
The VA Scandal – Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Worse… It Does.. Way Worse – Whistleblower outlines continuing coverup…

A new Phoenix VA whistleblower comes forward and shares staggering new developments.   Someone at the Phoenix VA, is TODAY, hiding the number of patients who died on the secret waiting lists.    This CNN Report is astounding:

(CNN) — Records of dead veterans were changed or physically altered, some even in recent weeks, to hide how many people died while waiting for care at the Phoenix VA hospital, a whistle-blower told CNN in stunning revelations that point to a new coverup in the ongoing VA scandal.

“Deceased” notes on files were removed to make statistics look better, so veterans would not be counted as having died while waiting for care, Pauline DeWenter said. (more…)

USA Today and Rick Perry Agree – Team Obama Drummed Up “Saving Private Bergdahl” As Cover For VA Scandal

(VIA USA Today) An air of hubris — a sort of we-know-it-all quality — has permeated the Obama White House from the beginning. It worked as a public relations strategy for the better part of five years. But it seems to be breaking down now.

Bergdahls with Obama

The sophisticated swagger and savoir faire projected by the President and his strategists — audacity with cool, if you will — captivated a major segment of the 2008 voting public, many of whom were tired of George W. Bush and believed Barack Obama could bring real change to Washington. (more…)

Breaking: Shinseki resigns Friday Morning after meeting with Obama

ShinsekiWASHINGTON — Eric Shinseki resigned as secretary of the Veterans Affairs Department Friday after meeting face-to-face with President Obama about mounting evidence of widespread misconduct and mismanagement at the agency’s vast network of medical facilities.

In a statement Friday morning after the meeting, Mr. Obama said that Mr. Shinseki had offered his resignation from the post he has held since the beginning of the president’s administration. “With regret, I accepted,” Mr. Obama said.


The VA Potemkin Village: Don’t make Federal Workers “look bad”.

According to a whistle-blowing Op Ed piece published in the Wall Street Journal, doctors and residents in the VA system were prevented from providing care to patients if their actions were deemed to be “making federal workers look bad” :

You can offer limited medical care, as long as it doesn't make Federal Workers "look bad"....
You can offer limited medical care, as long as it doesn’t make non-medical     Federal Workers “look bad”….

…”Scott Barbour, an orthopedic surgeon and a friend, trained at the Miami VA hospital. In an attempt to get more patients onto the operating-room schedule, he enlisted fellow residents to clean the operating rooms between cases and transport patients from their rooms into the surgical suites….


wwiivetsb&WInstead of offering praise for their industriousness, the Chief of Surgery reprimanded the doctors and put a stop to their actions. From his perspective, they were not solving a problem but were making federal workers look bad and creating more work for others, like nurses, who had to take care of more post-op patients.”

Imagine that!  Nurses having to take care of more post-op patients!  You’d think they were working in a hospital or something…. It’s not like they can adjust their census to account for that, or anything. /s/.  But, wait, there’s more ……
