
Federal Judge Orders IRS to "Name Specific People" Who Directed Tea Party Targeting…

If the U.S. electorate were ever to grasp the full scope of what took place in the IRS, FBI and DOJ weaponization of government to specifically target people, no-one in Washington DC would ever be safe from the backlash.
There’s enough material inside the IRS story for multiple Pulitzer prizes, in addition to severe and jaw-dropping revelations as to republican politicians who aided the overall scheme.  Start by finding out who in the IRS specifically sent 21 CD-ROM’s to the FBI, and find out who specifically received them inside the FBI, and what they did with them.

WASHINGTON A federal judge has ordered the Internal Revenue Service to release the names of specific employees involved in targeting Tea Party groups, after years of litigation over what conservatives have long called “chilling” behavior by one of the government’s “most feared” agencies.

Judge Reggie B. Walton of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia also said the IRS must provide information about which groups were targeted and why, along with a strategy to make sure such targeting doesn’t happen again.


Trump's "Disappointment" – An Example of What AG Jeff Sessions Refuses To Address…

Many opinions are visible on the subject of President Trump questioning the focus and competency of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  With that in mind perhaps it’s worthwhile pointing out a simple example of internal DOJ corruption that AG Sessions is intentionally avoiding.

In October 2015 the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced it was dropping the investigation into the IRS, Lois Lerner, and the unlawful sharing of taxpayer data in the IRS targeting investigation surrounding True The Vote et al.  The decision was laughable. The DOJ dropped an investigation into illegal activity conducted by the DOJ? Oh, ok..
As a direct consequence of the DOJ decision, congressional inquiry into the IRS/DOJ targeting matter seemingly dropped from the radar and disappeared into the ether of the Swamp without anyone paying much attention.
However, if you review the origin of the entire IRS/DOJ scheme, the post-2010 mid-term “shellacking” and “secret research project“, and carry it forward to the 2016 election result any interested observer would still be left asking:

A: “why did the IRS, through Lois Lerner, deliver 1+ million pages of tax filings, to include the entire donor list of Tea Party and patriot groups including every “schedule B” with the names of every contributor to the organization, through 21 CD-ROMs to the DOJ?  And B: Who did she deliver them to?…

This questions are not some esoteric enterprise or hindsight review unworthy of investigation.  The background to the factual distribution of IRS data to the DOJ was not accidental; nor did the actual material arrive at some disingenuous DOJ office.  These files were illegally distributed from the IRS to the DOJ and ended up in the hands of actual DOJ officials.  Who are they?
These are brutally obvious questions which, despite the numerous congressional hearings on the matter, were never asked – nor answered.

Catherine Engelbrecht: "Voter Fraud is Institutionalized" Here's How…

For those who don’t know Catherine Engelbrecht, she has been the tip of the spear on voting integrity since 2008.  Catherine, along with thousands of other people, was a direct target of the weaponized IRS following the assembly of various Tea Party groups in 2009/2010.  Mrs Engelbrecht has delivered passionate testimony to congress.
In addition, Engelbrecht was also illegally singled out for specific investigation by House Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings for her “true the vote” efforts.  Few people know the depth of voter fraud, and the various issues within intentional vote manipulation, with as much insight.  After almost a decade of intense work at state and local levels; Englebrecht is a subject matter expert on voting issues:

Please make sure you watch Catherine’s congressional testimony below:

IRS Inspector General Finds Thousands Of New Lois Lerner Emails…

lois lerner 3(Via The Hill) An inspector general investigating the IRS’s improper scrutiny of Tea Party groups has found thousands of emails from Lois Lerner, the agency official at the center of that controversy, according to committees involved in the probe.
Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration (TIGTA) said it found roughly 6,400 emails either to or from Lerner from between 2004 and 2013 that it didn’t think the IRS had turned over to lawmakers, the congressional committees said. The committees have yet to examine the emails, aides on Capitol Hill said. (more…)

White House Refuses To Release IRS Documents On Tea Party Targeting…

Why? Simple, because the trail of the scheme’s origination begins with the White House officials brainstorming ideas of how to stop Tea Party groups from fighting back against the Obama agenda. That brainstorming led to IRS and DOJ officials creating the plan to use 501(c)(4) tax filing “schedule B’s” to create a list of people and groups.
That massive “Schedule B” list of people and groups was then given to the DOJ who then weaponized various agencies to target the people on the “secret list” for regulatory review, compliance checks and random audits. This is what the White House is trying to cover up. This is what the IRS is desperate to cover up. This is what the DOJ is intent on covering up.
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WASHINGTON DC – The Obama administration is refusing to publicly release more than 500 documents on the IRS’s targeting of Tea Party groups.
Twenty months after the IRS scandal broke, there are still many unanswered questions about who was spearheading the agency’s scrutiny of conservative-leaning organizations.
The Hill sought access to government documents that might provide a glimpse of the decision-making through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. (more…)

Smidgen Alert – IRS/White House Documents Release Anticipated…

UPDATE:  According to Cause of Action some of the IRS/White House details will surface soon:

Backstory – I’ve never been so sure of something I couldn’t fully prove – as I am about the IRS targeting instructions coming from political officials to the Eric Holder DOJ and the IRS. We’ve followed the releases closely, researched and cataloged the information and genuinely believe this one scandal is bigger than all other Obama administration scandals combined. (more…)

IRS Announces They've Found 30,000 Lois Lerner E-mails On Back-up Tapes…

Amid a massive document dump of news on the Friday before Thanksgiving the IRS announces they have located “additional” emails sought by congressional inquiry.
Remember, AG Eric Holder is effectively gone now, Obama is a lame-duck -and has done the immigration reform he promised- by dictatorial fiat, and the Senate is about to be run by Republican leadership.  As a consequence all of the parachute cords are being severed, and we’ll see a number of political officials reacting to the “every man/woman for themselves” shift.
Remain poised, focused and positive, we’re about to discover a bounty of hidden info… We voted to stop the madness behind the curtain, we’re about to find out what’s there…..
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WASHINGTON DC – Up to 30,000 missing emails sent by former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner have been recovered by the IRS inspector general, five months after they were deemed lost forever.
The U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) informed congressional staffers from several committees on Friday that the emails were found among hundreds of “disaster recovery tapes” that were used to back up the IRS email system. (more…)

Professsional Political Class: "Stay The Course" = Strategic Massive News Dumps….

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They’re trying to flood the field ahead of Thanksgiving, it’s brutally obvious.  This is classic use of “the bathtub principle” at work:

Today IRS reports recovery of 30,000 Lois Lerner emails from ’09 to ’11

Today House Intel “Panel” Releases Benghazi Report

Today Obama gives speech on highly anticipated immigration Executive Order

Today media and nation await Saint Louis Mike Brown shooting verdict. 100 FBI agents dispatched to Ferguson

DOJ Releases 40,000+ Fast and Furious documents (emails)

HHS Admits ObamaCare enrollment overstated.

IRS Scandal – Hopes and Fears….

Ultimately research shows the IRS Targeting Scandal is a series of magnitudes greater than all other Obama scandals. The Federal Department of Justice weaponizing the IRS to go after political enemies within the U.S. electorate is far more serious than any other controversy.
Cleta Mitchell updates on hopes and concerns moving forward: