Oh dear, the White House sent Kamala Harris to mend fences with Poland after five days of state department diplomatic bumbling over fighter jets for Ukraine.   Yes, the result is exactly what you might expect as highlighted in a few segments shared below:

In the first segment, Kamala Harris delivers her prepared remarks, meaning she actually planned and prepped to deliver this {Direct Rumble Link}.  No one is quite sure what she just said, but everyone nodded in appreciation of the word assembly.  WATCH:

“I am here, standing here on the northern flank — on the eastern flank talking about what we have in terms of the eastern flank and our NATO Allies and what is at stake at this very moment.  What is at stake this very moment are some of the guiding principles around the NATO Alliance and, in particular, the issue and the importance of defending sovereignty and territorial integrity, in this case, of Ukraine.

Oh, but wait, it gets worse.  In the segment below, Harris was asked a question by the assembled press pool about the plight of refugees from Ukraine.  Mrs. Harris answers the question with a very cringeworthy and inappropriate round of laughter.


When Harris did eventually come around to addressing question…. well, what happened, was almost as bad as the laughter.  WATCH:

