
Detroit Voter Fraud so Extensive Half of Initial Votes Ineligible for Recount…

If anyone thought a Michigan ballot recount was going to end up being a net positive for Hillary Clinton, they are intellectually disconnected from understanding the reality of how fraudulent the most democrat precincts are in Wayne County (Detroit) Michigan.
Election laws put into place specifically to protect the fraud, and ensure the manipulative discoveries are never identified, now mean the votes cannot be recounted.
MICHIGAN – One-third of precincts in Wayne County could be disqualified from an unprecedented statewide recount of presidential election results because of problems with ballots.
Michigan’s largest county voted overwhelmingly for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, but officials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of vote results late last month. (more…)

Two Dade County Florida Campaign Operatives Arrested For Voter Fraud…

We noted earlier that Broward and Dade County (FL) held a particular importance for Democrats around two issues:  Electing Hillary Clinton and supporting John Morgan’s legalized marijuana initiative. Neither is possible without overwhelming support from Broward and Dade county.  There has been some very sketchy activity.
Today, news breaks of two women in Dade County who were arrested as part of an election fraud scheme:
miami-dade-fraud-1Miami – Dade – A 74-year-old woman tasked with opening envelopes sent by Miami-Dade County voters with their completed mail ballots was arrested Friday after co-workers caught her illegally marking ballots, resulting in an unknown — but small — number of fraudulent votes being cast for mayoral candidate Raquel Regalado.
Investigators linked Gladys Coego [above left], a temporary worker for the county elections department, to two fraudulent votes, but they suspect from witness testimony that she submitted several more. (more…)

Are There Signs of A Voter Fraud Scheme in Broward County Florida? A Handful of Mistakes and 173,000 Solutions…

Small “Mistakes” and 173,000 “Solutions”…

Anyone with any political knowledge is aware the best chances for Hillary Clinton in Florida come from two specific counties, Broward and Dade.  It is not coincidental that both counties continue to be the historic nucleus of multiple voting irregularities.
This year is no different.  In a recent series of events Broward County is at the epicenter of another voting malfunction.  However, this one might not be a mistake, it might be by design.   The essential outline of the current year concern surrounds a scheme to present double voting to benefit Hillary Clinton:
Broward County officials intentionally screw up sending out mail-in ballots to a key demographic constituency.  The correction therein then allows the same official to send a second set of ballots to the same constituency thus providing two possibly counted ballots for each voter.
Sounds incredible. Maybe.  But as incredulous as it sounds that’s exactly what’s taking place. (more…)

Identified Voter Fraud In Georgia – Ebenezer Baptist Church At Center of Voter Registration Fraud Expanding To 14 County Probe…

The usual suspects at work – Reverend Raphael Warnock immediately pulls out the accusations of racism and the KKK to deflect attention away from a growing controversy involving the group and their efforts to register 100,000 new voters for the Georgia Senate race.  

GEORGIA – […] At an emergency hearing of the state Election Board this week, Kemp’s investigator Chris Harvey laid out the elements of the case. Harvey said he had confirmed 28 cases of fraud in 14 counties — 25 fraudulent voter registration applications and three fraudulent canvassing sheets. Some had forged signatures; others, false information. Another 26 cases were labeled suspicious.
Raphael Warnock
Falsifying a voter registration form is a felony in the state of Georgia.
“Any time that you’re talking about forgery and fraud in Georgia law, it’s certainly very serious,” Kemp told Fox News.
The issue is a particular hot button this year because of the narrow margins in the race to replace retiring U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga. Polls show Democratic candidate Michelle Nunn narrowly trailing Republican David Perdue. Nunn’s campaign believes if it makes significant inroads into signing up some of the 800,000 unregistered minority voters in Georgia, she could take the seat. (more…)

Mississippi GOP Fraud Exposed – True The Vote Asks Federal Judge For Restraining Order As Mississippi GOP Are Found Destroying Evidence of Voter Fraud…

  • Yesterday Thad Cochran campaign PAC’s admitted to false filings of data to Federal Election Commission.  (link) “mistakes have been made“…
  • Yesterday the National Republican Senatorial Committee was busted as the financial source for the race-baiting ads used by Cochran Campaign. (link)
  • Earlier today Thad Cochran’s campaign manager stepped down. (link)
  • Earlier today Thad Cochran’s campaign hired legal counsel from Haley Barbours law firm. Presumably to isolate themselves against Haley Barbour being called to testify in ongoing investigations.  (link)

thad cochran - chris mcdanielHaley-Barbour-Hand-600x396


(Via Breitbart)  National conservative election integrity organization True The Vote has asked a federal judge to issue a restraining order against the Mississippi Republican Party, alleging that the state GOP may be engaged in the destruction of evidence of alleged voter fraud from the June 24 GOP primary runoff.
Defendant county commissioners have continued to violate federal law by preventing access to election records. Now, we think we know why,” True The Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht said in a statement. “If the affidavits we now have regarding the destruction of election documents and other similarly stunning findings are true, then no Mississippian, no American, can trust the results of this election.”

Mississippi Burning – McDaniel Offers Reward For Evidence of Voter Fraud As Team Indentifies 4,900 Invalid Votes So Far…

mississippi burning
MISSISSIPPI – Sen. Thad Cochran’s (R-Miss.) primary challenger, state Sen. Chris McDaniel, is offering a $1,000 reward in exchange for evidence of voter fraud in his contentious primary fight that leads to an arrest.
The bounty stems from a report from a conservative blogger  [Charles C Johnson] published earlier this week outlining allegations from a self-identified African-American minister that the Cochran team instructed him to pay African-Americans $15 each to vote for Cochran in the runoff.
The pastor said he believed the tactic was widespread and drove thousands of voters to the polls, but he was paid for the interview by a conservative blogger, raising doubts about the legitimacy of his claims. (more…)

Alabama Voter Fraud – Four Alabama Counties With More Active Voters Than Current Adult Population…

Eagle Eyes VotersALABAMA  − Less than three months before the June primary, four Alabama counties had more voters on their rolls than what the Census Bureau says is their voting age population.
Officials give a number of reasons for that, including under-counting by the census.
Secretary of State Jim Bennett said the discrepancies create opportunity for voting fraud.
“Every duplicate name and every bad address is just an opportunity for crooks to attempt to manipulate our elections,” Bennett said.
Each county has a three-person board of registrars that is responsible for maintaining the voting lists with help from the secretary of state’s office. (more…)

More Voter Fraud – Virginia Finds 44,000 Voters Registered In Both Virginia and Maryland…. and Yes, Evidence That They Voted In Both…

acorn_vote_fraudVIRGINIA – A crosscheck of voter rolls in Virginia and Maryland turned up 44,000 people registered in both states, a vote-integrity group reported Wednesday.
And that’s just the beginning.
“The Virginia Voters Alliance is investigating how to identify voters who are registered and vote in Virginia but live in the states that surround us,” Alliance President Reagan George told the State Board of Elections.
George acknowledged that the number of voters who actually cast multiple ballots is relatively small. In the case of Maryland and Virginia, he revealed that 164 people voted in both states during the 2012 election. (more…)

"Welcome Home" – Al Sharpton, MSNBC and Fellow Democrat Activists Celebrate Voter Fraud….

Melowese Richardson was a poll worker who voted twice for Obama under her own name  in 2012, she also voted three times for her comatose sister.   She admitted to intentional violations of election law, she was convicted of voter fraud – and last week she was heralded by Al Sharpton and Democrats as a role model to be emulated..

Melowese Richardson - Al SharptonOHIO – A Hamilton County poll worker who has been held up nationally as an example of voter fraud took the stage at a local voting rights rally – outraging Republicans and dismaying even top local Democrats.
The Rev. Al Sharpton, keynote speaker at Thursday’s rally to kick-off the campaign for an Ohio Voters’ Bill of Rights Ohio Constitutional amendment, even hugged Melowese Richardson.
Richardson, a Democrat, was convicted of voter fraud after using her position as poll worker to vote more than once in the 2012 presidential election. She got a five year prison term, but was released earlier this month after local Democratic activists pressed for a fairer term. (more…)