
The Affluenza UniParty – DC Chattering Class Disconnected From National Sense…

You know how severely the echo-chamber in Washington DC is insulated when even Steve Schmidt-for-brains can see the pending tsunami and yet describe how the professional political class just don’t get it.

The smug, disconnected, pontificating Ryan-Pelosi-McConnell-Reid rulers just can’t bring themselves to look out the window, toward the horizon, and accept the heated caldrons of tar and feathers being assembled.  They are so certain of their own entitlements, they keep themselves surrounded by sycophantic deniers ensure they will never have to accept the unacceptable.

(key point begins at 2:00)



An Open Letter To Our Brothers and Sisters Within Super Tuesday States…

…”Meet at The Old Mill, We Ride at Midnight”

After many months of professional political class “gaslighting” Americans, the patriots in  Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Alaska, Colorado, Minnesota, and Wyoming  now engage their moment to have their voices heard. 

A visible and quantifiable moment to rise, unite, join with us and and state their collective refusal to be co-dependents in our national demise….


trump oklahoma 1

We Remember – December 23rd 2009 when Majority Leader Harry Reid passed a version of Obamacare through forced vote at 1:30am. The Senators could not leave, and for the two weeks previous were kept in a prolonged legislative session barred returning to their home-state constituencies. It was, by all measures and reality, a vicious display of forced ideological manipulation of the upper chamber; shared again as a constant reminder for what set the stage, and what followed. (more…)

White House Begins Selecting Scalia Replacement – Short List Includes Current AG Loretta Lynch…

According to a Reuters report the Obama administration has begun the process of selecting a nominee for the Supreme Court.

loretta lynch AG nominee 2.1

The White House on Monday said President Barack Obama had started preliminary discussions with his team about naming a Supreme Court justice nominee and accused Republicans of “bluster” for saying they would not confirm his pick.

White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters that Obama would seek a nominee who understands that justice is not an abstract theory but something that affects Americans’ daily lives. Republicans say Obama should put off naming a replacement for conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, who died this weekend, and leave it to whoever is elected president in November.


Harry Reid Endorses Paul Ryan For Speaker of House…

The House of Representatives has almost solidified the Democrat support they need to nominate Paul Ryan as the next Speaker of The House.

Current Speaker John Boehner supports Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi and now Harry Reid also support Ryan; Pelosi saying the Democrats would vote affirmatively to support Ryan, and numerous Republican media pundits also supporting Paul Ryan.

house senate leadership boehner pelosi reid mcconnellHouse Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan And Sen. Sessions Discuss GOP Budget Plan

With solidly predictable support, the decision now rests with Paul Ryan.

WASHINGTON DC – Harry Reid just gave Paul Ryan an unwelcome endorsement for speaker.  The Democratic leader offered his surprise backing for Ryan (R-Wis.) to assume the House speakership, saying he hopes Ryan runs and wins the job because he’s a “Paul Ryan fan.” (more…)

Deconstructing The CBS Report – Hillary Clinton/Benghazi Obfuscation….

Following up to yesterday and the Elijah Cummings pre-testimony report, let’s focus on the CBS presentation therein.

ben rhodes 1CBS is a good reference to show the media obfuscation attempts because CBS holds a vested self-interest in deflections around the various Benghazi narratives.  You might remember it was Ben Rhodes who wrote the Benghazi talking points; Ben’s brother David is President of CBS News.

In addition, you might also remember it was CBS, via 60 Minutes, who withheld/embargoed a broadcast pre election 2012 where President Obama denied al-Qaeda’s terrorist involvement.

A claim Obama denied making in the Candy Crowley debate against his opponent Mitt Romney.  CBS covered Obama’s ass allowing the lie to go undiscovered until after the November 2012 election.  It was also CBS who refused to allow Sharyl Attkisson to continue investigative reporting on the Benghazi story.

Here’s the current presentation of the Elijah Cummings report by CBS: (more…)

The UniParty Evidenced – Another Missing Federal Budget, This Time With Republicans In Full Control…

It was September of 2007 when George W Bush sat behind his oval office desk and signed into law the Fiscal Year 2008 Federal Budget. Exactly eight years ago.
It has now been eight consecutive years without a federal budget. Eight consecutive years of debt ceiling increases, continuing resolutions to fund government, threats of shut-downs and the insufferable back-and-forth blame.
McConnell and Boehner
But this year is different. You see for this budgetary year (constructed in ’15 for fiscal year 2016) the Republicans hold significant majorities in both the House and the Senate. And for those of you who don’t pay as close attention to these things, the fiscal year starts on October 1st.

Yeah, exactly a week from now !

and yet we have NO BUDGET. Why?
Well, the honest answer to that question is what scares the hell out of the Professional Republican party. We have no federal budget this year, because, just like the Democrat party, the GOP doesn’t want a federal budget. (more…)

Harry Reid Plans To Block Senate Vote On Iran Deal….

And of course, as customary, Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will acquiesce and say there’s no way to defeat the Democrat maneuverings.
WASHINGTON – Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., will try to prevent the Senate from voting on President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.
In a statement issued on Saturday, Reid said that Democrats would attempt to use the filibuster to prevent the Senate from holding even a symbolic vote on the issue, which would likely result in an embarrassing outcome for Democrats. “I recently informed Senator McConnell that after a period of robust debate, Democrats would be happy to proceed straight to a final passage vote,” Reid said in the statement, suggesting “robust debate” was a coy way of saying that the debate will not end unless Republicans can muster 60 votes to do so. (more…)

Mitch McConnell Gives Fiscal Conservatives The BIG MIDDLE FINGER – Announces Plans To "Work With" Obama On Budget….

In the unlikely event you can’t hear the sound of the Rhinoceros marching on bubble wrap directly behind you, it might be worth while getting a firmer grip on both your ankles:

[…]  “The Senate Democrats have a big enough number to prevent us from doing things. They prevented us from doing any of the bills that appropriate money for the government, thereby forcing a negotiation when we go back in after Labor Day, which I’ll be engaged in with the administration and others to try to sort out how much we’re going to spend and where we’re going to spend it.”  ~ Mitch McConnell

Yes, that’s Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, giving a preview of his “budget plan strategy”.
If you find yourself pausing, well, prior to having the jackbooted foot of a $4 trillion spending proposal rammed into your psyche, and asking yourself why the “Senate” leader and not the House Leader is making such proclamations – you might still be stuck in the old School-House-Rock paradigm of thinking that budgety stuff is actually constructed in the House of Representatives.  (more…)

Harry Reid Beaten By His Brother Larry ?…

This is interesting. Against the backdrop of Larry Reid being arrested for being drunk and disorderly -he also hit a cop- an interesting side story comes to the surface about Senator Harry Reid’s previous injuries.

The Daily Mail covers the story of Larry Reid’s arrest. […] Senator Harry Reid’s 73-year-old brother has been arrested and charged with driving drunk and hitting a police officer.

Larry ReidLarry Reid was arrested for DUI about 12:40 p.m. between Boulder City and Searchlight in Nevada.

Mr. Reid was also charged with battery of a police officer, driving across a median, resisting arrest, not wearing a seat belt and possession of a gun while under the influence of alcohol.

A trooper saw Larry Reid’s Lexus SUV in the dirt median with the engine still running, Patrol spokesman Trooper Loy Hixson said.

The Nevada Senator’s office released a statement confirming that Larry Reid is the Democrat’s brother, saying only that it is ‘a private matter.’ (read more)

Against the backdrop of this recent event a story from Power Line Blog takes on a new dimension of possibility: (more…)

Both Influence Peddlers: Senator Menendez Indicted, Senator Harry Reid Not-So-Much…

(Via Breitbart) In its indictment of Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Dr. Salomon Melgen, a Florida opthalmologist, the Department of Justice cites Melgen’s $600,000 donation to Senator Harry Reid’s (D-NV) Senate Majority PAC in 2012.

senator robert menendezHarry-Reid

That money, the feds charge, was earmarked for the successful re-election of Menendez, and was part of “hundreds of thousands of dollars and contributions to entities that benefitted MENENDEZ’s 2012 Senate campaign, in exchange for specific requested exercises of MENENDEZ’s official authority.”

The indictment makes no mention of the additional $100,000 Melgen contributed to the Senate Majority PAC a mere two weeks before Reid arranged an August 2, 2012 meeting among himself, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, and Menendez. (more…)