The latest Islamic Jihad attack against Western values took place yesterday in Nice, France.  Eye witnesses have reported the driver of the truck specifically targeted families with children, steering into them for maximum Jihadist terror value.  At least 80 men, women and children have been slaughtered.
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Two weeks before yesterday, the attack location was an Istanbul Turkey, airport.  Last month it was an Orlando, Florida, nightclub.  In the month prior it was Brussels, and before that San Bernardino, and before that Paris, and before that, well, you get the picture…
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However, there is a way to solve the ISIS/al-Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood threat, to break the cycle of Jihad pictured above.
There are four leaders who we believe could eliminate this threat with the severity it requires.  And because there is a very strong possibility those four international leaders will be able to communicate soon on behalf of their nations, we are optimistic.
Those four leaders are: Fattah el-Sisi in Egypt, King Abdullah II of Jordan, Vladimir Putin of Russia and hopefully Donald Trump of the United States.
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The clarity toward terror threats carried by these four leaders is 180° divergent from current U.S. President Barack Obama and his coalition.  Indeed, historically, President Obama has distanced himself and his quasi-interventionist foreign policy from each of these national leaders.
In the game of Geo-politics and influence, almost everyone is aware Obama’s world vision is shared by self-centered authoritarian regimes, who hold favorable opinions of far-right Muslim political entities like the Muslim Brotherhood.
Turkey’s Recep Erdogan is one example of an ideological traveler in the vision and mold of Obama.  Other, more western -and less influential- leaders, who assemble under the Obama umbrella are multinational corporatist’s, liberals and financial globalists writ large.
MuslimBrotherhood2Every ideological friend President Obama has established since he took office is a blind apologist to the ideological strain of hatred we now call ISIS.
A strain of political Islam that stems from the original tenets of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Those who have clear eyes about this ideological foe, are marginalized by President Obama and his praetorian cabinet of fellow travelers, including Hillary Clinton.
The Obama clan are constitutionally incapable of eliminating the threat that is radical Islam, and as a direct consequence they put moderate and sectarian voices like Sisi (Egypt) and Abdullah (Jordan) at risk.
As a consequence of President Obama’s refusal to aide our traditional moderate allies, Fattah el-Sisi and King Abdullah have already turned to Putin for help.
Because of President Obama’s specific, intentional and willful blindness he has force the creation of a military alliance between Egypt, Jordan and Russia.  The U.S. created a void, and in large measure now stands as an ideological barrier to the elimination of the threat created within that void.
ISIS is al-Qaeda, which in turn is the Muslim Brotherhood.  There is no difference, beyond semantics, between the expressed ideology of either group.  Their individual forces and followers are as interchangeable as the lead members of the Libyan regional tribes were in 2011.  Their collective goal is the most authentic version of Islam possible where they collectively agree upon such definitions.
Jordanian pilot burned alive in cage ISISISIS-Beheading-Journalist
If the next U.S. President will reverse course and join the Egypt-Jordan-Russian alliance, ISIS -as an extremist force- will be eliminated with extreme prejudice within a matter of weeks, not months or yearsWEEKS.
The current three member alliance is also clear-eyed on the reality that is Turkey, who, as long as currently led by Recep Erdogan with his grand visions of a returning Ottoman Empire, is a hurdle to the resettlement of a peaceful Syrian nation.  Turkey needs to be kicked out from behind the skirt of NATO.
This alliance, well united, can construct and enforce a new geography providing a new nation of Kurdistan from the northern Iraqi region and hopefully end at least a third of the confrontational violence that stems as a factor of a failed Iraqi state.
Additionally, Russia via Vladimir Putin has enough leverage to control the threat that is Iran; and in this authors opinion, with a reasonable influence forcing restraint, the Green Movement within Iran can rise again to create change from the inside, which is the only fundamental change that is going to insure stability in the Middle East.
Tenuous though it may be, and quite possibly just as self-serving (however, self-serving for the right reasons) there is a glimmer of light at the end of this possible tunnel.
El-Sisi has already shown the courage needed to confront the extremist voices within the Salafist movement, and to his credit he has challenged the intellectual hub of Islam to confront the cancer that is ideological, authentic, Islam carried out to it’s worst possible conclusion.
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