You have probably seen multiple written accounts, stories and publish articles, recently about a growing international backlash.   This stems from revelations that under the specific direction of President Obama  the NSA (National Security Agency) has been spying upon a growing contingent of international leaders. 
Our allies are furious with the NSA for spying on them and their respective leaders.   Consequently U.S. credibility and trust has been deconstructed.
Indeed, by recent count the list of Allied Western nations rising in open opposition to President Obama, and his administration, stands around 35.  That’s THIRTY FIVE.
It is against that bold and visible backdrop we wish to draw back your attention.
In July of 2012, during his Term-two presidential bid, President Obama gave a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno, Nevada. His speech was specifically constructed to outline his accomplishments:

“Because we’re leading around the world, people have a new attitude toward America.” “There’s more confidence in our leadership. We see it everywhere we go.”
Barack Obama July 2012

At the time many of us just about fell out of our seats. With quick dispatch, and working purely from immediate memory, we outlined the following:

[2012]  There are many administration claims that I shake my head when I hear, but this one is perhaps the worst. It is a complete and utter fallacy to proclaim President Obama’s foreign policy has been even remotely successful. This is just freestyle off the top of my head, but consider:

•Iran has slaughtered the freedom movement; is now almost in possession of a nuclear weapon, and is now in possession of Top Secret drone technology. •China is test launching ICBM’s from the coastal area of Los Angeles and has formed an alliance with Russia and Euro-asia, not to mention contracts with Canada for energy resources. •Vladimir Putin openly mocks and belittles President Obama in front of Global Allies. •Al-Qaeda is surging in the middle east: Yemen is gone, Egypt is under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood, Libya is controlled by radical Islamists and the al-Qaeda flag flies atop the courthouses in Tripoli and Benghazi. •North Africa is in terroristic turmoil. Israel is isolated. •Turkey has done a 180 degree turn back to radical Islam. •al-shabbab has sent operatives from North Africa into the United States via Mexico. •Obama mocks Netanyahu openly in France to Sarkozy, and France coincidently elects a Socialist. •North Korea is test firing Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, and has openly engaged heavy artillery fire against South Korea our ally, who we just signed a trade agreement with. •Coptic Christians are being killed in Egypt. •Afghanistan’s President calls our troops on their soil “the scourge upon their nation”.  •Pakistan has become openly hostile to the West and radical Islamists now make decisions.  •Chile and Brazil are drilling in the Gulf of Mexico while we refuse to explore and actually ban our own U.S interest companies to drill.  •The EU has openly laughed in the face of Timothy Geithner as he attempted to influence European budget reform.  •Thousands of tons of chemical and biological weapons are missing from Egypt, Libya and Syria.  •At least 20,000 surface to air missiles are now in the hands of AQNA and AQAP. •300 US Marines were sent to Uganda to capture ”General Kony” of the Lords Resistance Army, for what? – um, err, FAIL.

I could go on……. but I think you get the point…..

I’m serious, deadly serious. We, as a nation, are openly mocked now, totally belittled by countries that are pissants in comparison. “Respect”? Seriously? Consider who is in charge of this most excellent and “respected” foreign policy….. lest we forget Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the 300 pages of Wikileak documents FROM HER that belittled 100 nations and specifically their national leadership. Hello? Remember her FULL YEAR apology tour?  Yeah, respect… uh huh… keep spinning that crap….

Or Susan Rice, US Ambassador to the United Nations, who was in South Africa at a Bovine Fart conference for Global Warming (I’m not kidding look it up) when the UN National Security Council was deciding what to do about Kadaffi and Libya – Hence the International Criminal Court Charges that dragged on the Libyan quagmire. Or Senior Foreign Policy maker Samantha Powers, wife of Cass Sunstein, who is an affirmed anti-Israeli bigot and known anti Semite who relished openly the uprising of Islamist Justice Mustafa Abdel Jalil.

Egypt Obama Sign

[2013]  Now, it is important to remember ALL of that was PRIOR to Benghazi 9/11/12 so we can now add:

•A red line threat was made against Syria’s Assad regarding WMD use which was never followed through upon.  •Russia, yet again, has stepped in to diminish the United States in the Middle East – specifically in Syria.  •Despite Obama’s warm embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi, the Egyptian People have risen up to dispatch radical Islam even with our threats of withholding financial aid.  •Eastern Libya, Benghazi and surrounding areas, have exploded with radical Islam and their President was kidnapped by extremists.  •Our own U.S. Ambassador was assassinated in Benghazi on 9/11/12.  •The U.S. Embassy has been overrun in Cairo Egypt, TWICE.   •For 11 days we closed all U.S. Embassies in the Middle East out of “an abundance of security caution”. •al-Shabbab has just carried out one of the biggest terror attacks ever against the West in Kenya. •Mali has been completely infiltrated with radicals and terrorists took over a BP Oil refinery killing dozens.  •One of our own NSA top-secret employees is now seeking asylum in Russia and revealing embarrassing details of how widespread our intelligence gathering is; and, oh yeah, •Iran is about a month away from full weapons-grade uranium.

Again, I think the point is made….

Can anyone (other than Chris “Tingles” Matthews) intellectually say the United States is MORE respected now than before President Obama took office?

Obama Wiping Forehead
Credit for the Headline goes to elvischupacabra
