Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, and a legion of like-minded grievance specialists, is/are trying to get Stand Your Ground (self-defense) laws removed from twenty six states who currently have such laws on the books.
This is not a new proposition for the ideological fellowship.   They have been working on this for a few years now.   Actually, the backstory of SYG opposition prior to the Trayvon Martin shooting helps to understand why they chose to use the Martin incident as their springboard.
The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence, which is actually a stealth gun removal team, released a PSA to support their endeavors.   To say the PSA is a false construct is a massive understatement:

There are actually multiple grievance issues in current alignment. The Trial Lawyers Association do not like ‘Stand Your Ground’ because it provides for financial immunity in your defense; thereby eliminating the possibility of wrongful death lawsuits.
However, the Black Racial Grievance Industry, the social engineers, have perhaps the most absurd of all alignment positions.

According to both the expressed, and the between-the-lines narratives, the broader black grievance community appear worried about white people defending themselves from physical attack.
A worry based on their proposition an entire nation view young black males as the most dangerous.
Natalie%20jackson%203 Tweets
This was central to the core issues at the heart of the George Zimmerman case.
The Civil Rights attorneys, who represent the parents of Trayvon Martin, claimed from the outset of national attention, anyone who defended George Zimmerman’s right to protect himself were actually racists themselves.
This position drew a bold underline against the trial itself and injected race into the equation.
Daryl Parks, from the law firm of Parks and Crump, is one of the Martin family attorneys. Immediately following the shooting March 23rd, he said this:

 March 23rd, 2012 to the National Association of Black Journalists.

[…]  Parks, who also is president of the National Bar Association, said he does not believe the Justice Department will pursue federal hate crime charges against Zimmerman.

Even without hate crime charges, Parks said it’s clear that race played a role in Trayvon’s killing and that the family believes Sanford police actively covered up the racial component to protect Zimmerman.

“Trayvon’s situation is very tragic for this family and, I think, for every black person who lives in America,” Parks said. “We all know many situations where the person of color was not given the benefit of the doubt. That’s a subtlety in America that a lot of people don’t talk about.”  (link)

So it’s clear the Martin Family together with their attorneys wanted to use race to accomplish a more broad objective.   Fortunately for them the media is more than a willing accomplice.
However, time and time again -especially recently and with increased frequency-  the valid reasoning for Stand Your Ground laws are in the headlines.
Headlines, which despite the media trying their level best to be politically correct, show the valid statistical concern about YOUNG BLACK MALES being the source of violence.
The Florida School Bus incident gives an audio-visual demonstration:

However, yesterday, on the same day the PSA was released, another random act of violence highlights a similarity contrast.

[…]  Two of the teens accused of gunning down a promising Australian student in the street ‘just for the fun of it’ were today charged with murder and the third as an accessory just hours after they were named and pictured.

Chris Lane, 22, originally from Melbourne, was jogging in the small town of Duncan in Oklahoma on Friday when he was shot in the back and left to die in the gutter.

The youths facing first-degree murder charges have been named as Chancey Luna, 16, James Edwards, 15, and Michael Jones, 17. It is still not known which of the teens were charged with murder.

James Edwards - Chancey Luna - Michael Jones 2

Chris was in the U.S. on a baseball scholarship and was returning from a visit to his girlfriend when he was senselessly gunned down because the teens were ‘bored’(link)

James Edwards and Chancey Luna

Edwards (left)  Luna (right)

Their Victim, Chris Lane, pictured below with his girlfriend.

Sweethearts: Sarah Harper has been left heartbroken after her boyfriend Chris Lane was gunned down in a senseless killing on Friday
