SAF = Slowly At First

As unsettled things begin to take on increased frequency and concern, and at the suggestion of some long-time Treeper members, I agree there may be a benefit to sharing information with each other from our regions.

We are unlikely to get a fulsome understanding of what is taking place nationally from any media outlet. Indeed, there is a greater likelihood of disturbances and regional issues being downplayed and dismissed as they were in the “knock-out game” era.  So, I am going to occasionally post SAF articles where discussion on regional security issues, disturbances that appear coordinated, can be shared among our Treehouse community.

All future SAF posts will be password protected, at least for the first 24 hours.  This will permit me to review the conversation prior to (if at all) removing the restriction and allowing public review.  By now, all CTH readers should be familiar with the password for protected posts.

Consider the SAF threads a specific focus where we can address concerns of regional conflict, civic disturbance or any concerns that appear to threaten the tranquility of our area, neighborhood, region, village or location.   The SAF threads will be a place where you can review what is happening on a more national basis and get an idea of what types of potential threats to civil disorder might be starting to surface.

These SAF threads are for you.  For us to understand the scale and scope of any civic unrest that might be happening.  Your comments are the point of the SAF posts, and I will also put any larger national story into the equation for discussion.  A simple state and area are all that is needed for sharing, ie, central Mississippi, Virginia southern coast, etc. No need to get specific, just ground reports with general proximity identified.

Additionally, if you have general advice, suggestions, thoughts or plans that you have put into place and feel may benefit the audience, feel free to share your advice and suggestions.   Again, this is a conversation.

The purpose is three-fold.  One, so we have an understanding of what is happening.  Two, so we can share and counsel with best ideas and suggestions.  Three, so that we realize we are not alone.

More later.

Love to all,

~ Sundance
