Trayvon Martin’s father, Tracy, appeared on MSNBC yesterday to talk about the second anniversary of Trayvon’s death.   Tracy Martin discussed America’s obsession with guns.

However, as with all things from Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton the TRUTH is 180 degrees divergent.

Apparently Tracy Martin was all for Trayvon having a gun, until after Trayvon was killed and then he changed his position.    You see, he was all for teens with guns, before he was against them.

Unbelievably, Trayvon’s Dad, Tracy, was actually one of the people talking to Trayvon about buying and selling a handgun.

The texts about buying a gun, and the type of gun, were part of the text communication mysteriously scrubbed (deleted) from Trayvon’s cell phone after his death.

Considering the “gun text conversation was mysteriously deleted” yet again you have another example of manipulation of the Trayvon storyline.   Tracy’s involvement about guns for Trayvon was discussed in a late night proffer hearing during the Zimmerman trial.

Communications about GUNS [24:22 on video]

      • Ronquavis “Qua” Fulton
      • Spoonhead Zach
      • Jay
      • Ron
      • Dario
      • Diamond (probably Rachel Jeantel) But not about buying

And THEN the THUNDERCLAP name [@25:15]


fruit 2

You see Tracy Martin’s nickname is “Fruit“.  Yes, you are reading that correctly – Trayvon Martin’s Dad’s nickname is “fruit“.   This was who he was texting with about buying and selling handguns.

fruit 3

During testimony about the deleted exchanges over gun purchases, which the State Prosecutor was desperately trying to keep out of trial, we discover Trayvon was exchanging text’s with a person who’s nickname was “fruit”.

Tracy Martin’s nickname is “fruit”.

Yes, that means the deleted texts were between Tracy Martin and his son, Trayvon, about buying and selling handguns. Large jpeg image HERE.

So when you listen to Tracy Martin saying “Americans care more about guns than children” does it begin to make you wonder what else they were willing to lie about and change to fit their chosen narrative.

Tracy Martin 2

Tracy Martin 4-18-12

tracy laughing

…”damn Tree House” !
