
Epic Irony – Chicago Community Activists React To Watching President Obama’s State Of The Union Speech

(Via Rebel Pundit)  […]  “Mr. President, we’d probably be better off if you called off your presidency off right now. Just quit. Because if this is what you call helping us, then stop helping us.”

“His approach always is to place blame on the corporate world. The blame is equal. It’s not the one-percent problem. It’s not the 99% problem. It’s an American problem.”

“You can’t turn this around. Just step down.”

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Last night in Chicago, black grassroots activists reacted to President Obama’s State of the Union address at Wallace’s Catfish Corner–and it wasn’t pretty. (more…)

Al Sharpton and Benjamin Crump – The Black Grievance Industry’s “Dream Team”….

There is something deeply reflective of our nation’s troubles in this video.   Witnessing  career race-baiting instigator Al Sharpton talk to his protégé Benjamin Crump on MSNBC is like a trip through the looking glass with Alice.

Sharpton is the mentor for the next generation of grievance leadership.  Crump is the protégé hand selected by Sharpton to carry the torch of racism and hate from coast to coast.  All the while lining their pockets with extortion money from their Scheme Team endeavors.

“Everybody who protested on behalf of Trayvon Martin was very peaceful. All his parents have ever asked for is peaceful justice.”



Absurd Racial Provocatuer Van Jones Compares Rand Paul To KKK….

Seriously, what gives with these guys.   A demand for smaller government = racial overtones?   Support for the 10th amendment = racism?

Humor in Nature

“Liberty Or Death” – (Video)


……………………Click HERE for the live webcam from the Alamo…

texan59   Guest posted by “Texan59”…

Today, February 24, marks the 177th anniversary of what many would say is the most important letter ever written in the State of Texas.  On February 24, 1836, Lt. Col. William Barret Travis wrote his “Liberty or Death” letter requesting additional troops be sent to the Alamo in their battle against Mexican General Santa Anna.  While history has been more amenable to some of his compatriots, most notably Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, Lt. Col. Travis was tasked with leading this disparate group against the formidable Mexican army.  For the first time since he penned his  immortal words, the letter is back at the Alamo.

Travis - Crockett - BowiePainting by Mark Barnett
Travis – Crockett – Bowie
Painting by Mark Barnett


Yes, This! – David Mamet Talks “Gun Control”….

Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm – By David Mamet

Karl Marx summed up Communism as “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” This is a good, pithy saying, which, in practice, has succeeded in bringing, upon those under its sway, misery, poverty, rape, torture, slavery, and death.

For the saying implies but does not name the effective agency of its supposed utopia. The agency is called “The State,” and the motto, fleshed out, for the benefit of the easily confused must read “The State will take from each according to his ability: the State will give to each according to his needs.” “Needs and abilities” are, of course, subjective. So the operative statement may be reduced to “the State shall take, the State shall give.”


President Obama: “I’m Not Driven By Some Ideological Agenda”…

Obama meet the pressWASHINGTON DC – President Obama turned up on NBC’s “Meet the Press” for the first time since the passage of ObamaCare, and gave exactly the performance that every veteran Obama-watcher would have expected: a bitter, intransigent partisan claiming to be the only non-partisan, non-ideological participant in the “fiscal cliff” drama. “I’m not driven by some ideological agenda – I’m a pretty practical guy,” he explicitly stated, offering his past four years in office as evidence.

It’s too bad “Meet the Press” doesn’t have a laugh track. (more…)