NSD (Obama/Holder)], the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA Court), and the Dept of Homeland Security (Bush/Cheney).  These institutions, according to AG Bill Barr, are now in full control of the executive branch, full control of government, and now more powerful than the Office of the President of the United States.

This is the position of the DC system and everyone within it.  This is why Bill Barr is positioning himself as the tip of the spear.  This position is the entire reason why President Trump was told to hire Bill Barr, because Bill Barr had a job to do…. preserve the institutions, he helped build, at all costs.  This is also why Bill Barr protected Robert Mueller, and never impeded the Andrew Weissmann effort.

Bill Barr knows what Jack Smith, Lisa Monaco, Andrew Weissmann, Barry Berke, Norm Eisen, Mary McCord, David Laufman and Lawfare are doing.   Bill Barr supports that effort, because ultimately it preserves the institutions from the corrective action of Donald Trump.


Why the Durham Report Matters – Part One, Remember the Russian Diplomats Expelled by Obama?

I am going to be outlining some details for those of you who walk the deep weeds of understanding on behalf of our nation.

If you are a “tldr” person, this effort is not for you; feel free to continue sitting on the back bench and complaining about stuff. However, if you are a person who absorbs information so that you can confront our ‘representatives‘, then these articles and points are arrows in your quiver.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board is finally starting to get it.  They wrote an article this weekend recognizing how the Durham report totally eviscerates the foundation of the Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann special counsel investigation [SEE HERE].  The conclusion they reach is accurate:

…[…] “All of this suggests that the Mueller probe was as much a cover-up as an attempt to find evidence of collusion.” (link)

Welcome to the party WSJ, nice of you to join us.  But it’s worse.  Much worse.

Keep in mind that John Durham has laid the Mueller/Weissmann probe naked to their enemies.  Unfortunately, Weissmann and Mueller don’t have any enemies in Washington DC amid any party {Go Deep to 2021}. Our representatives are not representing.  The true DC enemy is ‘We The People‘ – and I choose to fight them.

How entrenched is the defense mechanism?  Well, consider a few things:

♦ First, John Durham clearly shows in his 306-page report with a 48-page classified appendix, that Russia did nothing to interfere in the 2016 election.  The entire Russian Interference operation was a Clinton fabrication, later enhanced by a Federal Bureau of Investigation who used the fabrication as a cover-up justification to hide their surveillance of the Trump campaign.

♦ Second, accepting the empirical, factual, and inherently true reality of the first point – consider that President Barack Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats to retain the Clinton fabrication and FBI lies.  Think about this one carefully, the Obama administration expelled Russian diplomats in order to retain a domestic political ruse! President Obama did this *after* CIA Director John Brennan briefed him about the Clinton fabrication.

There were no Russian diplomats involved; there was no Russian election interference; there was no Russian hacking of the DNC; it was all a fraud created by the intelligence community (IC), FBI and Main Justice to support Hillary Clinton’s lies and then cover their own targeting tracks.


Wall St Journal Outlines Documents from Jeffrey Epstein Showing Contact with Highly Influential People, Including Current CIA Director Bill Burns and Clinton/Obama Lawyer Ruemmler

Despite no one knowing ‘how’ Jeffrey Epstein actually made his money, one of the great mysteries amid a labyrinth of rabbit hole mysteries, the network of government officials and high-profile names who associated with and met Epstein has never been fully outlined or absorbed.

Other than a few random and specific names that surface from time-to-time, the lack of media curiosity into the bigger context of the Epstein story has always been somewhat perplexing.  One would ordinarily think the opportunity for a Pulitzer might entice an intrepid media outlet to do a lengthy dive into the matrix of Epstein; alas, no effort toward that objective ever surfaced.

Today, another fragment in the story seemingly finds its way to the surface as the Wall Street Journal outlines a list of names that were not included in the “black book” story, but nonetheless were intertwined with Epstein *after* his first conviction as a sex offender [STORY HERE].

Two of the names within documents, schedules and calendars attributed to the Epstein life include current CIA Director Bill Burns and former White House lawyer Kathryn Ruemmler.  In addition to being the White House legal counsel, Ms. Ruemmer was also the foundation lawyer for Bill and Hillary Clinton as well as the personal lawyer for Susan Rice.

(Wall St Journal) – The nation’s spy chief, a longtime college president and top women in finance. The circle of people who associated with Jeffrey Epstein years after he was a convicted sex offender is wider than previously reported, according to a trove of documents that include his schedules.

William Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency since 2021, had three meetings scheduled with Epstein in 2014, when he was deputy secretary of state, the documents show. They first met in Washington and then Mr. Burns visited Epstein’s townhouse in Manhattan.


Twitter File Release #17 – Matt Taibbi Outlines Obama’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) Labeling U.S. Accounts as “Foreign Actors” to Promote Media Narrative

Matt Taibbi has done another extensive review of Twitter data in File Release #17 HERE. This information release focuses on the Global Engagement Center (GEC), an internal sub-agency within the State Department as constructed by the Obama administration.

As noted by Taibbi, the GEC was funded mostly from the Pentagon and the financial outlays were to various leftist organizations who constructed the Trump-Russia narrative.

The outcome of the original deception created a need for the illusion of “foreign influence agents” in U.S. social media, specifically in this instance, Twitter.  The GEC was created as a targeting system to label any voice adverse to the Obama interests as a “foreign actor.”

Generally speaking, the GEC network identified usernames and social media account information they deemed adversarial to the Obama administration, then told Twitter to take down the accounts.  The people working within GEC were political activists, financed through government agencies by the very taxpayers’ they were targeting.  Ironic, no?

I strongly urge deep weed political walkers to review the entire outline – SEE HERE.  However, in the bigger picture I would not the motive that pixel-focused Matt Taibbi cannot see.


DNC Approves Obama, Clyburn Plan for South Carolina to Lead 2024 Democrat Presidential Primary, Media Call It “The Biden Plan”

In the last several weeks I have been saying to watch the state of South Carolina for how both Republican and Democrats wings of the UniParty, RNC and DNC respectively, plan to use South Carolina as the mechanism for the 2024 illusion of choice.  What I call the RNC and DNC roadmaps.

Essentially the RNC/DNC constructs are the roadmaps, from the club system – two private corporations, to control the 2024 primary election outcomes.

This is all about controlling the mechanisms of elections and creating the illusion of choice while the invisible hands of the big donors and club officers control the operations.

You might remember how South Carolina was the inflection point for Biden in the 2020 primary.  It was the SC primary when former President Obama (Black Lives Matter) and Congressman James Clyburn (AME Church network), aligned to select Joe Biden as the control mechanism to ensure Bernie Sanders was defeated.

Team Obama was operating with a sense of urgency because momentum was with Sanders and all other candidates including Biden were fractured.

Obama and Clyburn selected Biden due to his ability to be controlled.  Most of the Obama administration now operates inside the Biden administration controlling the outcomes.   Part of the ‘what’s in it for me’ aspect from Clyburn was the promise of increased influence and affluence.  Including the pre-approval, first right of refusal, for the Biden VP pick (ultimately Kamala Harris).

For 2024 the movement of South Carolina is being pushed to the base voters of the DNC through the social justice narrative about needing a more diverse state for the first DNC primary contest.  No good Democrat political activists can counter that culturally approved party position.  Predominately white states are bad, more diverse states are good. Thus, under this “diversity” premise, there can be no opposition or dissent from the party base.  The justification is a political minefield.


Twitter File Release #8 – Evidence Showing Pentagon/State Dept using Twitter for Propaganda, Release Curated to Protect Barack Obama

In addition to confirming more of the basic construct behind Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop, Twitter File Release #8 also reveals that Twitter officers are carefully curating information to protect their interests.  When information is curated to protect political interests, it puts a question mark behind all prior releases.

In release #8, the basic outline is showing how the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and U.S. State Department (DoS) work with the social media platforms to amplify messaging and create specifically anonymous government accounts intended to spread propaganda globally. [Twitter File Release #8 Here]  The government then asks the platform engineering side to boost the messaging of the government accounts and use the internal tools to promote government users.  Essentially, social media propaganda.

The United States intelligence apparatus was/is actively using and working with the Twitter platform to align with U.S. government interests.  The govt was coordinating, instructing, assisting and benefitting from the relationship.  Pro govt positions were amplified, and information adverse to the interests of the Pentagon and State Dept was removed, hidden, throttled.

Unfortunately, as admitted by Twitter File #8 Author Lee Fang, a writer for The intercept, “The searches were carried out by a Twitter attorney, so what I saw could be limited.” There is no ‘could be‘ in that statement.  The searches were limited, specifically time limited putting all of the scrutiny on the timeline when Donald Trump was in office.

CTH has no vested interest in this pretending nonsense.  We all know, hell, its public record, the use of Twitter and Facebook as a tool to advance U.S. foreign policy began during the Obama administration.  There are dozens of mainstream press accounts of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton reaching out to Twitter and Facebook for support during the ’11/’12 Arab Spring.   This is not controversial, it happened.

However, the current release uses a carefully applied time filter only showing DoD and DoS use of the platform (to assist foreign policy) starting in 2017, when President Trump took office.  This is intentional.  The origin of the practice starts with Barack Obama.


DNC Moves to Align 2024 Primary Roadmap Using AME/BLM Model Constructed by Barack Obama Inc

If you haven’t followed the granular details of how Barack Obama organized the AME Church Network (SC, Clyburn) with the BLM movement (GA, Abrams) in 2020 to control the democracy primary process, then the moves today to codify that approach will not be clear.

Once you understand what took place in the 2020 Democrat primary that saw all candidates fall in line behind Biden, according to the process that Obama initiated, then everything centered around the DNC moves today makes buckets of sense.

Despite how the media is presenting this, it is not Biden’s plan. This is Obama’s 2024 insider club roadmap, and it specifically includes the alignment of interests that he created in 2020 to remove the threat that Bernie Sanders represented.  More on that in a moment.  First, the DNC plan:

(Via Politico) – […] The DNC is on track to reshape its primary calendar after dissatisfaction with the traditional first state, Iowa, boiled over in 2020. Members of the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, charged with recommending a new calendar, gave a near-unanimous vote of approval on Friday for Biden’s proposal, with only minor tweaks to the dates and two ‘no’ votes from Iowa and New Hampshire members.

The revised proposal would see South Carolina host the first 2024 presidential primary on Feb. 3, a Saturday, followed three days later by New Hampshire and Nevada. Georgia would then hold an early primary on Feb. 13, and Michigan would hold its contest on Feb. 27. Iowa would be out of the early lineup altogether.  (read more)

These changes are all about keeping the corporate wing of the DNC in control and eliminating the influence of the momentum progressive candidates.  Just like the RNC wants MAGA destroyed, the DNC corporation wants control over the Bernie Sanders wing and democrat socialists.


Coincidental and Happenstance, George Bush and Barack Obama Schedule Conferences on Disinformation and Democracy to Follow U.S. Midterm Election

It’s just coincidental happenstance they say.  Both George W Bush and Barack H Obama have scheduled conferences to highlight concerns over disinformation in the wake of the U.S. midterm election.  Democracy is at stake if people do not blindly trust the constructs of the election systems that are now in place.

With a demand to accept the new normal…. Former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama are hosting back-to-back conferences about disinformation in the days following Donald Trump’s ‘big announcement.’ 

Bush, 76, will host his The Struggle for Freedom conference in Dallas on November 16, while Obama’s democracy conference will be held in New York City on the 17th. 

Trump’s big announcement – largely rumored to be his 2024 presidential campaign announcement – is set for Tuesday. 

Organizers said the conferences were not planned together, but will focus on the rising threats from authoritarianism and disinformation. 

David J. Kramer, of the Bush Institute, said it was ‘terrific’ the two presidents would be focusing on similar topics, saying: ‘We’re very mindful of what’s happening in the United States, and we have to make sure we stay on a democratic path. (read more)

All just a coincidence…. nothing to see here, move along… move along.

Ignore any remembering that George Bush created the U.S. surveillance state (Patriot Act) and that Barack Obama weaponized it.  However, also remember, the most dangerous time for a victim is that moment when the abuser realizes their battered victim has become numb to the continued psychological effort.
