
Heads Up ! Jack Cashill Discusses Book "If I Had A Son – The Railroading Of George Zimmerman" On Book TV (CSPAN2)

ifihadasonHatTip to iOTW.  Who Shares –  The latest book by Jack Cashill uses the Zimmerman case to explain how the  left gins up a story in order to serve the narrative they need to create at the  time.
His insightful discussion on his book airs early tomorrow morning at  1:15 am on BookTV (CSPAN2).  I found the first 10 minutes of his  presentation on YouTube.  It’s an eye-opening peek at how the left created  the concept of Agitprop and how it is used today.
There is a 10 Minute Preview Available HERE Jack Cashill argues that President Obama and the liberal media worked overtime to convince the public that George Zimmerman unlawfully killed Trayvon Martin on the night of February 26, 2012,, even though neither knew what really happened. He writes that Martin was a drug user and streetfighter who was legitimately confronted and shot by Zimmerman. Mr. Cashill spoke at the Platte County Resource Center in Kansas City, Missouri.

The Slow Motion train wreck of a collapsing marriage between George and Shellie Zimmerman on Public Display…. (with police report and video)

I doubt you could intentionally script such self-destruction for both parties.  This is beyond theater of the absurd….. Obviously neither is well counseled as this public conduct will lead nowhere except to the land of ridicule and embarrassment.

(*Sorry about the train reference Thomas)    

LAKE MARY, Fla. — The investigation of a domestic dispute between George Zimmerman and his estranged wife is on hold because there is no clear evidence to charge anyone and neither side wants to press the case, a police spokesman said Wednesday.
That could change if new evidence surfaces or technicians are able to extract video that recorded the dispute from Shellie Zimmerman’s smashed iPad, said Officer Zach Hudson. Law enforcement analysts are having difficulty obtaining the video because the iPad is in bad shape, he said.
“We have concluded the investigation with what we have to work with right now,” Hudson said. (more…)

Now The Brutal Bias From The Orlando Sentinel In The Zimmerman Case Makes Sense – The Editorial Review Was Full Frontal Racial Bias From Black Content Approvers….

Perhaps people already knew this and I’m the first to catch on to the obvious.
When Rene Stutzman, a reporter for The Orlando Sentinel, informed me about the editorial board deciding “what” content would be “permitted to be discussed”, within the Trayvon Martin reporting of her newspaper, I had no idea the Senior Vice-President / Director of Content was African American.
Nor did I know the editor she was talking about, Mark Russell, was also African American.
It just never crossed my mind to ask.
Now I see two articles (here and here), discussing who was actually behind those decisions she was speaking toward, it all begins to make sense.
The editor in charge of the Sentinel was Mark Russell. Obviously, based on the extreme position taken by the editor and shared with me via Stutzman, the position was such that no aspect of Trayvon Martin’s background would be covered by the paper.  It was clearly a racial position.
A position amplified by the fact the Director of Content, Avido Khahaifa, would also be the key decision maker, and who was/is also demanding his reporters filter the news on the basis of race first.
Now it all makes sense. (more…)

My Fair Lady Meets Modern BGI…. Learning From Rachel

Good article at American Thinker – with one flaw. The last line.
Learning from Rachel Jeantel – To quote Nancy Pelosi, we can now see what’s in the Zimmerman-Martin case “without the fog of the controversy”. I think the biggest lesson to be learned was from Rachel Jeantel, a friend of Trayvon Martin that testified at the trial.
Witness 8
Rachel Jeantel has just had her 15 minutes. Predictable packaged responses full of defensive fury were covered very well by Thomas Lifson’s AT article. The left has exhausted her value by attacking and chiding all white people about the racist thoughts they have decided we are feeling. They skipped the fact-gathering and evidence stage and went right for the punishment in a fawning and self-righteous defense of someone not really under attack. I have to hand it to libs, they stand by their own and as long as anyone remembers the girl’s name, she will be one of their own. Their message regarding Ms. Jeantel is: (more…)

If You Are Hungry, Don't Feed The Fish…

John Guy and Bernie De La Rionda 2Research, absent of agenda, is quite interesting.   You  never know what you don’t know.
When someone else knows what you don’t know, yet knows you are seeking to find out what they know, it can be challenging to share.
Especially when what they don’t know you know, is as important as what they do know you know. Such is the discussion consideration when you know what they know, but they don’t know that you know what they know.
Early on in the background research of the George Zimmerman case, Bernie De La Rionda thought he knew what we know he knew. But he could never discover what we know he did not know we knew. (more…)

Trayvon's Parents – The Truthful Interview Questions No-one Will Ever Ask (Short "30 minute" interview Version)

Martin parents
First the basics:
My first question is to either of you Tracy or Sybrina: Where exactly was Trayvon living prior to his trip to Sanford florida?
Follow up – Trayvon’s aunt and uncle, Tracy’s brother and sister-in-law, have stated Trayvon was living with them, and their son Stephen “Boobie” Martin, at the time. Why was that?
Mr. Martin – Why was Trayvon in Sanford Florida at the time of his death? (more…)

Zimmerman Case – The MDSPD Cover Up and Post Trial Open Discussion Thread

The Miami Dade cover-up: LOOK AT PAGE 98 OF THE AFFIDAVIT FOR THE POLICE REPORT ON THE MARIJUANA:  This is the incident that led to the final School suspension prior to Trayvon’s trip to Sanford.
Look at date of incident. Look at how it was classified. Look at the date of disposition.

Remember Trayvon was shot on 2/26/12.

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Behind Their Wire – Exposing The Obama Coordinated Astroturf Campaign Ongoing In Florida – Tallahassee Governors Office / Dream Defenders

Sheeple is an oft used word when people describe the manipulations exhibited the current Executive Branch and POTUS administration. The Marxist occupy crowds come readily to mind. However, the current astroturf around the George Zimmerman case is, well, astounding. Today, after our insider report, we will connect even more dots.
We have meticulously outlined how the Eric Holder Department of Justice was used last year to subvert the traditional law enforcement mechanisms in Sanford Florida. Specifically how the Civil Rights Division, led by recently confirmed for Labor Secretary, Tom Perez, used the Community Relations Service, to assist the civil rights law firm of Benjamin Crump and Daryl Parks.
The DOJ/CRS dispatched Atlanta based division head Thomas Battles to coordinate protests against the Sanford law enforcement community. Thomas Battles coordinated several groups to assist in the campaign. Local Organizing for America (OFA) leaders were paired with local NAACP leaders, and the Community Relations Service led, fully indoctrinated students called, “Dream Defenders” were used as unwitting foot soldiers. We outlined the Federal engagement, and several other sites have outlined the local Dream Defenders engagement. Fully connecting all the dots to show the ideological alignment. A coordinated Astroturf campaign top to bottom.
Here’s the latest report from THURSDAY inside the Marxist encampment: (more…)