A slow awakening amid conservatives?…  Is there hope?…  This guy gets it.  American majority CEO Ned Ryun discusses the distinct difference between corporatism and capitalism and points out how JoeBama’s big government model is based on the principle of letting the multinationals erode civil liberties. 

This might sound familiar if you have read THIS HERE and THIS HEREWatch:


Multinational corporations do not like capitalism because within the process of capitalism they do not have control over the financial outcomes.  Capitalism breeds competition; multinationals abhor competition, they are totalitarian in ideology and want the entire pie under their control.  Multinational corporations do not like capitalism; underline it, emphasize it, do not forget it.

Boy howdy is there a disconnect amid the outlook of most ‘conservatives’ when it comes to corporations and capitalism. This tweet is a great place to recognize the distinction between the objectives of multinational corporations and their hatred of capitalism.

First, they were not “corporations” on the call, that is not an accurate description. The assembly was a group of “multinationals” discussing their objectives, goals and outlooks on politics.

There is a difference between an ordinary corporation and a multinational corporation. Multinationals hate capitalism.

When I say most multinational corporations hate capitalism many people look confused.

Multinationals want control; some call that corporatism…. but the names are moot. Multinationals want control, and capitalism does not allow them control. Multinationals use lobbyists to generate legislative regulations that stall competition.

Multinationals do not want competition; they are, by nature of their interest, anti-capitalists.

This misunderstanding is everywhere.

Let me help by sharing a short video that explains why:


The first myth busted in that video explains why corporations do not like capitalism. That’s why Big Tech is also against capitalism.

Capitalism is based on the principles of a free market.  Multinationals do not want a free market, they want a controlled market.  Their efforts toward a vaccine passport are an example of yet another control they can manipulate for maximum financial benefit.  It really is that simple…..

…. Meanwhile the crew of totalitarians behind JoeBama know they can benefit from their corporate allies.  The multinationals will pay the politicians for control and the politicians will construct defensive legislative outcomes that protect the multinationals.  That is what is happening in exponentially increasing sunlight.

Unfortunately the multinationals are also the funding mechanism for the UniParty.  Democrats and Republicans both benefit from the financial process of payments by the multinationals for control of legislative outcomes.   This is the entire purpose of K-Street.   In third-world countries we call bribery of elected officials “corruption”; however, in the United States we call bribery of elected officials “lobbying”, the process is exactly the same.

Can you see it now?….

The federal government is lost amid this sordid soup of corporate interests.  Republicans and Democrats are benefiting from COVID financial opportunities provided by the multinationals.

How will this play out?…  Well, follow it to its natural conclusion.

It will be up to the individual states to block vaccine passport requirements initiated by the private sector.  Unfortunately their track record on mask requirements is not a good precursor for what needs to happen.  States will need to initiate legislation that prohibits private companies from demanding vaccinations in order to participate in their commercial enterprise (airline flights, venue entry, tickets, etc.).

Some states will do this, other states will not; that’s the problem.  We are going to have “free states” and “control states”.

Ideological banks may stop doing business in free states.  Ideological airlines may stop doing business in free states.  Ideological companies like Amazon may stop doing business in free states.   Everything will fracture and the Alinsky crew will be high-fiving themselves.  Then issues like the postal service will come up…. Eventually the federal government will step-in to play a role and… they will likely support the corporations because that’s who pays them.

The worst part about all of this is the origination is a fraud.  The entire functional narrative of the COVID virus is based on a fraud.  It’s not about a virus; nothing about this has anything to do with a virus; it is all about control.
