On Thursday, at 5:00pm ET, the installed occupant of the White House, Joe Biden, will announce the latest U.S. Government approach to COVID mitigation which is anticipated to carry more mandated vaccination requirements.  The details are not yet known; however, we can judge the approach by looking toward two specific allied nations who have been conducting the beta test on behalf of, and in coordination with, the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Intelligence Branch of government.  The Biden plan is reported to be a six prong approach.

The vaccine passport approach, triggered by France, seems to be the most likely scenario that Biden and the DoS will follow.  The monitoring, tracking, and rules against non-compliance for vaccine mandates will likely come from the approach being deployed in Australia.  The U.S. version tenuously has to avoid the pesky issues with constitutional limitations on government that are not present in France or Australia; so our version will likely be a blend of the two systems.


The mandatory vaccine passports will most likely follow the merging of Government and Corporate world.  In olden days, this was called Fascism; however, with the Antifa foot soldiers of the FBI acting as brownshirt operatives to obfuscate the historical record, they will not use the same terminology.

The enforcement mechanism will come from a similar merge of Government with Big Tech.  However, the Australian model of geolocation, QR codes and the cell phone app for check-in,  verification of vaccinated status and monitoring of U.S. citizens in a central database, will likely not pass U.S. constitutional muster if challenged.  It will be interesting to see how the federal government will propose the “enforcement” mechanism.

Joe Biden is a disposable front-man for the people organizing the objective, so they don’t have to worry about political damage.   The Biden term was designed for a single set of four-year rapid advancements for the Democrat Socialist agenda.  The Biden poll ratings and favorability, or lack therein, do not factor into the plan of action; those issues are irrelevant.  The announcement will come at 5:00pm ET from the State Room in the White House.

