
Apropos – Hillary Clinton Delivers Speech at Trayvon Martin Foundation Event…

Hillary Clinton speaking at a Trayvon Martin Foundation event is an analogy wrapped up in a proverbial metaphor…. Everything about the foundation, Sybrina Fulton and Hillary Clinton is based on fraud.  ALL OF IT.

hillary and sybrina fraud
I was once asked how much time I personally spent in research of the Trayvon Martin shooting from April 2012 to July 2013. My best guess answer was 4,000 hours.
If you were to combine the efforts of approximately 100-500 CTH researchers during the same period you can amplify that number exponentially beyond a half million hours.  Yeah, we have some familiarity with this entire story.
I’ve been to Miami Gardens at least 5 times; I’ve interviewed dozens of Krop Senior High school students; I’ve talked to dozens of Miami Dade police officers, Miami-Dade School Police Officers, detectives, resource officers, teachers, school administration officials and school board members.   (more…)

“Black Lives Matter” Began As Fraud From Both The “Movement” and The Media…


Frances Robles - legal collectionIronically were it not for Frances Robles writing a Miami Herald article on March 26th 2012 an entire chain of events would not have taken place.

It was that Robles article, and the outlining of the Miami-Dade School Police Department’s report on a Trayvon Martin incident from October 2011, that kicked off an internal investigation by M-DSPD Police Chief Hurley against his own officers to find out who leaked the police report.

[Note: The Miami-Dade Public School System has its own Police force, and Chief, who report to the School Board and Superintendent – Not the Police Dept. The Police Chief is appointed by the School Superintendent, in this example, Alberto Carvalho]

October 2011

It was that M-DSPD internal affairs investigation which revealed in October 2011 Trayvon Martin was searched by School Resource Officer, Darryl Dunn. The search of Trayvon Martin’s backpack turned up at least 12 pcs of ladies jewelry, and a man’s watch, in addition to a flat head screwdriver described as “a burglary tool”.

When Trayvon was questioned about who owned the jewelry and where it came from, he claimed he was just holding it for a “friend”. A “friend” he would not name.

Later, after the police report was outlined in the Robles article, and despite Trayvon being suspended for the second time in a new school year, Martin family attorney, Benjamin Crump, said Trayvon’s dad, Tracy Martin, and Trayvon’s mom, Sybrina Fulton, did not know anything about the jewelry case.

It was only as a consequence of the M-DSPD internal affairs investigation that “why” they may not have known came to light. (more…)

North Miami High School Principal Fired For Supporting McKinney Police Officer – Same School District That Told Police To Hide Thug Behavior…

~ Irony So Thick It Is Almost Unbelievable ~

The same school district, Miami-Dade, and the same School Superintendent, Alberto Carvalho, that forced Miami-Dade School Police to hide the criminal conduct of Trayvon Martin (and all young black male students), has now fired a School Principal for stating support for a McKinney Police Officer on his Facebook page.

Alberto Iber - MDPSCarvalho with Biden

(Left) North Miami High School Principal Alberto Iber – (Right) Miami-Dade School Superintendent Alberto Carvahlo with Vice-President Joe Biden

According to the Miami Herald:

[…]  The Miami-Dade County school district announced Wednesday that Alberto Iber had been removed as principal after going online to defend a white Texas police officer who waved a gun at black teens while responding to a call about an unruly pool party.

[…] “He did nothing wrong,” Iber wrote in a comment that showed his Facebook picture, name, school and title. “He was afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions.”

Iber’s stance quickly prompted a passionate online response from Ambrose Sims, a black, retired Miami Beach Police veteran who joined the force at a time of racial strife in Miami in the 1980s. He also came out as gay and led a campaign for equal rights. Sims wrote, in part: “Such a comment reveals to me that you’re a serious part of the problem.”


President Obama Honors Third Anniversary Of Notorious Burglar, Thief and Knock-Out Participant’s Death…

obama trayvon anniversary

TODAY …”President Obama on Thursday commemorated the third anniversary of the death of Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old black high school student shot dead in Florida by a neighborhood watch volunteer.

“Today on the third anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death, showing all of our kids, all of them, every single day, that their lives matter — that’s part of our task,” Obama said during a White House reception for Black History Month that was attended by Martin’s parents. (link)

Here’s part of the backstory for who is REALLY being honored:

Frances Robles - legal collectionIronically were it not for Frances Robles writing a Miami Herald article on March 26th 2012 an entire chain of events would not have taken place.

It was that Robles article, and the outlining of the Miami-Dade School Police Department’s report on a Trayvon Martin incident from October 2011, that kicked off an internal investigation by M-DSPD Police Chief Hurley against his own officers to find out who leaked the police report. (more…)

Here We Go – Minneapolis School District Announces "Raced Based Discipline" – Whites Will Be Suspended, Blacks and Minorities Will Be "Reviewed" For Quota Compliance…

~ The Trayvon Martin Legacy ~

We have tracked this intent for 5 years as it evolved from theory, to hidden practice, to policy discussion, then presidential executive order, and now into full blown implementation.
Both Miami-Dade and Maryland Schools did it secretly. At least the Minneapolis School District is being open about their intentions, all former districts have done it without telling the public.
TrayvonMartinMySpacePgpic7Enhanced1Minneapolis will now institute a policy of disciplinary suspension for white students, but blacks and other minorities will not be suspended and allowed intolerant behavior to correct the disparate impact.
MINNESOTA –  Minneapolis Public Schools are implementing a new policy aimed at eliminating the gap between the races when it comes to suspensions. Nothing will change for white students, they will still be suspended at the discretion of each school’s principal. But for minority students, specifically black, Hispanic and Native American students, the Minneapolis Schools Superintendent’s office will personally review each case.
This new policy is part of an agreement with U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights announced last week after an investigation into why minority students made up such a high percentage suspended students in the past. (more…)

The Genuine “Disparate Impact” – Philadelphia Police Publish 2012 / 2013 Homicide Report…..

The Philadelphia Police recently published their analytics of Homicide in 2012 and 2013.

Philadelphia is 37% white, 44% black, 6% Asian, and 13% Latino and other.

Blacks committed 83% of murders in 2012 and 80% of murders in 2013. Whites committed 3.4% of murders in 2012 and 4.3% of murders in 2013.



Trayvon's Legacy – Miami-Dade County School Board Lawyers Now Evaluating "Legal Risk" Pending Final FOIA Release

We knew last year the diversionary activity around the Miami-Dade School Police Department, which was coordinated, sanctioned and authorized by Miami-Dade School Superintendent, Alberto Carvalho, was illegal.
Consequently we knew a public airing of the illegal activity was a risk to all parties involved.
Miami-Dade School Board
Now, however – the entire School Board might be legally responsible for engaging in unlawful conspiracy which resulted from the internal investigation within the M-DSPD and the School Boards’ willful blindness” to the actual finding(s).
It doesn’t take a law degree to understand that when you intentionally construct a policy, or group of policies, which specifically hide illegal behavior you are on the wrong side of the law – even when it is the top law enforcement officer giving the instructions to do it. (more…)

Jesse Jackson Honors Trayvon Martin Death Anniversary – So It Is Fitting We Too Should Honor “The TRUTH Of Trayvon Martin”…

Jesse Jackson

So many outrageous lies surround the Trayvon Martin VS. George Zimmerman encounter.   Too many to actually write about.   However, just to show how totally fabricated is the story of Trayvon Martin’s life – Here is just one factual example of how egregiously wrong the story has been.   If President Obama had a son…


My Response To Miami Herald Leonard Pitts Jr's Question: Trayvon Martin Or George Zimmerman – Who's The Real Thug ?

Leonard Pitts JrThere are times when you read something in the media so completely flawed in its construction that a response is demanded.
It takes a remarkably highly toxic injection of obtuse to drag me back into the Zimmerman V. Martin conversation, but this recent article by Leonard Pitts Jr hits just the right formulation to require such a response.
Leonard Pitts Jr.: Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman – who’s the real thug?
Pitts writes “[…] a conservative movement which argues with airy assurance that American racism died long ago, disproves its thesis with its actions“; as he outlines how, in his perspective, any attempt to deconstruct the false media narrative around the Trayvon Martin shooting is evidence, by itself, of racist intent on behalf of the deconstructor.
In order to totally miss the point, completely avoid the actual motive of the critical engagement, and allow himself to assign racist intentions, Mr. Pitts continues this level of critical race analysis by saying:

“[…]  Why did some of us need Trayvon to be an angel in the first place? Why did they feel such a pressing urgency to magnify — and manufacture — his failings? Why was it so important to them to make him unworthy of sympathy?” (link)

Your question can be answered in one word Mr. Pitts, honesty.

Broward County Florida Schools Institute The "Trayvon Martin Standard" For Student/Police Avoidance….

It was our initial FOIA requests to the Miami Dade School Police Department which revealed the secret discipline and diversionary program Trayvon Martin was granted to avoid a criminal record.    
Specifically Trayvon Martin’s criminal conduct was hidden behind school discipline.  Stolen jewelry was recorded as random ‘found items’ (the jewelry just intentionally placed in storage with no investigation), his possession of marijuana was similarly obfuscated, and all of the incident reports were intentionally falsified by officials and School Resource Officer, Daryl Dunn,  to avoid the Criminal Justice system.    
mdspd 22
It is all well documented with sworn affidavits from the police department HERE.  No-one has ever been held to account – It is just too politically dangerous an issue.
Well, apparently neighboring Broward County is also willing to jump on the diversionary bandwagon.   This recent article outlines how Broward County wants to blur the lines of illegality in their efforts to avoid young black males being held criminally accountable for their behavior.
Flash Mob Participant MIAMI – One of the nation’s largest school districts has reached an agreement with law enforcement agencies and the NAACP to reduce the number of students being charged with crimes for minor offenses.
The agreement with Broward County Public Schools in Florida, which officials planned to announce Tuesday, is one of the first comprehensive plans bringing together district officials, police and the state attorney’s office to create an alternative to the zero-tolerance policies prevalent in many schools. It charges principals rather than school resource officers with being the primary decision makers in responding to student misbehavior.
The move is designed to cut down on what has become known as the “school-to-prison pipeline,” where students accused of offenses like disrupting class or loitering are suspended, arrested and charged with crimes.
Broward, the nation’s seventh largest district, had the highest number of school-related arrests in Florida in the 2011-2012 school year, according to state data. Seventy-one percent of the 1,062 arrests made were for misdemeanor offenses.
In this South Florida district and others across the country, minority students have been disproportionately arrested, sometimes for the same offenses their white peers received only a warning for. Nationwide, over 70 percent of students involved in school-related arrests or law enforcement referrals are black or Hispanic, according to U.S. Department of Education data. (more…)