A media spokesperson by the name of Ryan Julison has more actual blood on his hands than any other media corporatist in the last decade.    It was Julison who specifically orchestrated race into the initial media hook in the Trayvon Martin shooting to gain attention for his clients, the Martin family attorneys.
Julison’s decision to inject racial anxiety into the Martin Shooting produced the attack theme:

Justice for Trayvon” 

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ryan julison facebook final

And not to be outdone…. Today The Orlando Sentinel’s reporter, Rene Stutzman,  runs quickly to the head of the parade to replace Ryan Julison.   Only this this time she brings a hit list with her to make it easier for the race provocateurs to locate their victims:

ORLANDO – The names of the six-member jury panel that acquitted George Zimmerman in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin have been made public for the first time, after a new court order, records show.
Circuit Judge Debra Nelson, who had previously ordered the jurors’ identifying information be kept confidential, granted access to the names in a ruling March 21.
Zimmerman’s defense asked the judge in June to keep the names secret until six months after the verdict. The judge set no timeline then, but noted in her new order they have been withheld more than eight months.
Attempts to reach the jurors by phone and in-person Thursday were unsuccessful.
In Florida, the names of jurors are typically public and are announced and used by the judge and attorneys during jury selection.
Nelson’s order follows an inquiry last month by the Sentinel.
In a letter, Sentinel attorneys asked Nelson for a specific ruling on how long she planned to maintain the jurors’ anonymity, noting it was already “well past the six month ‘cooling off’ period requested by the defense.” (read more)
Rene stutzman Jeff Weiner

