
Trayvon's Legacy – Miami-Dade County School Board Lawyers Now Evaluating "Legal Risk" Pending Final FOIA Release

We knew last year the diversionary activity around the Miami-Dade School Police Department, which was coordinated, sanctioned and authorized by Miami-Dade School Superintendent, Alberto Carvalho, was illegal.
Consequently we knew a public airing of the illegal activity was a risk to all parties involved.
Miami-Dade School Board
Now, however – the entire School Board might be legally responsible for engaging in unlawful conspiracy which resulted from the internal investigation within the M-DSPD and the School Boards’ willful blindness” to the actual finding(s).
It doesn’t take a law degree to understand that when you intentionally construct a policy, or group of policies, which specifically hide illegal behavior you are on the wrong side of the law – even when it is the top law enforcement officer giving the instructions to do it. (more…)

Obama/Holder DOJ: The High Number of Minority Students Being Punished In School Is Part of Our “Next Generation” of Civil Rights Challenges…

This story explains why the President Obama administration consider the back-story of Trayvon Martin’s criminal engagements to be a risk.

[If you want to help out – drop research of Jocelyn Samuels in comments]

WASHINGTON DC – The head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division says the “next generation” of civil rights challenges includes addressing racial disparities in school discipline; defending the rights of LGBT Americans; combating discrimination in housing and in lending; protecting women from sexual assault and harassment; ensuring the fair treatment of youth in the juvenile justice system; and defending the right to vote in the 21st Century.
In recent months, the Civil Rights Division has reached landmark consent decrees involving each of these issues,” Jocelyn Samuels, the acting assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division, told a civil rights symposium in Indianapolis on Tuesday. (more…)

Trayvon Martin’s Father: Americans Care More About Guns Than Children – Whoopsie… That’s Odd, Because Trayvons’ Father Was Texting Him About Guns Just Days Before Trayvon Was Shot…

Trayvon Martin’s father, Tracy, appeared on MSNBC yesterday to talk about the second anniversary of Trayvon’s death.   Tracy Martin discussed America’s obsession with guns.

However, as with all things from Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton the TRUTH is 180 degrees divergent.

Apparently Tracy Martin was all for Trayvon having a gun, until after Trayvon was killed and then he changed his position.    You see, he was all for teens with guns, before he was against them. (more…)

Ongoing Analytics – Behind The Trayvon Martin Story…..

Just when you think the Trayvon Martin story has apex’d away from insufferable you read something blood boiling LIKE THIS MIT media research study, replete with Ryan Julison interview smarm, and the blood pressure cuff needs another replacement.

Trayvon presser 2

Martin’s family was able to enlist the legal services of civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump on a pro bono basis. Crump had taken on a previous civil rights case and failed to convict, which he attributed to an inadequate media strategy prior to the trial itself (Caputo, 2012). Crump brought on local lawyer Natalie Jackson, who enlisted the pro bono services of publicist Ryan Julison.

Julison’s pitch did not emphasize the racial element to the story, but underscored agreed upon facts: a neighborhood watch vigilante, who was carrying a gun, shot an unarmed teenager, and was not arrested. Julison was particularly struck by the fact that a neighborhood watch captain would be carrying a firearm with no training of any kind other than a concealed weapons permit (Julison, 2012). Our manual analysis of stories confirmed that this detail had not appeared in most of the local coverage following Martin’s death. Later, Crump, when interviewed about the case, introduced racial framing around the story as the national media began to pay attention (Boedeker and Comas, 2012).  (link)


The Aftermath Of The Zimmerman Persecution Continues – Ben Kruidbos Lawsuit Against Angela Corey and Her Responses (Updated pdf Court Filings Attached)

This expose’ goes deep in the woods on the Zimmerman case back- story of malicious prosecution.

Ben kribidbosAngela Corey 1

However, in order to understand what’s going on, as well as what’s at stake, here is a not-so-brief summary and then full outline.

Tray thumb 1Summary: During the pre-trial events leading up to the State of Florida v. George Zimmerman an intentional manipulation of evidence was discovered.

In essence Trayvon Martin’s cell phone contained information which was not given to the defense team, a clear Brady violation surrounding the rules of open trial discovery. Some of the data on the phone was very damaging to the false presentation of Trayvon Martin’s background.

The data included text conversations between Trayvon and his Dad, Tracy (aka “Fruit”), about buying guns. Some data included pictures of Trayvon Martin smoking marijuana and posing with handguns.

There were many pictures on the phone which the State of Florida did not want the defense team to know, and, more importantly for their claims, they did not want to public to witness.  All of the data was in opposition to the narrative of the State and the Martin family, around Trayvon; and much of it was viewed by them as a risk. Consequently the State of Florida wanted the information hidden from the defense.

However, a man named Ben Kruidbos (pronounced “cried-boss”) was in charge of Information Technology within the State Attorney’s office. He became aware of the State attorney, Angela Corey, and her prosecutors (pictured below), intentionally keeping the information from the defense team during pre-trial discovery. Fearful for his own position if he did nothing Kruidbos retained outside advice and representation from a former legal colleague, Wes White.


Eventually, through a series of tenuous 3rd party contacts with the defense team, the issue of the State intentionally hiding information came to the court and trial Judge, Debra Nelson.

However, Nelson did not want to deal with the Brady violation and possible judicial sanctions for the behavior before the trial. Nelson wanted the trial to begin quickly.

So Nelson delayed any sanctions hearing until after trial. That post-trial hearing has still not taken place.

As a result of Ben Kruidbos revealing the information the FL State 4th District Attorney, Angela Corey, fired him on the last day of trial – just before closing arguments. Subsequently Kruidbos filed a lawsuit for wrongful termination. That lawsuit is soon to be heard in court. Below is the amended complaint, filed by Kruidbos against Angela Corey, and her latest response.

*It is worth noting in the Corey response she is claiming the information on the Trayvon Martin cell phone was not, according to her, discovery evidence she was required to turn over.

Corey is claiming the pictures and cell phone data were attorney “work product“, and therefore she was under no obligation to divulge it – consequently she is claiming the data is not Brady material. Even a first year law student would admit this “claim” will not pass muster in a sanctions hearing. The state cannot selectively hide information pre-trial just because parts of it would negatively impact their position, the defendant has every right to see all of the evidence in the case – especially evidence which *might* be used in his defense.

First, here is the updated complaint by Kruidbos: (more…)

George Zimmerman Interviewed By CNN’s Chris Cuomo

I’ll be writing up some thoughts on how the media is presenting this again.

The issues are far more complex than can be summarized in a six to eight hundred word synopsis.

There are serious issues represented in how Chris Cuomo and the larger media are continuing to advance a historically flawed narrative surrounding the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. When the trial evidence was presented (poorly in my opinion) and then the jury verdict was announced, a decision by the media was needed. Would they admit their former false presentations, or would they double down on their false media narrative.

It is now clear the media is wantonly doubling down on their falsehoods.

It is also clear the reason they can get away with it is because Mark O’Mara played a white-guilt apologist role in keeping the “why” out of the sunlight.

As the only person who interviewed hundreds of students in/around Krop Senior High School, and having invested thousands of hours in research to the people and motivation’s behind the story, we will attempt clarification.

VERY FEW, almost no-one, at Krop Senior High School knew Trayvon Martin. When you understand why that is, you begin to understand how totally false the entire construct of the shooting storyline, as presented by the media, actually is.

The Odd Reality Avoidance Within The Eric Holder Felon Voting-Rights Stories….

A recent review of another Washington Post article discussing Attorney General Eric Holder’s goal to reinstate voting rights of convicted felons shows an odd progressive disconnect. 

Essentially, the post article outlines the goal is really to get black Democrats their right to vote in key swing states.    {Insert a generically obtuse “DUH” sound here}   But what strikes as odd is the unspoken reality:

Holy smokes more than 20% of black people have committed felonies ?

(Washington Post)  Reason Why Holder Suddenly Wants Felons To Vote: More Than 20% of Blacks In Swing States Can’t Vote Because They’ve Been Convicted of a Felony.

Thousands Attend March On Washington For Jobs And Justice

In Florida, more than one in five black adults can’t vote. Not because they lack citizenship or haven’t registered, but because they have, at some point, been convicted of a felony.

The Sunshine State’s not alone. As in Florida, more than 20 percent of black adults have lost their right to vote in Kentucky and Virginia, too, according to the Sentencing Project, a group that advocates for reforms to sentencing policy that reduces racial disparities. (more…)

Ms. Sybrina ‘Candy’ Fulton – “The Sister Shyster”…. Not A Parody – Magazine Cover

Next up Mademoise-hell…   

sister sister

Ms. Candy “reveals tender moments with Trayvon” ?    Mm-kay, that should be a short sentence. (more…)

George Zimmerman Original Artwork For Sale On E-Bay…

Just got a tip and checked it out to authenticate, it’s true.
George Zimmerman has an original artwork for sale on e-bay.   It’s pretty good for an untrained artist.   An oil painting (18″ x 24″) on stretched Canvas.
Zimmerman Painting

First hand painted artwork by me, George Zimmerman. Everyone has been asking what I have been doing with myself. I found a creative, way to express myself, my emotions and the symbols that represent my experiences. My art work allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors 🙂 I hope you enjoy owning this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it.  Your friend, George Zimmerman”

There’s four days left to bid on it HERE

Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin Shopping Publishers For Book Deal

They have a literary agent?   Out of an abundance of caution, and under the advice of physicians, I will refrain from commentary.  FOR NOW.   However, I would like to know your thoughts on what their book should be titled.

(NEW YORK) The parents of Trayvon Martin met with publishers this week to shop a book about their son, the unarmed black teenager who was shot and killed in Florida in 2012.

According to two publishing executives who participated in meetings, Mr. Martin’s parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, said they intended to write a book that gives the full picture of their son while tracing their own experience of shock and sorrow.
The meetings were described as somber and moving by publishers who were present. Ms. Fulton and Mr. Martin were accompanied by Jan Miller, their Dallas-based literary agent. (more…)