People ask why I find it difficult to write about the Durham report empirically confirming everything we previously outlined in the past five years.  Here’s my answer.

Eventually, after the shock & awe of the Durham confirmations wear off, I am hopeful that people will stand back and realize the bigger question that covers all of the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy nonsense.   This was a United States government operation to conduct full-throated surveillance on a U.S. presidential candidate, and then remove that candidate from the office of the presidency after his victory in the 2016 election.

With John Durham outlining in granular details how the FBI, DOJ and larger intelligence apparatus acted politically to weaponize government on behalf of an allied presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton, a bigger question remains.  There never was any merit to the Trump-Russia nonsense, so what exactly were Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann doing for two years?

Using the silo defense as a method of obfuscation, John Durham noted in his report [page #2] as below, never delved into that obvious question.  Durham specifically, and with great intent, says he did not look at what Mueller and Weissmann were doing; even though, Durham destroyed any predication that might have given merit to the intention of their special counsel existence.

Durham writes a 316-page report, meticulously detailing the false construct of the Trump-Russia narrative.  Yet for some reason, the Mueller/Weissmann investigation, an entire special counsel investigation that was predicated and justified by that false Trump-Russia narrative, never found the same evidence?

Durham never looked at it.  Why? Because he knew Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann were installed to cover up the original fabrications by the CIA, FBI, DOJ and U.S. intelligence apparatus.  Mueller’s probe existed in material fact to hide the Obama weaponization to target Donald Trump.   Durham knew this; that’s why he never touched it.

Stop pretending.  Once you stop pretending, you realize just how rotten this system is.

John Durham intentionally and with specific foresight, did not want to reveal the criminal conduct of the Mueller/Weissmann special counsel.

He knew exactly what they were doing; his investigation paralleled what their investigation would have done if Mueller was not established to hide the originating schemes.

Everything Durham found, Mueller could have easily found, and stated, and ended the nonsense.

This reality, and Durham’s intentional decision to avoid confronting the Mueller fraud, is why no one should defend any part of what John Durham was doing, nor the report he delivers in conclusion.   Durham is just as dirty as Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann.  If he wasn’t, he would have outlined the purpose of Mueller and left them naked to the consequences.   But that’s not what a good little silo maintainer does.

Instead, John Durham simply acts as if Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann didn’t exist to try and destroy President Trump.  Durham ignores the cleanup operation entirely.

Everyone in Washington DC knew that Trump-Russia was a manufactured lie created by Hillary Clinton, promoted and supported by President Obama and fully weaponized by the Obama era justice department.  Nobody in Washington DC did not know this. Everyone knew.

Everyone in Washington DC also knew that Robert Mueller was installed to cover up the 2016 targeting operation.  Nobody in Washington DC did not know this.  Everyone knew, including John Durham.

We really need to stop pretending and start asking the obvious questions.  If Durham can destroy the predicate of the Trump-Russia nonsense, then what the hell were Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann doing for two years?

We know the answer.

The investigators know the answer.

Washington DC knows the answer.

Republicans know the answer.

They all know that we know the answer, and yet that BIGGER question just sits there….

…because everyone keeps pretending!

A reminder from the MUELLER REPORT: 


You might remember, Robert Mueller was in front of congress in July 2019, answering questions about Chris Steele, the dossier and the Steele sources therein.  Mueller was able to deflect and dodge answering questions about it because AG Bill Barr put John Durham into place in May 2019.

When Robert Mueller is saying there’s another group in the DOJ looking specifically at the Chris Steele, Dossier, Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson aspect to the fraudulent 2016/2017 claims about Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 election, he is talking about the John Durham investigation.

Mueller was citing Durham as the reason why his purview, and subsequent report as released, did not include the Steele dossier, Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson information.

Mueller was saying that stuff is the responsibility of “the other internal investigative unit,” ie. John Durham.

When you stand back and remind yourself of the Bill Barr statements and affirmations about the ‘integrity’ and ‘honor’ of Robert Mueller, one can only accept that AG Bill Barr put John Durham into place in May 2019, immediately following Robert Mueller’s completed investigation, April 2019, so that Mueller would have a shield for why the origin of the Trump-Russia is outside his purview.

This is how they use silos as weapons and shields.  Not in my purview is the same as not in my silo.

Mueller was citing Durham as the reason his team did not expand their probe to fully investigate Chris Steele et al.  Mueller’s special counsel has an escape hatch for why they did nothing with their own investigative findings…. That was John Durham’s job.  This is the outrage trap.

AG Bill Barr established John Durham’s probe (silo) so that Robert Mueller’s probe (silo) would have cover.

If John Durham’s investigative inquiry did not exist prior to that July 2019 testimony by Robert Mueller, then Mueller would have lied to congress.

AG Bill Barr put Durham into place, essentially constructed another silo, to protect his ‘good friend’ Robert Mueller….

….The DC two-step was achieved.
