Next up Mademoise-hell…   

sister sister

Ms. Candy “reveals tender moments with Trayvon” ?    Mm-kay, that should be a short sentence.

  1. Trayvon did not live with Ms. Sybrina “Candy” Fulton for twelve years – He lived with his step-mom Alicia Stanley Martin in Orlando.
  2. Trayvon did not live with Ms. Candy when he was killed – She kicked him out of the house and he was living with his aunt and uncle.
  3. Ms. Candy never left Fort Lauderdale until the TV cameras were set up by the media consultant in Sanford.
  4. Ms. Candy Trademarked the Trayvon name two weeks after the shooting.
  5. Ms. Candy never even knew Trayvon had social media accounts.
  6. Ms. Candy said she did not know why Trayvon was suspended from school for 10 days (THREE TIMES).
  7. Ms. Candy and her Ex, Tracy “Fruit” Martin, lied in sworn statements to the State’s Attorney’s Office about how Trayvon got to Sanford.
  8. By her own admissions, Ms. Candy did not know Trayvon’s sports interests, favorite foods, or anything about the life Trayvon was leading prior to his death.


Suckas !!

Oh yeah, and what about those State financial records for the foundation.  D’oh….

Trayvon Trust

trayvon SNARK
