On the weekend before Miriam Carey crashed her car through barricades in front of the White House and was shot to death, her sister, Valarie Carey, on behalf of 5Linx, was in Orlando and gave a check for $54,000 to the Trayvon Martin Foundation.
But there’s an even more odd twist, which we’ll begin to outline after this story:
(Via Gateway Pundit) Miriam Carey confused America last week when she inexplicably rammed her car into the White House security gate, then sped away.  It was later discovered the 34 year old woman with her young toddler in the car was most likely suffering from postpartum depression and mental illness.  Miriam Carey was unarmed, but the police gunned her down, anyway.  She was surrounded by police, in her stopped car, with a child inside.
Now, Miriam Carey’s five sisters, one of which is an NYPD police officer, want answers.
According to WorldNetDaily,

The sisters of a Connecticut woman shot and killed by police in Washington, D.C., a week ago say they have many unanswered questions, including why officers chose to draw their guns and point them at a woman who may, at that point, have done no more than make bad driving decisions.
Miriam Carey, 34, was killed Oct. 3 after a car chase from the White House to the Capitol. Police say she rammed a metal barricade at the White House with her black Infiniti, although multiple videos show the front of her car relatively undamaged, and she was able to drive away.
Sources say she made an erratic turn, struck the barrier, backed into an officer and then drove away, with her 13-month-old daughter in the back seat. Security vehicles stopped her on Pennsylvania Avenue on her way to the Capitol. She slammed the car in reverse, hitting a police cruiser, then tried to get away as police officers began firing.
She crashed into security barriers a few blocks away, where she was killed by so many police bullets her family was allowed only to see her photograph to identify her.  (link)

In a really odd twist, the sister of Miriam Carey, Valarie Carey, is active in an organization with strong support of the Trayvon Martin Foundation.

ReNewsIt has all the details of the singular degree of separation CLICK HERE.   <—- You should really read this…..

Scheme Team with Russel Simmons April 14

….Because, unbeknownst to most, what’s even more *interesting* per se’ is the Justice For Trayvon Martin Foundation® does not actually exist any longer, and has not for quite some time.
We have a guest post coming soon which will outline a rather concerning, but not really unexpected, recent discovery highlighting some rather alarming issues:
Filing Information
Document Number N12000003416
Date Filed 03/30/2012
State FL
Event Date Filed 09/27/2013
*Admin Dissolution For Annual Report – Means the foundation was administratively dissolved by the Florida Secretary of State Corporations Division for not paying fees and/or filing an annual report.

We’ll have more on this later  !!
