
Harry Reid Endorses Paul Ryan For Speaker of House…

The House of Representatives has almost solidified the Democrat support they need to nominate Paul Ryan as the next Speaker of The House.

Current Speaker John Boehner supports Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi and now Harry Reid also support Ryan; Pelosi saying the Democrats would vote affirmatively to support Ryan, and numerous Republican media pundits also supporting Paul Ryan.

house senate leadership boehner pelosi reid mcconnellHouse Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan And Sen. Sessions Discuss GOP Budget Plan

With solidly predictable support, the decision now rests with Paul Ryan.

WASHINGTON DC – Harry Reid just gave Paul Ryan an unwelcome endorsement for speaker.  The Democratic leader offered his surprise backing for Ryan (R-Wis.) to assume the House speakership, saying he hopes Ryan runs and wins the job because he’s a “Paul Ryan fan.” (more…)

Deconstructing The CBS Report – Hillary Clinton/Benghazi Obfuscation….

Following up to yesterday and the Elijah Cummings pre-testimony report, let’s focus on the CBS presentation therein.

ben rhodes 1CBS is a good reference to show the media obfuscation attempts because CBS holds a vested self-interest in deflections around the various Benghazi narratives.  You might remember it was Ben Rhodes who wrote the Benghazi talking points; Ben’s brother David is President of CBS News.

In addition, you might also remember it was CBS, via 60 Minutes, who withheld/embargoed a broadcast pre election 2012 where President Obama denied al-Qaeda’s terrorist involvement.

A claim Obama denied making in the Candy Crowley debate against his opponent Mitt Romney.  CBS covered Obama’s ass allowing the lie to go undiscovered until after the November 2012 election.  It was also CBS who refused to allow Sharyl Attkisson to continue investigative reporting on the Benghazi story.

Here’s the current presentation of the Elijah Cummings report by CBS: (more…)

GOPe Leadership and Democrats Preparing To Support Paul Ryan and Wage War Against Conservative Base…

It really is stunning how open the republican leadership in both the House and Senate are with their disdain for the base of their own party. Reports now surfacing that the GOPe has entered negotiations with Nancy Pelosi to support Paul Ryan.

According to Roll Call the Democrats are willing to elect Ryan if the GOPe promise to give them comprehensive immigration reform and amnesty legislation.  Representative Steve King warns of the political bloodbath which would follow such a deal.

Paul RyanBoehner - Cantor- McCarthy - House-GOP-leaders-

(Via Breitbart) As Rep. Paul Ryan’s history of working for open borders has come under increasing scrutiny, conservative lawmakers have begun to publicly insist that any person who seeks to ascend to the Speakership must oppose amnesty and represent the vast majority of GOP voters who want to close the immigration valve.

As Politico recently reported, conservative Congressman Steve King (R-IA)warned that there will be a “major intraparty battle over immigration if Paul comes forward.” “A majority of the conference is on my side of this argument,” King declared. (more…)

Progressive Republican Caucus (GOPe) Prepare To Force Rep. Paul Ryan Upon House of Representatives…

As if on cue the Salem Media machine starts singing the praises of Representative Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House.   ~ GOOD TIME TO REMEMBER THIS ~

No-one needed any further evidence of how insufferably corrupt the progressive republican party has become; however, today is a brutal reminder of just how much the GOPe absolutely despise the base of their own party.

hugh hewittRomney Ryan 2

There were three names available for the secret ballot to take place in congress, Kevin McCarthy, Jason Chaffetz and Daniel Webster.  While each of the aforementioned names carry both pros and cons, an objective person would have to ask why, if only one name is withdrawn (McCarthy), the House Leadership wouldn’t continue with the secret ballot with the two remaining names.

The decision to stop the vote is yet another blast of sunlight to evidence of what almost every Republican Conservative is now fully aware.  Namely the progressive GOPe will not allow a leadership election to take place without “their chosen progressive” as the ultimate winning nominee.  The uniparty has a strong grip. (more…)

The Vulgarian Effect – Congressional Republicans Trying To Trump Up Their Conservative Credentials…

At the beginning of last month we sharedThere is an expression:

“I will leave you naked before your enemies”…

A proactive assertion essentially stating: if you chose to engage in war with me – not only do I promise your defeat against my interests, but I will lay you open to exposure from all adversaries – who will then take advantage of your new vulnerability.


Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is doing a remarkable job filling the role behind this proclamation. In a seismic political shift Trump has gone far beyond drawing a line in the sand. He has openly dug a trench on his pre-selected battle space within conservative encampments.

Without any apology or hidden motive, he has filled the trench with a highly explosive electorate fuel (the result from years of Republican lies and deceit) and he is openly standing behind his formation twirling a Zippo while looking toward the deceivers.

As a direct result of this approach the enemy inside the wire is being forced to expose themselves. The various “Robert’s-The Bruce”, per se’, are in a precarious position of attacking -in vain effort to retain the necessary ruse- however, consequently exposing their alignment with usurping powers of Machiavellian intent. (link)

Three days ago Speaker of the House John Boehner announces his stepping-down and no-longer running for office.
Now today, this shows up (notice too it’s published in National Review):

Where the HECK was this 10 months ago? (more…)

Fiscal Year 2015 Ends Today – With It, Our Patience…

Today is September 30th, the final day of fiscal year 2015 for the federal government. Tomorrow, October 1st, begins the first day of Fiscal Year 2016.

McConnell and Boehner
Despite the Republicans controlling both the House of Representatives and the Senate, there is still no federal budget for the fiscal year beginning tomorrow.
Instead of a budget, the Republicans have chosen to advance yet another “Continuing Resolution” (CR), and yet another insufferable debt ceiling increase, to fund federal spending for 2016. A massive slap in the face to the conservative electorate that gave the Republicans majorities in both chambers.
The last federal budget was signed into law in September of 2007 by President George W. Bush. Since that time the federal deficit has exploded due (in no small part) to the 2009 trillion dollar “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act“, commonly known as the “stimulus bill“, that has been embedded in the baseline of federal spending and re-spent every year for the past seven years.
Seven trillion dollars in federal deficit spending specifically because there has never been a budget since Fiscal year 2008.
Both Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, and Speaker of The House John Boehner, swore to the base of the party, if they were given control in November 2014 they would return to “regular order”; regular budgetary order.

They Lied !


Wall Street, K-Street, and Polling With Marco Rubio / Jeb Bush…

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government…

And then you have those powerful entities, the adverse interests, who seek to retain their personal benefit within the construct of a corrupted political system.

Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox's Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)
Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox’s Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)

If you were to define Wall Street you would not be able to separate various entities who are operating entirely to retain power, influence and personal benefit, at any cost.
Certainly not the least among them Rupert Murdoch (Fox, Fox Business Channel, National Geographic, FX; the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, TV Guide; Barron’s and SmartMoney; book publisher HarperCollins; film production companies 20th Century Fox, Fox Searchlight Pictures and Blue Sky Studios), and the various international business interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, President Tom Donohue, and a host of high-finance Hedge Fund Managers who are working earnestly to control a vulgarian uprising amid the electorate.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Lobbying Efforts 2014/2015:

These legislative priorities are not just the goals of the self interested billionaire class of connected power brokers, Wall Street.  No, like ObamaCare, these goals are antithetical to the best interests of a nation.  Freedom is lessened as a consequence of their passage.
Both House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell have facilitated the pathway to passage for these legislative priorities.  While Wall Street purchased insurance policies by way of political representatives to aid the facilitation. (more…)

No Budget Boehner Resigns A Week Before Fiscal Year Begins…..

In advance of Cold Anger the enemy flees !

Speaker John Boehner Quits

You’ll notice not a single reporter is questioning Speaker John Boehner over the missing Federal Budget.  A budget for a fiscal year that starts in SIX DAYS, on October 1st.  A fiscal year 2016 without a budget despite the House and Senate being in Republican control.
Boehner’s explanation?  Blah, blah, blah….   However, pay close attention to what Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says (at 01:23) from the Senate floor about Speaker Boehner’s leaving.

 (01:23)….”and he took over at a very difficult time for his party“…

Let that sink in.  Whose party?  “HIS PARTY” says “Republican” Senate Leader Mitch McConnell.

Reminder: Why Trump Battles The Fox News Machine…

Anyone who is viewing the battle between Donald Trump and Fox News as a representative battle of thin-skinned ego is entirely missing the point.

Roger Ailestrump with hat

Trump is not just taking on the construct of progressive ideology that has undermined the essence of American exceptionalism; Trump is not just exposing the immense number of faux-conservatives in media and political punditry;  Trump is not just allowing us to see the scope of anti-American interest; no, he’s taking on the very selfish foundation they’ve used to sell out our country. Heck, he’s taking on all the “Decepticons” simultaneously.
In many ways Fox’s Roger Ailes and Republican Mitch McConnell carry the same ideological character trait, deception. For McConnell his deceptive ways allow him to retain power inside the DC construct. For Roger Ailes manipulation benefits his media dominance and political interests.
Neither McConnell nor Ailes can actually be trusted.  However, we are only just beginning to understand the enormity and scope of the previously hidden betrayal.
It all boils down to a very familiar problem. Would you rather rid yourself of the schemer, manipulator and deceiver who claims to be your friend – and as a consequence face a visible enemy in their stead. Or do you chose to be associated within the camp of a person you can never fully trust. (more…)

The UniParty Evidenced – Another Missing Federal Budget, This Time With Republicans In Full Control…

It was September of 2007 when George W Bush sat behind his oval office desk and signed into law the Fiscal Year 2008 Federal Budget. Exactly eight years ago.
It has now been eight consecutive years without a federal budget. Eight consecutive years of debt ceiling increases, continuing resolutions to fund government, threats of shut-downs and the insufferable back-and-forth blame.
McConnell and Boehner
But this year is different. You see for this budgetary year (constructed in ’15 for fiscal year 2016) the Republicans hold significant majorities in both the House and the Senate. And for those of you who don’t pay as close attention to these things, the fiscal year starts on October 1st.

Yeah, exactly a week from now !

and yet we have NO BUDGET. Why?
Well, the honest answer to that question is what scares the hell out of the Professional Republican party. We have no federal budget this year, because, just like the Democrat party, the GOP doesn’t want a federal budget. (more…)