
The "Trump Conservative War" – The Great Trumpian Divide – National Review VS Mainstreet…

There is an expression:

“I will leave you naked before your enemies”…

A proactive assertion essentially stating: if you chose to engage in war with me – not only do I promise your defeat against my interests, but I will lay you open to exposure from all adversaries – who will then take advantage of your new vulnerability.
goldberg headshotrich lowry
Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is doing a remarkable job filling the role behind this proclamation.  In a seismic political shift Trump has gone far beyond drawing a line in the sand.  He has openly dug a trench on his pre-selected battle space within conservative encampments.
Without any apology or hidden motive, he has filled the trench with a highly explosive electorate fuel (the result from years of Republican lies and deceit) and he is openly standing behind his formation twirling a Zippo while looking toward the deceivers.
As a direct result of this approach the enemy inside the wire is being forced to expose themselves.  The various “Robert’s-The Bruce”, per se’, are in a precarious position of attacking -in vain effort to retain the necessary ruse- however, consequently exposing their alignment with usurping powers of Machiavellian intent. (more…)

An Open Letter To Jonah Goldberg – RE: The GOP and Donald Trump

A few days ago I took the time to read your expressed concerns about the support you see for Donald Trump and the state of current conservative opinion.  Toward that end I have also noted additional media present a similar argument, and I took the time to consider.
goldberg headshotWhile we are of far lesser significance and influence, I hope you will consider this retort with the same level of consideration afforded toward your position.
The challenging aspect to your expressed opinion, and perhaps why there is a chasm between us, is you appear to stand in defense of a Washington DC conservatism that no longer exists.
I hope you will indulge these considerations and correct me where I’m wrong.
On December 23rd 2009 Harry Reid passed a version of Obamacare through forced vote at 1:30am.  The Senators could not leave, and for the two weeks previous were kept in a prolonged legislative session barred returning to their home-state constituencies.  It was, by all measures and reality, a vicious display of forced ideological manipulation of the upper chamber.  I share this reminder only to set the stage for what was to follow.
Riddled with anxiety we watched the Machiavellian manipulations unfold, seemingly unable to stop the visible usurpation.   Desperate for a tool to stop the construct we found Scott Brown and rallied to deliver $7 million in funding, and a “Kennedy Seat” victory on January 19th 2010. (more…)

Removing "Politi-speak" With Plain Speak – VA Rep Dave Brat Interview On Current Politics…

Virginia Representative Dave Brat is the House conservative wolverine who took down Majority Leader Eric Cantor in 2014. A plain spoken constitutional and fiscal conservative who is EXACTLY the type of citizen legislature we need in Washington DC.

“Brat and Congressman Gary Palmer (R-AL6) sat down for an in-studio interview with Yellowhammer Radio host Cliff Sims to discuss the current climate in DC, some of the hottest political topics of the day, and the 2016 Presidential race.” (link)

Listen to the interview, it’s well worth your time. I’ll bet you find yourself listening to the entire 14 minutes because it’s profoundly refreshing to hear a wolverine discuss current DC politics without being attached to the GOPe machine.

Obviously the “budget talk” is near and dear to many, myself included – and it’s darn refreshing to hear we have representatives who actually ‘GET IT’. And, coincidentally, how those oft-diminished wolverines view Donald Trump’s Presidential efforts as possible light at the end of the tunnel.
Article about the discussion – HERE – and Dave Brat’s Website is HERE

Donald Trump -vs- The Decepticons – The Fight Against The Media….

Anyone who is viewing the battle between Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly as a representative battle of thin-skinned ego is entirely missing the point.

Roger Ailestrump with hat

Trump is not just taking on the construct of progressive ideology that has undermined the essence of American exceptionalism, he’s taking on the very selfish foundation they’ve used to sell out our country.   Hell, he’s taking on all the “Decepticons” simultaneously.
In many ways Fox’s Roger Ailes and Republican Mitch McConnell carry the same ideological character trait, deception.  For McConnell his deceptive ways allow him to retain power inside the DC construct.   For Roger Ailes manipulation benefits his media dominance and political interests.  Neither McConnell nor Ailes can actually be trusted.
It all boils down to a very familiar problem.  Would you rather rid yourself of the schemer, manipulator and deceiver who claims to be your friend – and as a consequence face a visible enemy in their stead.  Or do you chose to be associated within the camp of a person you can never fully trust. (more…)

President Obama Begins The Annual Budgetary Pearl Clutching Routine…

Here we go again.  It’s that time of year when we get to see media elevated President Obama smack around the best the GOP can offer.  Mr. Mumbles and Sir Cry-a-Lot, again to be out maneuvered, out strategized and publicly ridiculed.

WASHINGTON – […] Obama also called upon lawmakers to craft a budget plan when they return. There are only a few legislative days left for them to do so – or the government could come to a screeching halt, as it did in 2014.
“Congress also hasn’t passed a budget,” Obama said. “They’ve had all year to do this.”

I’ve prompted the video to the budget part so you don’t have to suffer through the lead in:

The last time a federal budget was passed into law was September of 2007 for fiscal year 2008 and it was signed by President Bush. President Obama has not had a single day in office with a federal budget, EVER. (more…)

House Approves Obama “Fast Track Trade Authority” – Boehner and McConnell Working To Deliver Victory For Trade Bill….

The vote was 218-208. Backing the bill were 190 Republicans and 28 Democrats; 50 Republicans and 158 Democrats voted against it. Eight members did not vote.

Neither Wall Street nor their 24/7/365 lobbying group, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, care about U.S. jobs.  Their collective stakes are based on business financial statements which can be improved if expenses are reduced and labor costs are outsourced.

Tom Donohue, CoC President, controls the congressional reelection purse strings.  Both John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are beholden to Tom Donohue; that’s why both are working earnestly to deliver something vital to the CoC and President Obama.

tom donohueMcConnell and Boehner

Well written article -> (Via Politico) […]  It’s the second time in two weeks that Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) chamber voted to approve the legislation. The legislation was halted last week by House Democrats, who voted against an aid package for workers in an attempt to scuttle the larger trade agenda. This time, Boehner and McConnell devised a complicated process that could deliver Obama his biggest legislative achievement in years.

The legislative maneuvering, on which Boehner and McConnell consulted with Obama during a conference call this week, could result in Obama approving the trade package before the July 4 recess — and eventually usher in a trade deal that would touch 40 percent of the global economy. The fast-track authority is essential, proponents say, because it would bar Congress from making any changes to the Trans-Pacific Partnership after a deal is reached between the U.S. and other negotiating countries. Lawmakers would get only an up-or-down vote on the pact. (more…)

The Arsonist Within the Republic…

Ann Coulter has a new book coming out, “Adios America“.  Essentially a full throated point of advocacy outlining the inherent danger of illegal immigration.  As part of her pre-release publicity tour Ms. Coulter is making media rounds to advocate her positions for the arguments within it.
With that in mind – she walks into the lions den of amnesty support in an interview with Jorge Ramos. (The full interview will air on Fusion TV tomorrow):

“I have a little tip. If you don’t want to be killed by ISIS, don’t go to Syria. If you don’t want to be killed by a Mexican, there’s nothing I can tell you,” Coulter said in an interview Tuesday with Fusion’s Jorge Ramos. (link)

Now it might seem, at least initially, that most conservatives would align with the presented arguments of Ms. Coulter as she opines about the inherent danger caused by the borderless global leftists and their dangerous immigration policies.
However, her latest position, while indeed an argument I personally would agree with, highlights something even more dangerous to our Republic and provides an example of something almost NO-ONE pays attention to. Ms. Coulter is like an arsonist amid the fire department. (more…)

Senate Decepticons Advance Trade Maneuver To Give Obama New Power in TPP Trade Deal…

Tell me again what benefit there was to re-electing Mitch McConnell, or giving Republicans the victory in the Senate?

McConnell and BoehnerTrade Promotion Authority or TPA contains fast-track provisions would allow Congress, under strict timelines, to consider trade deals with a simple up-or-down vote without any amendments or requirements of a Senate super-majority to end debate.
This would grant new power to the executive branch and reduce congressional ability to modify of block the TPP bill itself.  Obviously this would help Obama complete the final details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), with the other 11 nations, a bloc that represents about 40 percent of the global economy.

(Via Washington Post)  President Obama won a big victory for his trade agenda Friday with the Senate’s approval of fast-track legislation that could make it easier for him to complete a wide-ranging trade deal that would include 11 Pacific Rim nations.

A coalition of 48 Senate Republicans and 14 Democrats voted for Trade Promotion Authority late Friday, sending the legislation to a difficult fight in the House, where it faces more entrenched opposition from Democrats.


Grouchy Boehner – Tells Senate Democrats "Get Off Your Ass"….

BoehnerWASHINGTON DC – House Speaker John Boehner called on Senate Democrats on Wednesday to “get off their ass” and take up a $40 billion Homeland Security funding measure before a Feb. 27 deadline.
The House-passed measure has been stalled in the Senate thanks to a Democratic filibuster.
On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the gridlock means it is now “up to the House” to determine what to do next.
Boehner signaled Wednesday he disagrees with McConnell. (more…)

White House Telling Congressional Black Caucus Netanyahu Speech Is Racism Against Obama, So Don't Attend…

Yes, finally someone seems to ‘get it’.   The current White House manipulative narrative around the Benjamin Netanyahu speech is entirely the result of Team Obama’s pride, ego and anger about the way Netanyahu was received during his May 24th 2011 speech:

Back in 2011 President Obama, ValJar, Denis McDonough et al. were furious at how well received Netanyahu’s speech was amid a bipartisan congress. Obama himself has never had such a warm reception and rousing applause. Yes, this four year grudge is a big part of the reason for the White House constructing an entire operation to discredit Netanyahu this time around….. The White House is so desperate they are now playing the race card against Netanyahu and Boehner.
Good insightful article from Commentary Magazine below: