For his Twitter monologue episode 7, Tucker Carlson walks through the post COVID new authoritarian model of ‘western democracy’, a system of dictatorial fiat and unilateral power intent on retention of control. {Direct Rumble Link}

Within our new system of “western democratic norms” authoritarianism is embraced by both wings of the UniParty vulture as it ensures power for those who benefit. From the dual system of U.S. justice to the dictatorship now present in Ukraine, the common thread is power by a select group of system operators with large control mechanisms.

The retention of this power structure requires the passing of the baton to the next loyalist of the regime. In the case of Joe Biden, Tucker foresees the rise of California Governor Gavin Newsom. I predicted a very specific flow for this transition a year ago and fully agree with Carlson’s prediction. WATCH:

[NOTE: I find it interesting [at 06:29] that Carlson notes the Ukraine war is only opposed by “one opponent”, yet he never mentions the man’s name, Donald Trump.  It is a small datapoint, but an omission datapoint nonetheless enhanced by the chosen platform of the Carlson broadcast.  I notice nuance. Keep watching.]
