
Amid Escalating Protests, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Has Fled the Capital City of Ottawa – Canadian Safety Minister Refuses to Comfirm CBC Broadcast of Russians Surrounding the City

Comrades, with the massive Freedom Convoy of protesting Canadians still arriving by the hour, state media are reporting the Prime Minister has fled the capital city.

According to the CBC, for his safety Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been moved to a secret location.

(CBC) – […] Trudeau and his family are no longer at their home, Rideau Cottage, which is on the property of the Governor General’s residence in the New Edinburgh neighbourhood of Ottawa — roughly four kilometres from the epicentre of the protest.

The Prime Minister’s Office said it could not comment on Trudeau’s whereabouts for security reasons. His itinerary, which normally lists the city where he’s staying, said only that he’s in the “national capital region.” (read more)

This move comes hours after the CBC claimed on their broadcast that Russian invading forces had infiltrated the Canadian protest ranks, disguised themselves as truckers, and were attempting to destabilize the Trudeau government.

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said he would not comment on the media reports of Russian operatives currently encircling the capital.  Yes, this actually happened, video below:


Prominent Democrats Doubt the Safety and Efficacy of a COVID Vaccine They Now Demand Everyone Take

It’s easy to forget the previous position of nationally recognized and prominent Democrats regarding vaccine safety and efficacy. However, this short video summary provides examples of where they stood only a few months ago.

Not only did the top national Democrats question the safety of the COVID vaccine, but some also wanted to see the FDA and CDC taken apart so they could not push the vaccine upon American citizens.  WATCH:


In order for Democrats to advance their ideological agenda, they will ALWAYS pretend not to know things.


LAPD Warns People Not To Visit Area During Christmas – It’s Like The Purge, We Cannot Keep People Safe

Yikes!  This Christmas version of the Safari Park warning is as subtle as a brick through a window.

The Los Angeles police are telling the public not to come into the area for Christmas because it’s like “The Purge” movie.

LAPD Detective Jamie McBride recently told media, “My advice to anybody considering coming to Los Angeles is ‘Don’t,’ he said“We can’t guarantee your safety. It is really, really out of control […] It’s like that movie ‘Purge’ [sic]. Instead of 24 hours to commit your crime, these bad people have 365 days to commit whatever they want.” WATCH:

The deeper blue the region, the more dangerous the crime within it. This is the natural outcome of policy on a local level that allows criminal elements to operate without fear or accountability. Smash and grab robberies, armed robberies, carjacking, looting and the general breakdown of law and order is well underway in the municipal regions under the control of the Democrat Party apparatus.

These outcomes are the natural cause and effect from leftist policy being carried out. This is exactly the type of social anarchy that is predictable from a process of demonizing law enforcement, promoting social justice and letting the criminal elements within society take over.

The evolution of the Safari Rules has been ongoing for several years; however, now it appears the point of no return has been crossed. The situation is no longer reversible, because the law enforcement mechanisms have been deconstructed entirely. Additionally, the application of law and consequence has been withdrawn from the system.


Wow, Media Openly Advising Public to Use The Safari Rules When Entering Democrat Municipal Regions

An inevitable evolution now takes place as rampant crime, violence and anarchy take over the municipal regions controlled by leftists and Democrats.  What is described, in the video excerpt from ABC news in Maryland, is what we have described as the “Safari Rules.”

As stunning as it may seem at first glance, the media are informing the public on how to behave when entering any area were Democrats are in charge of civil society.  It is important not to accept this new normal; instead think about this broadcast in the larger picture of what it represents.  The media no longer question if you will be attacked; the media are now advising us on how to mitigate our pending attack.  The attack itself is a foregone conclusion.


The deeper blue the region, the more dangerous the crime within it.  This is the natural outcome of policy on a local level that allows criminal elements to operate without fear or accountability.   Smash and grab robberies, armed robberies, carjacking, looting and the general breakdown of law and order is well underway in the municipal regions under the control of the Democrat Party apparatus.

These outcomes are the natural cause and effect from leftist policy being carried out.  This is exactly the type of social anarchy that is predictable from a process of demonizing law enforcement, promoting social justice and letting the criminal elements within society take over.

The evolution of the Safari Rules has been ongoing for several years; however, now it appears the point of no return has been crossed.   The situation is no longer reversible because the law enforcement mechanisms have been deconstructed entirely.   Additionally, the application of law and consequence has been withdrawn from the system.


They Said Vaccines Were Safe For Pregnant Women, Now This Happens

Something troubling is happening in Scotland.  At least 21 babies under four weeks old died in September, a rate of 4.9 per 1,000 births.  The former average was 2.1 deaths per 1,000 births.  The nationalized health service tracks records, because everyone is on the same system; that’s why when an internal alarm is triggered by the data as it rolls in, they stop and look immediately.  Public Health Scotland says:

“Exceeding the upper control limit indicates there is a higher likelihood that there are factors beyond random variation that may have contributed to the number of deaths.”

(Story Link)

Kyle Rittenhouse Violated the Safari Principle

A good article outlining why Kyle Rittenhouse was considered a specifically purposeful target for the regime is written at Powerline Blog by Paul Mirengoff [SEE HERE].

What the author essentially describes is something CTH readers have witnessed for over a decade, we called it “The Safari Principle” narrative; and it surfaced in its most modern form during the George Zimmerman case.

In essence, the underlying elements of the Safari Principle narrative begin with a pretense that victims of the mob, any mob or individual predator, have no one except themselves to blame because they did not follow the rules of the safari.  When in the proximity of any person, event or situation that is engaged in an unlawful act supported by the political left, you are not permitted to exit your vehicle or engage in activity that will lead to your targeting.

If you enter their “space to destroy“, you are to blame for your own outcome.  The safari narrative includes catch phrases like “he should not have gotten out of the car,” and “he shouldn’t have traveled to Kenosha,” all based on the same principle.

(Powerline) […] The Rittenhouse prosecution and the demonization of him by the left (including the left-wing media) stems from a simple premise. Leftists, including Antifa and BLM, have the right to take to the street causing chaos and property damage, and when they do, those who disagree with them must stand aside while leftists run riot. If they don’t stand aside, they have no right to defend themselves against members of the mob who come after them — even if someone points a gun at them (as Grosskreutz did). (read more)

The first advocacy for the modern “Safari Principle” surfaced prior to the George Zimmerman trial, in the summer of 2012, when the professionally aggrieved first began the narrative: “He shouldn’t have gotten out of his car”.

Historically, we used to blame the victim by saying he/she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, politically it became too difficult to define where the wrong places were, and simultaneously legislators continued to struggle defining the right vs. wrong times law abiding people were allowed to be in these places.

Historically, the political media were skilled at excusing transparently guilty.  However, in the aftermath of the Obama paradigm shift, where the media began accusing the transparently innocent, a more specific rule was needed.


FDA Panel Votes Unanimously to Approve 5 to 11-year-old Vaccinations: “We’re Never Going to Learn About How Safe This Vaccine Is Unless We Start Giving It, That’s Just The Way It Goes”…

The FDA panel has voted 17 to 0 to approve the Pfizer vaccine for 5 to 11-year-olds.  One of the FDA Panelists, Dr. Ruben, outlined his support by saying We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That’s the way it goes.” 

Another panelist noted that 700 young people under the age of 18 have died ‘with‘ COVID, or COVID related symptoms in the past two years.  With the full support of the FDA panel, the large scale rollout of the vaccine in young children will now head to the CDC for final approvals. 

WASHINGTON DC – Vaccine advisers to the US Food and Drug Administration voted 17-0 with one abstention Tuesday to recommend Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine in children 5 to 11.

Members of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee agreed that the benefits of vaccinating younger children appeared to outweigh the risks, but some members appeared troubled about voting to vaccinate a large population of younger children based on studies of a few thousand.


Why is Pfizer Requesting Legal Immunity if Vaccines For 5 to 11 Year-Olds are Safe?

Alarming possibilities within the question….  None of them good.

Joe Biden is willing to allow experiments on our children.


Via Techno Fog – On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, the FDA is meeting “to discuss a request to amend Pfizer-BioNTech’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for administration of their COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to children 5 through 11 years of age.”   […]  If all the experts are correct – if there is no COVID-19 emergency for kids 5-11 years old – then why is Pfizer seeking an emergency use authorization?  (read more)


There is no other hill folks.


FBI Raids Beverly Hills Area Safe Deposit Boxes Fishing for Illegal Contraband, Then Confiscate all Contents Saying Owners Need To Prove Contents are Legal Property

This story is almost unbelievable, but unfortunately it is very real.  The FBI suspected a safe deposit box company named U.S. Private Vaults was participating in money laundering.  The feds gained a search warrant with very specific limitations (which they abruptly violated), to look at the legal contents of some boxes.  However, the judge said no content could be removed unless the FBI specifically could prove the content was illegal.

The feds ignored the search warrant parameters and just started busting open the boxes, confiscating $86 million in cash, jewelry, rare coins and precious metals.  When the owners went to court the FBI said the contents smelled like marijuana – ergo the owners had to prove how they came into legal possession of the items.  The issues are not resolved, but at least a few judges are rightly looking at this as a clear violation of the 4th amendment…..

(Los Angeles Times) – […] Ruiz is one of roughly 800 people whose money and valuables the FBI seized from safe deposit boxes they rented at the U.S. Private Vaults store in a strip mall on Olympic Boulevard.

Federal agents had suspected for years that criminals were stashing loot there, and they assert that’s exactly what they found. The government is trying to confiscate $86 million in cash and a stockpile of jewelry, rare coins and precious metals taken from about half of the boxes.


Biden Sticks to the Taliban Demanded August 31st Deadline, as CIA Director William Burns Negotiates Payments and Indulgency Fees to Keep Airport Safe During Final Week

The term “indulgency fee” is so much more appealing than “extortion“, just ask U.S. Ambassador John Christopher Stevens; oh,…wait. I digress.

It is being reported that CIA Director William Burns flew to Afghanistan to negotiate with Taliban leadership yesterday.  Earlier today,  Joe Biden tells the G7 nations that he is sticking to the August 31st withdrawal deadline imposed by the Taliban who are in control of almost all regions of the country including the capital city of Kabul.

For future reference, remember this CIA meeting with Taliban leadership in case the administration ever tries to say we do not negotiate with terrorists.  The Biden administration doesn’t have a choice.  The Taliban circle the airport in Kabul. The Taliban have U.S. made advanced technology surface-to-air missiles (SAMS) that we left with the Afghan army before their defeat.   As a consequence, the Taliban could easily begin shooting down any airplane attempting to take-off or land from the airport…

Hence… CIA Director Burns is almost certainly negotiating payment terms with the Taliban for safe passage.  We can only imagine how much money the Biden administration is paying the Taliban leadership to permit ongoing operations at the Kabul airport.   Think about how much Biden would pay to avoid the optics of a U.S. airplane carrying hundreds of Americans being blown out of the sky on CNN and BBC news.   That is how much we are paying.

Biden is telling everyone at the G7 he is sticking to the August 31st deadline date.  Biden addressed the leaders on the call for about seven minutes. The NATO allies are worried they will not be able to get their people out.  However, undoubtedly the extraction of Americans and allies AFTER August 31st is part of the agreement between the CIA (on behalf of Biden) and Taliban leaders.

The Taliban are not stupid, they have all the leverage in this dynamic.  The Taliban know this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to gain massive ransom payments without the international media visibility of physically holding hostages.  They also know the desperation of the Biden administration to avoid any painful optics.
