
North Miami High School Principal Fired For Supporting McKinney Police Officer – Same School District That Told Police To Hide Thug Behavior…

~ Irony So Thick It Is Almost Unbelievable ~

The same school district, Miami-Dade, and the same School Superintendent, Alberto Carvalho, that forced Miami-Dade School Police to hide the criminal conduct of Trayvon Martin (and all young black male students), has now fired a School Principal for stating support for a McKinney Police Officer on his Facebook page.

Alberto Iber - MDPSCarvalho with Biden

(Left) North Miami High School Principal Alberto Iber – (Right) Miami-Dade School Superintendent Alberto Carvahlo with Vice-President Joe Biden

According to the Miami Herald:

[…]  The Miami-Dade County school district announced Wednesday that Alberto Iber had been removed as principal after going online to defend a white Texas police officer who waved a gun at black teens while responding to a call about an unruly pool party.

[…] “He did nothing wrong,” Iber wrote in a comment that showed his Facebook picture, name, school and title. “He was afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions.”

Iber’s stance quickly prompted a passionate online response from Ambrose Sims, a black, retired Miami Beach Police veteran who joined the force at a time of racial strife in Miami in the 1980s. He also came out as gay and led a campaign for equal rights. Sims wrote, in part: “Such a comment reveals to me that you’re a serious part of the problem.”


Jesse Jackson Honors Trayvon Martin Death Anniversary – So It Is Fitting We Too Should Honor “The TRUTH Of Trayvon Martin”…

Jesse Jackson

So many outrageous lies surround the Trayvon Martin VS. George Zimmerman encounter.   Too many to actually write about.   However, just to show how totally fabricated is the story of Trayvon Martin’s life – Here is just one factual example of how egregiously wrong the story has been.   If President Obama had a son…


Now The Brutal Bias From The Orlando Sentinel In The Zimmerman Case Makes Sense – The Editorial Review Was Full Frontal Racial Bias From Black Content Approvers….

Perhaps people already knew this and I’m the first to catch on to the obvious.
When Rene Stutzman, a reporter for The Orlando Sentinel, informed me about the editorial board deciding “what” content would be “permitted to be discussed”, within the Trayvon Martin reporting of her newspaper, I had no idea the Senior Vice-President / Director of Content was African American.
Nor did I know the editor she was talking about, Mark Russell, was also African American.
It just never crossed my mind to ask.
Now I see two articles (here and here), discussing who was actually behind those decisions she was speaking toward, it all begins to make sense.
The editor in charge of the Sentinel was Mark Russell. Obviously, based on the extreme position taken by the editor and shared with me via Stutzman, the position was such that no aspect of Trayvon Martin’s background would be covered by the paper.  It was clearly a racial position.
A position amplified by the fact the Director of Content, Avido Khahaifa, would also be the key decision maker, and who was/is also demanding his reporters filter the news on the basis of race first.
Now it all makes sense. (more…)

A Truth Averse Media Will Drop Zimmerman Soon – Eric Holder Has Already Made That Decision, He's Just Saving Face For "My People"

Obama rose garden holderFirst, to address Eric Holder’s comments today:

[…] Independent of the legal determination that will be made, I believe that this tragedy provides yet another opportunity for our nation to speak honestly about the complicated and emotionally-charged issues that this case has raised. We must not – as we have too often in the past – let this opportunity pass.
[…] Moreover, I want to assure you that the Department will continue to act in a manner that is consistent with the facts and the law. We are committed to standing with the people of Sanford, with the individuals and families affected by this incident, and with our state and local partners in order to alleviate tensions, address community concerns, and promote healing. We are determined to meet division and confusion with understanding and compassion – and also with truth.
(link- his comments continue)

“Determined to meet division … with truth” Really? This is the type of comment you see associated with political pandering. Eric Holder already knows the truth, the FBI spent tens of thousands of hours looking for any evidence of racism in the Zimmerman case. None exists. (more…)

Failing Trayvon – The Miami-Dade School Police Department Scandal Begins To Gain Traction

Apparently the TRUTH Behind Our Investigations are reaching the mainstream blogosphere.   American Spectator has picked up the story.  So too has Atlasshrugs:  

Charles+Hurley+Mass+Held+Commemorating+Sept+lmV8IXDVXZ-lCharles Hurley

M-DSPD instructions developed and enforced by Chief Hurley reveal that their police reports were not created for the purposes of law enforcement, but for school disciplinary actions. 

  • The re-qualifying/redefining of student-police contacts ordered by the School Superintendent and the School Police Chief are at the heart of the issue that surfaces surrounding the Trayvon Martin case; and the involvement of Martin with the Miami-Dade School Police Dept
  • It was during 2009/2010 that the police chief had instructed his officers to find alternate methods for dealing with behavioral issues of school students.  Officer Tagle affirms, and other witnesses corroborate, the instructions were specifically targeted to young black males within the Miami-Dade Public School system.


  • On October 21st, 2011, a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade Police Report (PD111021-422483) matches the descriptive presented by SRO Dunn in his School Police report 2011-1477 (more…)

“Fire In The Hole” – These folks really don’t want answers to their ponderings….. It’s too difficult to accept.

patriotSometimes you’ve got to call the baby ugly.  

If things were not rapidly approaching a critical mass – this would not be needed.   Alas they are, and it is, and emotional obfuscations and insufferable detachments from reality need to be confronted:

Nettles:    In reading Robert Zimmerman’s book yesterday, I opined the characterization of Mr. O’Mara as a control freak was going to set off Diwataman and Sundance. Not sure if that is why the post today but it’s highly likely.

*yes, Correct.  THAT, and desperate plea(s) for immediate help – were the reasons for sharing the reality that is the O’Mara nightmare…./SD

Sundance is close-minded on the subject. He shut down my voice on it and many others. So with each posting those who disagree will shut-up or get banned. He’s entitled to his opinion as each of us are as well.  (link)

Pinecone (minpin) You guessed correctly Nettles. Yes, sundance has taken the O’mara said he was a control freak statement all the way in his latest trash piece. (more…)

The Zimmerman Trial Draws Near….

The Fifth District Court of Appeals has yet to rule on the Writ of Certiorari submitted by Mark O’Mara.

The goal of the appeal is to override trial Judge Nelson’s ruling protecting Martin family attorney, Benjamin Crump, from deposition.  Consequently this is the defense team’s attempt to compel Crump to answer questions about the evidence he submitted in the case.

Regardless of whether or not the defense team wins the appeal – the actual seating of Benjamin Crump seems highly unlikely. Crump learned his trade at the knee of the master, Al Sharpton, and there is no reason to believe a divergent outcome from Sharpton’s approach in the same regard when he was similarly disposed in the Tawana Brawley case.

It’s also expected the Zimmerman defense team should be releasing their 4th, and perhaps final, supplemental discovery release any time. Additionally, with the trail date closing in, there may be further reciprocal discovery released by the State of Florida. (more…)

GZ Case – Clarifying Some Misapplied Beliefs and Opinion….

Or as Dear Sharon would say, “Fire in the Hole”!   😀

The trial of George Zimmerman draws closer, so let me clarify some considerations, with perhaps a sense of urgency.   Some, heck, many, are searching for an agenda where none exists.

This is not a fight the Treehouse chose; This is a fight which chose the Treehouse.


First, The Conservative Treehouse (aka The Treehouse, The Last Refuge, the “nutters” et al) has never had any contact with the George Zimmerman defense. Never. Not Once. Ever. Not Mark O’Mara; Not Don West; Not either of their offices, interested parties, affiliates or representatives.

No, nor have we ever tried to contact them; Again, we repeat, “ever”. (more…)

M-DSPD Cover Up – The Curious Case Of Trayvon Martin’s Backpack With Stolen Jewelry and Burglary Tool…

Frances Robles - legal collectionIronically were it not for Frances Robles writing a Miami Herald article on March 26th 2012 an entire chain of events would not have taken place.

It was that Robles article, and the outlining of the Miami-Dade School Police Department’s report on a Trayvon Martin incident from October 2011, that kicked off an internal investigation by M-DSPD Police Chief Hurley against his own officers to find out who leaked the police report.

[Note: The Miami-Dade Public School System has its own Police force, and Chief, who report to the School Board and Superintendent – Not the Police Dept. The Police Chief is appointed by the School Superintendent, in this example, Alberto Carvalho]

October 2011

It was that M-DSPD internal affairs investigation which revealed in October 2011 Trayvon Martin was searched by School Resource Officer, Darryl Dunn. The search of Trayvon Martin’s backpack turned up at least 12 pcs of ladies jewelry, and a man’s watch, in addition to a flat head screwdriver described as “a burglary tool”.

When Trayvon was questioned about who owned the jewelry and where it came from, he claimed he was just holding it for a “friend”. A “friend” he would not name.

Later, after the police report was outlined in the Robles article, and despite Trayvon being suspended for the second time in a new school year, Martin family attorney, Benjamin Crump, said Trayvon’s dad, Tracy Martin, and Trayvon’s mom, Sybrina Fulton, did not know anything about the jewelry case.

It was only as a consequence of the M-DSPD internal affairs investigation that “why” they may not have known came to light. (more…)

The Miami-Dade Issues With Trayvon Martin – Full Recap (Six Officer Sworn Affidavits)

After receiving hundreds of pages from the first round of FOIA requests from Miami-Dade, we have a better understanding of the issues which led to the suspension and later removal of Miami-Dade School Police Chief Hurley.   We also better understand why the historical activities of Trayvon Martin have been difficult to locate.

Miami Dade Schools Police Department

The first part of the publicly requested document release shows aspects surrounding an Internal Affairs investigation following the shooting of Trayvon Martin.    Within the investigation dozens of witnesses gave sworn statements to investigative officers.

Included in the witness affidavits were six officers accused of leaking information to the media, and their statements reveal a systemic attempt by Chief Hurley to cover-up the instructions by Hurley to his officers.

From their statements, made under oath, it is apparent that sometime around 2009/2010 the police chief gave instructions for his officers to find alternate methods outside of the criminal justice system to confront the behavioral issues of school students.

As officer Tagle affirms, and other witnesses corroborate, the instructions were specifically targeted to young black males within the Miami-Dade Public School system.  Targeted to keep their unlawful behavior away from engagement with the correction system and aimed to use school discipline instead of criminal corrections within the justice system. (more…)