I’m going through the transcript and video now and will be expanding on the overall speech in a subsequent and substantive post.  However, a quick few notations are in order.

Obama Mid East Speech

Candidate Donald Trump’s specific speech today was a rebuke to the 2009 speech of President Obama made in Cairo Egypt.  Don’t let the media ignoring that aspect fall silently past you, it’s critical.

Egypt Banner

Libya Banner

Bahrain Banner

The 2009 Cairo Speech by President Obama, his “Mid-east Obama Doctrine”, was the detonation tool, the exact epicenter, for the explosion that created the “Arab Spring”.  Go back and refresh your memory if needed.  It was a specific moment in time. It was a specifically worded ideological speech, and it held specific goals and intentions.

The media will now go into overdrive to protect President Obama from the bigger truth which can come out as a result of this enlarged conversation.   It was President Obama who gave rise to the “Arab Spring”.  You can guarantee the media will go nuts trying to avoid that reality. Watch…

President Obama unlocked the big cat cages in the regional zoo.  Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech intentionally gave Islamic extremists approval to rise up and take down the zookeepers (Ben Ali, Hosni Mubarak, Mummar Kaddafi, Bashir Assad and beyond). It was Obama’s policy that removed the cage locks and he walked away.

He has NEVER been back.

Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech informed the predators, specifically the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in the region, that the U.S. would not do anything to stop them from carrying out their Salafist, authentic Islam, intentions….

Remember, the “Arab Spring” was more than just Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria – it was also Bahrain, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

The only reason you don’t remember the last six nations mentioned, was because the result of the first four was so intensely violent, so catastrophic, the White House -and Western media- hid how the Bahrain, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabian political entities dealt with their predators.

Yemen Uprising

Here’s the Donald Trump 2016 rebuke dealing with the outcome of that ’09 origination:

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Egypt 8-16-13

Egypt Freedom Loss 2


