
The Typical Left – Moonbat Feminist White Guilt Prof Says White Supremacy, Colonialism, Capitalism Contributed To Trayvon Martin Killing – Meanwhile Lefty Students Busted Spray Painting Anti-Gay, Pro-Nazi Graffiti…. go figure

First up The White Guilt Queer Fem College Professor – Capitalism and white supremacy both played roles in the killing of Trayvon Martin, a public university professor said last Thursday.
Trayvon parody
Dr. Erica R. Meiners, a professor in the Gender and Women’s Studies Department at Northeastern Illinois University, made the remarks while speaking on a panel of self-described “queer feminist scholars.”
“[T]he web of interconnected histories and contexts that made it possible for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin and walk away cannot be separated from white supremacy, colonialism, heteromasculinity, and capitalism,” said Meiners. (more…)

Yet Again – Memphis Tennessee: White Man Shot By Three Black Suspects, Motive? – Trayvon Retribution

This time the story is replete with Media and Police Cover-Up.  Stop me when you’ve heard this before…
Natalie%20jackson%203 Tweets
….. A random white male walking to his car on city street, minding his own business, when another car containing three black suspects stops, backs up, and…..
Memphis TN – It’s a senseless murder you aren’t hearing about.
A young white male was walking to his car on a city street late at night on August 12 when he was confronted by a trio of black individuals. They shot him dead. Police have arrested three people and charged them with first degree murder. But some in the victim’s family can’t understand why the shooting is being called a failed robbery when they say the evidence suggests something possibly more sinister: a hate crime.
Memphis suspects
David Santucci, 27, had just started his new job as a nurse. According to his family, “he was an awesome guy…he wanted to be a missionary…he wanted to help people.” (more…)

Drive By Journalism – Rush Limbaugh Contrasts MSM Reponse to Chris Lane Shooting VS. Trayvon Martin….

James Edwards - Chancey Luna - Michael Jones 2
22-year-old college baseball player Chris Lane was gunned down this week in Oklahoma while out for jog. One of the three perpetrators reportedly told police they did it simply because they were “bored.”  Two of the three teenagers were black; the other was white. All were under the age of 18.

“No matter where you look in the media, it’s not a racial event,” the host said. “This is the epitome of media irresponsibility. This is a classic illustration of just what role the mainstream media is playing in the destruction of American culture and society.” (more…)

Propaganda Fail – On Same Day A Ridiculous Stand Your Ground (Trayvon Martin) PSA Released, Three Black Thugs Shoot Random White Guy For Fun…

Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, and a legion of like-minded grievance specialists, is/are trying to get Stand Your Ground (self-defense) laws removed from twenty six states who currently have such laws on the books.
This is not a new proposition for the ideological fellowship.   They have been working on this for a few years now.   Actually, the backstory of SYG opposition prior to the Trayvon Martin shooting helps to understand why they chose to use the Martin incident as their springboard.
The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence, which is actually a stealth gun removal team, released a PSA to support their endeavors.   To say the PSA is a false construct is a massive understatement:

There are actually multiple grievance issues in current alignment. The Trial Lawyers Association do not like ‘Stand Your Ground’ because it provides for financial immunity in your defense; thereby eliminating the possibility of wrongful death lawsuits.
However, the Black Racial Grievance Industry, the social engineers, have perhaps the most absurd of all alignment positions.

Sybrina Fulton: New York Stop and Frisk Policy is Racial Profiling – Just Like What Was Done To Trayvon

(Via Mediaite)  On Meet the Press Sunday morning, Trayvon Martin’s mother Sabrina Fulton denounced New York City’s Stop and Frisk law, arguing that it was part and parcel with the racial profiling George Zimmerman used when he approached Martin before the fatal shooting.

“I think it’s all about laws,” she told host David Gregory. “You have to give, not only civilians, but the police officers the right direction. You can’t give people the authority, whether it’s civilians or police officers, the right to stop someone because of the color of their skin.”

Democrats Gave Talking Points To Anti-Gun Advocates Telling Them To "use the Trayvon Martin shooting" to advance their goals…

WASHINGTON DC – Newly uncovered Democratic anti-NRA talking points urge anti-gun advocates and politicians to hype high-profile gun incidents like the Florida slaying of Trayvon Martin to win support for new gun control laws.

In talking points likely followed by top Democratic leaders including President Obama after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in December, the anti-gun “guide” urged gun foes to speak out when a shooting “creates a unique climate” to shout down the National Rifle Association. (more…)

Oprah Compares Young President Obama (aka Trayvon Martin) To Emmett Till Lynching…

Because obfuscating real crime and racism with false crimes and racism has proven to be a modern effective strategy of the BGI.   What would ‘white guilt’ be without it...
Alas the problem for the Winfrey team becomes the truth of Trayvon Martin:  A street thug, kicked out of home by his own mother, known burglar, admitted drug user, violent 17-year-old, diverted for behavioral issues by the criminal justice system, and trial evidence which clearly shows he initiated the fight with George Zimmerman which led to his own death as Mr. Zimmerman was defending himself.
But why let the facts get in the way when you have a grievance story to create and sell?
National Review – While promoting her upcoming movie about a longtime black employee of the White House, The Butler, Oprah Winfrey said an interview that the death of Trayvon Martin was the “same thing” as the lynching of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African-American boy killed in 1955 for allegedly flirting with a white woman. “Trayvon Martin — parallel to Emmett Till,” she said.

“Let me just tell you — in my mind, same thing,” she said in a preview of an interview with The Grio, an NBC [Black] News website. (more…)

Did Corey Johnson Die In Custody ? (Trayvon's Button Hero) Newly Discovered Mug Shot/Booking Data

Tying up some loose threads – [If you sent us this mugshot data please identify yourself so we can give you credit].    Remember that “awkward” sideways look on Sybrina’s face when the reporter asked about the “button” Trayvon was wearing when he was shot, that was also visible in the 7-11 video……?

The booking date of 3/25/08 is close to his date of death 05/01/08 ?


Quite An Impact – Bill Whittle Truth About Trayvon Video Is #5 Most Popular PJTV Vid in Just 4 days..

The recently produced and aired video by Bill Whittle “The Lynching” which discusses the lies around the Trayvon Martin narrative has quickly jumped to over 500,000 views. Currently, after only 4 days, it is the #5 PJTV production of ALL TIME.
pjtv screenshot
You can watch it HERE