
Wisconsin "Knockout Attack" – 53 Year Old White Male, Multiple Black Youth Assailants

white guilt unfair campaignWisconsin is one of those really progressive regions where the media talking about Black on White violence is strongly discouraged.  
Wisconsin is also the state which brought forth the collegiate “White Guilt” classes.
(PennLive) – With his blackened eyes and broken nose, Tim Bessette may just be the country’s latest victim of an urban crime wave known as the “knockout game.” Speaking from his hospital bed in Milwaukee this week, the 53-year-old says he’s lucky to be alive.
wisconsin knock out
He remembers getting off the bus, walking down the street and encountering four youths. The next thing Bessette knew, he was sucker-punched in the nose. The world went black, and Bessette woke up on the pavement. And as he did, he heard the youths running away, joking and laughing. (more…)

Prog Manipulative Liberalism On Parade – Shellie Zimmerman Talks To Katie Couric

First off, it’s Katie Couric, OK.   That should be a big enough flashy sign !  But the gag-a-maggot obfuscation, condescension, manipulation and sheer prog smarminess in this video is enough to require auto computer disconnect technology hooked up to a blood pressure cuff.
But if you dare to watch it keep a barf bag handy and put away all sharp or movable objects first.     YOU’VE BEEN WARNED !

Broward County Florida Schools Institute The "Trayvon Martin Standard" For Student/Police Avoidance….

It was our initial FOIA requests to the Miami Dade School Police Department which revealed the secret discipline and diversionary program Trayvon Martin was granted to avoid a criminal record.    
Specifically Trayvon Martin’s criminal conduct was hidden behind school discipline.  Stolen jewelry was recorded as random ‘found items’ (the jewelry just intentionally placed in storage with no investigation), his possession of marijuana was similarly obfuscated, and all of the incident reports were intentionally falsified by officials and School Resource Officer, Daryl Dunn,  to avoid the Criminal Justice system.    
mdspd 22
It is all well documented with sworn affidavits from the police department HERE.  No-one has ever been held to account – It is just too politically dangerous an issue.
Well, apparently neighboring Broward County is also willing to jump on the diversionary bandwagon.   This recent article outlines how Broward County wants to blur the lines of illegality in their efforts to avoid young black males being held criminally accountable for their behavior.
Flash Mob Participant MIAMI – One of the nation’s largest school districts has reached an agreement with law enforcement agencies and the NAACP to reduce the number of students being charged with crimes for minor offenses.
The agreement with Broward County Public Schools in Florida, which officials planned to announce Tuesday, is one of the first comprehensive plans bringing together district officials, police and the state attorney’s office to create an alternative to the zero-tolerance policies prevalent in many schools. It charges principals rather than school resource officers with being the primary decision makers in responding to student misbehavior.
The move is designed to cut down on what has become known as the “school-to-prison pipeline,” where students accused of offenses like disrupting class or loitering are suspended, arrested and charged with crimes.
Broward, the nation’s seventh largest district, had the highest number of school-related arrests in Florida in the 2011-2012 school year, according to state data. Seventy-one percent of the 1,062 arrests made were for misdemeanor offenses.
In this South Florida district and others across the country, minority students have been disproportionately arrested, sometimes for the same offenses their white peers received only a warning for. Nationwide, over 70 percent of students involved in school-related arrests or law enforcement referrals are black or Hispanic, according to U.S. Department of Education data. (more…)

Sanity Prevails: Attempted Repeal Of FL 'Stand Your Ground' Law Fails Miserably – Committee Vote 11-2 In Favor of Rejecting Repeal

LetJusticePrevail shares: […]  For anyone interested, this link provides access to the full video of the FL Criminal Justice Subcommittee hearing yesterday that listened to debate on HB 4003 that called for the repeal of the FL Stand Your Ground law.
Jamal Bryant with Scheme TeamThe hearing (and video) was FIVE HOURS long, and it may not be something you want to watch, so here’s the long and short of it:
The committee rejected the bill by a vote of 11-2, (voting FOR the repeal were Dems Randolph Bracy and Kionne McGhee) and the SYG law WILL remain in place. The other bill (HB 89) that addresses proposed changes to the SYG law (but not repeal)and the 10-20-life sentencing guidelines was approved by a vote of 12-1 and will be sent to the general legislature.(only McGhee opposed HB 89, on the argument that it was an “exception to an exception to an exception to an exception and that there were better ways to address the issue of mandatory sentences in of aggravated assault, rather than including them under the umbrella of immunity as provided under statute 776).
So, the repeal of FL’s SYG law died in subcommittee, and the bill that would EXPAND  immunity to include cases where the mere THREAT of force was used in cases of self defense PASSED to be heard by the legislature. These were BOTH victories for FL citizens, and their rights to defend themselves. (more…)

Jack Cashill's "If I Had A Son" The Comprehensive Book About The George Zimmerman Case – Available Beginning Today

ifihadasonIn March of 2012 no-one could have predicted that a rag tag bunch of misfits spread around the globe would ultimately identify the beginning of the largest full scale media fraud in our lifetime.   And certainly no-one would have predicted that most would end up here sharing their discoveries and identifying the Truth behind the headlines.
What we identified as the *real story* around the Trayvon Martin shooting was little, if anything, to do with the actual George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin encounter.   The real story was how this one self-defense shooting was used by an assembly of disparate interests, and then manipulated in the extreme by a monolithic over powering media machine.
It was, and still remains, arguably one of the most, if not *the most*, astounding examples of modern, full-scale media manipulation ever witnessed.
Social media, mainstream media and various professional grievance artists all participated in one of the most bizarre examples of modern sociology run to the ideological, and political, extremes.
Such is the complex outline behind the Jack Cashill book “If I Had A Son – Race, Guns and the Railroading of George Zimmerman” – which is available today, released in hardback. (more…)

Guest Post – Trayvon’s Foundation: Following the Paper Trail (By Big Jim)

Trayvon’s Foundation:  Following the Paper Trail

(A Guest Post By Treeper: Big Jim)

Not long after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense, Trayvon’s family created a charitable, tax-exempt organization, the Justice for Trayvon Martin Foundation, Inc.
Sybrina soupGiven the volume of smaller donations that have been generated during the public appearances of Trayvon’s parents, and that some larger organizational donations have been received by the Foundation, I wanted to find out how much money had flowed into and out of the Foundation.
In order to find the money I needed to follow the paper trail, and as you will see below, in following the paper trail I ran into a few surprises.
For a tax-exempt organization the paper trail starts with its incorporation.  In order for an organization to have tax-exempt status (a “501(c)(3)” organization) it must comply with Internal Revenue Service regulations. (more…)

Tangled Web Alert: Weirdly Related To The Trayvon Martin Foundation – Miriam Carey (DC Car Rammer) Family Demands To Know Why Capitol Police Gunned Down Their Unarmed Sister….

On the weekend before Miriam Carey crashed her car through barricades in front of the White House and was shot to death, her sister, Valarie Carey, on behalf of 5Linx, was in Orlando and gave a check for $54,000 to the Trayvon Martin Foundation.
But there’s an even more odd twist, which we’ll begin to outline after this story:
(Via Gateway Pundit) Miriam Carey confused America last week when she inexplicably rammed her car into the White House security gate, then sped away.  It was later discovered the 34 year old woman with her young toddler in the car was most likely suffering from postpartum depression and mental illness.  Miriam Carey was unarmed, but the police gunned her down, anyway.  She was surrounded by police, in her stopped car, with a child inside.
Now, Miriam Carey’s five sisters, one of which is an NYPD police officer, want answers.
According to WorldNetDaily,

The sisters of a Connecticut woman shot and killed by police in Washington, D.C., a week ago say they have many unanswered questions, including why officers chose to draw their guns and point them at a woman who may, at that point, have done no more than make bad driving decisions. (more…)

Beyond Angry – POTUS Now Advocating For Collapse of Our Nation !! (Video) "The Prince of Fools"…

Yesterday we shared how POTUS was angry, and gave examples of his “stompy feet” mentality.   However, it’s gotten worse…. much worse.

President Obama gave an interview to CNBC (financial news) you must watch this video and recognize what he’s doing here.   He is intentionally talking down the stock market and the financial sector:

There are efforts to *hide* this video – so if you can’t play it on site GO HERE
We are traditionally programed to believe our President acts, and speaks, in the best interests of our nation.   Therefore it is jaw dropping to actually bear witness to a sitting U.S. President intentionally drumming up FEAR and ANXIETY. (more…)

University of Marylandistan: "it is legal to hunt down and kill American children"….

(MARYLAND)  An email sent to students by a University of Maryland official that cites the Trayvon Martin shooting as evidence “it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida” is being blasted as the latest evidence of a left-wing bias on campus.
The email, from William Dorland, director of the school’s Honors College, starts by welcoming students back to campus, but then quickly veers into politics.
“This year, we learned that it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida,” it reads, in a reference to the trial of George Zimmerman, who was cleared of all charges in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The email went out to all students in the Honors College. (more…)

Standing Small – Watch For The Return to Left-Wing Advocacy….

Hmmm?   Let’s see….  Advocate for, manipulate and collaborate with, Ryan Julison, to intentionally deceive audience….   Then create yet another false fundraising scheme to fleece a well intended audience, and now….

There will be some face saving agreed upon public reasoning – I’m sure. But the bottom line is, more than likely, Joel Pollak’s had enough.
Watch for a financially self-serving return to left-wing advocacy. (more…)