Well, well, well…. though financial media will say this is remarkably unexpected, it is something CTH specifically predicted we would see – and it is happening exactly on the timeline CTH anticipated.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the second quarter national wage rate data today {BLS DATA HERE}.  U.S. wages DECLINED 1.2% in the second quarter of 2021 compared to last year.  When reviewing the data [Table 2], look at the negative impact to women, specifically Black and Asian women:

TOP LINE – Combine a 1.2% decline in earned wages with a 5.4% overall inflation rate recently reported {Go Deep},  and what you get is a 6.6% drop in real income amid the working class.  That, my friends, is exactly what we said should be expected.  That is also why the JoeBama administration needs to pump more money into the system (human infrastructure spending) in order to stop people from realizing just how bad it is.

You cannot have declining wages and massive inflation and expect the middle-class to survive.  Additionally, when I said six weeks ago that we had just passed peak home value, this is another data point to bolster that prediction.  We are in a plateau period on macro-level real home values, from this point they start dropping.  You cannot have near double digit drops in real income and simultaneously expect people to afford high mortgages.  It just doesn’t happen.

The declining wage rates, and the more substantive drop in real wage rates due to massive inflation, are specifically hitting the lower tier of the working class harder.  Yet despite this,  Biden is intent on importing even more economic migrants to put even more downward pressure on wages for the working class.

These are very real outcomes of policy.  Working class Blacks and Latinos will feel this even more, yet this is the special interest group that Democrats claim to support.  The reality is exactly opposite from the narrative sold by the Biden administration.

The Democrats know this. These outcomes are not accidental; they are a feature not a flaw in their policy.  This is why they need to keep spending to retain the ruse.

There’s no way around this.  Despite the pundit and financial class selling a counter-narrative, home prices will crash and unemployment will go up.  I know this is directly against the current talking points, but the statistical reality is clear.  CTH was the first place who said two months ago that home sales will plummet, that is starting to happen right now.  There’s no way for it not to happen, the big picture tells us why.

♦ Inflation Data Link

♦ Prior Prediction Link

May 2021 – “It will be very interesting to watch how the housing market responds over the next few months. If the trendline continues we should see a considerable softening in home sales, again depending on region, as the inflation hits the working class.”  Imagine what happens when they stop pumping money into the economy.

