
Moonbat Leftists Pretending Not To Know Stuff, While Proclaiming the Need For Government Intervention in Speech Platforms

Under normal circumstances I would not subject anyone to a video containing the most self-centered, pontificating, vile and horrible Hillary Clinton.  However, in this example it is Moonbat framework by the insufferable Rachael Maddow that needs to be seen.  Keep in mind, his show is one of the most watched on the Moonbat Speaks and NoBody Cares (MSNBC) network.

Mr. Maddow introduces his point by referencing how Big Tech removed the voices of people who were critical of Vladimir Putin in the recent election.

Google, Apple, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter all removed content, and Maddow is jaw agape at the crushing blow to democracy and ‘free speech’ that such action highlights.

In framing his viewpoint – notice how the MSNBC host has to completely ignore that Google, Apple YouTube, Facebook and Twitter did exactly the same thing to any American voice who was speaking out against Joe Biden and/or questioning the results of the 2020 election.  This is a perfect example of how leftists need to ignore things in order to advance their ideological points.


The Most Corrupt FBI Agent in U.S. History Attempts to Divert Attention – Rachael Maddow Interviews Peter Strzok

Everything about this interview is a case study in lies, manipulation and media attempts to cover for their corrupt ideological allies.  If the background issue wasn’t so serious, it would all be a little funny.   MSNBC propagandist Rachael Maddow interviews former FBI special agent Peter Strzok about the arrest of dossier source Igor Danchenko.

One funny aspect… notice the video begins with Peter Strzok testifying about the importance of the FBI investigating the campaign of Donald J. Trump.  Then, notice the and of the interview Peter Strzok says any claims the FBI investigated the campaign of Donald J. Trump are false.   Strzok and Maddow don’t even see themselves, kinda funny.

Throughout the interview, Strzok attempts to carefully distance the Steele Dossier from the FBI and FISA application.  That is how Strzok attempts to push away the importance of Igor Danchenko, the source of the information in the FISA application used by Strzok to conduct surveillance on Trump.   The interview is akin to watching two kids with blue hands, blue lips and blue cheeks attempting to say it wasn’t them who ate the blueberry pie.


Another hilarious point inside the argument of Rachael Maddow is one you can see if you stand away from the nonsense.  The point by Maddow, in her weird effort to point a finger at Durham’s lengthy indictments of the participants so far, is essentially:  Was the FBI STUPID or was the FBI CORRUPT?

Strzok and Maddow are claiming within their argument, while not saying it openly, the FBI were stupid and tricked by false and manufactured evidence.  Strzok even says in the interview, despite the FBI inability to prove information in the Steele dossier, “we could not disprove it either.”    Think about that.

Peter Strzok defends himself by saying…. We could not disprove the Danchenko allegations, so we put them in a FISA application and swore to the court they were true and verified.  When ‘yer in a hole, stop diggin’ Pete.
