Comrades, if you were hoping to take the kids to the Drag Queen Story time at Ramstein Airforce base tomorrow in celebration of global Pride Month, unfortunately the 86th Airlift Wing has cancelled the event.

After initially telling everyone, “We’re celebrating Pride Month at the Ramstein Library with Drag Queen Storytime! Be sure to wear your brightest and most colorful outfits!,” apparently, the chief of public affairs, Lt. Col. Will Powell, now says the event did not go through the vetting process prior to the announcement.

According to the Washington Examiner: “The controversial event comes amid a growing ideological divide among liberals and conservatives about how and who should be teaching children about sexuality.

Conservatives have argued that these lessons should be left up to the parents, while some liberals in educational settings have begun teaching children about these topics according to their own views, at times without parental consent.” (more)

However, comrade binaries, all is not lost.  The United States Marines and the United States Airforce are putting their best boots forward and promoting inclusive wokeism as part of a new military outlook under the new leadership of a more progressive -and sensitive- commander in chief.

With additional military forward deployment and support for Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a male pronoun comfortable in stilettos, the enlightened coalition will soon arrive in the rainbow fields of Ukraine to combat the horribly patriarchal Russian advancement.

The U.S. Marines are well positioned in the cultural battlespace as noted by their announcement earlier today:

The pesky Russians don’t stand a chance against a well choreographed advance reconnaissance team.  The few and very proud, with a well trained twerking division of soldiers ready to bare it all in defense of our allies, are practicing their line-dance formations as we speak.

Joint Chiefs’ Chair Mark Milley has assured Defense Secretary Austin that our fabulous troops will be well protected.  The angels on their shoulders have triggered rainbow air support.

Dear leader has yet to announce who will be bringing up the rear; however, we suspect the U.S. army will rise to the occasion.

Be afraid President Putin and Chairman Xi… be very afraid! 

…The loss of the Donbas is merely a flesh wound.
