The scope of those suffering from Battered Conservative Syndrome no longer surprises those who have followed the past 15 years of GOP politics steeped in cultural Marxism.
Say something, anything, adversarial or confrontational toward the progressive leftists and you can be guaranteed of a quick fold from those who suffer from the syndrome.  It doesn’t matter that Joe Wilson was correct; or that conservative Paul Ryan passes Omnibus, or that Mitch McConnell is a complete fraud….
judge gonzalo curiel 2Judge gonzalo curiel 3
So let’s look specifically at the aspect which the MSM is intentionally trying to keep everyone from paying attention to.  Beginning with the curriculum vitae as expressed by La Raza Judge Gonzalo Curiel.
I would draw your attention to the Hispanic National Bar Association aspect:
curiel 2
Now lets look at a press release from the HNBA in July of 2015, again focusing on the objectives as outlined in the last paragraph; emphasis mine:

July 2nd 2015 – Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) Press Release


Washington, DC ­­­­ The Hispanic National Bar Association represents the interests of nearly 54 million Hispanics/Latinos in the United States, which is approximately 17% of the U.S. population. By his recent derogatory remarks about Mexican immigrants, Donald Trump’s disrespect of such a large segment of the population of America is not only unbelievable, but outright wrong.  His comment that Mexico only sends rapists and criminals to the United States reveals a racist nature that cannot and will not go unnoticed by the Hispanic National Bar Association nor the Latino community.

Those who seek our highest public office should attempt to engage all Americans, not divide us. His comments are clearly divisive and racist and do nothing to promote equality and justice for all.  Trump’s statements reveal a bias that all Americans should reject and respond to accordingly.  We cannot stand silent and allow Trump to promote such racist and discriminatory behavior. This is the time for all Americans to take a stand against his insensitive, offensive and untrue statements.

The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants.  We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests.  We can and will make a difference.

Cynthia D. Mares
HNBA National President

(LINK to 2015 Press Release)  –  (Link to HNBA Website)
The politicians within the professional republican apparatus are completely spineless, and the MSM relies upon this historically accurate empirical.  Acquiescence is a helpful construct when progressives desire to fracture, divide and hold a ruse.
Everything about the La Raza Judge Curiel controversy is ridiculous.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with questioning Curiel’s self-identified allegiances, specifically around his ethnically-centered ideology, and how he describes his own points of advocacy through the prism of his Mexican heritage.
“La Raza” literally means “The Race”.  What would Black Lives Matter advocates on CNN be proclaiming if a white American judge was an official member of the “White Lawyers Association”?  Would they be questioning his racial proclivities?
Klan Lawyers of America…. oh, but not to worry, it’s the other Klan.
It is no more racist to question the Mexican sensibilities of Curiel than it is for social justice warriors to question the racial appropriateness of a jurist in a high profile BLM activist case.  The Hispanic Bar, of which Curiel is a member, has specifically stated for a year their intentions:

take … actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. (link)

The same leftist voices who were claiming a white prosecutor was inherently prone to bias in 2014’s Mike Brown shooter, are the same voices who claim two years later that ethnicity is ideologically blind in the Trump University case.  Yet they expressly state their intentions to target Trump’s business interests.
The hypocrisies can be piled up so high they’d block every optic/narrative imaginable.  However, those arguments can only effectively be made by those inoculated by the infection of cultural Marxism.
Remember, according to the SJW crowd – the even application of law is itself, racist. See:  Mike Brown, George Zimmerman or Freddie Gray for recent examples therein.  But rue-the-day will be any voice who dares to challenge the unidirectional nature of the social justice foundation underpinning the argument.
Is Curiel himself an anchor baby?  The answer to that question might just be a tad too disconcerting for the media to address; hence it’s far safer to just say he was born in the U.S. to “Mexican immigrants”.
Shhhh…. Better not identify whether the “immigrants” were lawful emigrants lest they accidentally expose an anchor baby on the Federal Bench amid a 14th amendment argument that has never been heard nor settled.   How many such federal anchor judges might exist?
:::GASP::: how dare ye?
newt_legoAnd there you have the fundamental frustration with Mr. Lego Head appearing on national TV to espouse a knee-jerk opinion that directly flows straight into the welcoming hand of the opposition.
Yes, thanks to Gingrich, Rubio, Sasse, McConnell and a host of similarly minded idiots who long-ago succumbed to the MSM pod people, ie. those who carry around political correctness kits and hide them inside the campaign whispers, the goal of hiding the San Jose brutality from the sunlight of national media was carried out quite nicely.
Well done. Idiots.
Is Donald Trump frustrated by such weak-kneed numbskulls?  Um, reading this one would say a resounding YES.
It is quite easy to see why Trump is annoyed.  In very direct ways, his annoyance is in large part the entire reason he was pushed to run for the republican nomination in the first place.  There is an entire apparatus within the U.S. body politic that is so institutionally incapable of discussing the obvious – they spend all day arguing about the various nuanced positions of cultural sensitivity.
Should we bomb ISIS…. what if a bomb hits an oil platform… eco-trouble. Oh, OK, then lets just avoid targeting the head choppers because they hide the drowning cages behind pipelines….  BRILLIANT !
It’s the same sensibilities expressed.
Well done idiots.
Putin laughs at Obama
The constitution
