
British Prime Minister David Cameron Confronts Authentic Islam…

Last night British Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a stark and bold message to the people of Great Britain. ISIS represents a political ideology born in the space of non-governance, and fueled amid a raging ideology, that must be confronted and destroyed.
There is little nuance within his message. Two video’s – the first is the context of his position; the second is the expanded version to include questions and expanded explanations.
If you have enough time, watch the second video. If not, watch the shorter first one:


RESULTS – The Conservative UK Independence Party (Ukip) Astounds Europes’ Political Class – London Liberal Mayor Boris Johnson Calls Massive Election Victory “The Peasants Revolt”….

Today throughout the United Kingdom the political chattering class is gob-smacked at the electoral victory for Nigel Farage and the conservative Ukip party.

UKIP have been celebrating across the country after gaining an extra 10 MEPs from 10 regions

Ukip is close ideologically, and comparatively structured, to the U.S. Tea Party.

Not since 1906 has a 3rd party handed the Tory (similar to Republican) and Labour (similar to Democrat) simultaneous defeats.    Liberal progressives throughout the EU, and especially the UK, are ‘mouths agape’ because the common sense men and women coast to coast are backing Ukip and expressing conservative nationalism.

Ukip won resoundingly by taking votes from both the Tory party and the Labour party while completely destroying the severely liberal Lib-Dem party.   The landscape of British politics is poised to see a party shattering 2015 election season.

Ukip now hold the majority of UK delegation seats to the collective European Parliament.

How many MEPs has each party won?

MEP = Member European Parliament.

As liberal London Mayor Boris Johnson said: (more…)

‘We have won – it is an earthquake’: Nigel Farage hails UKIP triumph as Labour and the Tories are humiliated and the Lib Dems face humiliating wipeout in Euro-elections

For the backstory, and to understand the ideological make-up of the parties being discussed, CLICK HERE.   *Note* MEP’s are Members elected to the European Parliament from each EU nation.

Results are still being tallied, but it looks like a ONCE IN A LIFETIME Thunder shock of devastation to the liberally minded British, and AN UNPRECENTED SET OF VICTORIES for the Conservative British Ukip party.

update-1UPDATE – At 1am, with more than 350 counts declared, UKIP was on 29 per cent, ahead of Labour and the Tories neck-and-neck on 24%.

With nine of the 11 regions declared, UKIP had polled 29 per cent of the vote, with Labour and the Tories neck-and-neck on 24 per cent

[…]  Nigel Farage tonight hailed Ukip’s victory in the European elections as the most ‘extraordinary result in British politics for 100 years’.

Support for Ukip has surged by more than 12 per cent, outstripping a more modest boost in votes for Labour, while the Lib Dems faced near-wipeout, with some calling for Nick Clegg to resign.

Mr Farage said he was ‘proud’ of the campaign which has seen him humiliate the Westminster parties, pushing Labour and the Tories into second and third. (read more)


U.K. Independence Party (Ukip) Stuns British Political Establishment With Massive Cross-Party Success….

200px-UKIP_logoUkip is -for all intents and purposes- the closest ideological comparison to the U.S. Tea Party.   In England, prior to Ukip there were 3 primary parties:

  • ¹ Labor – Similar to U.S. Democrats
  • ² Tory – Similar to U.S. Republicans
  • ³ Lib-Dem – Similar to far left liberal Moonbats

You can see there are essentially two types of British Democrats: Labor and Lib-Dem; with Lib-Dem being the Alan Grayson socialist version.   The two often work together because they have similar vested interests; much like Moonbats, Dems, and blue-dogs here in the U.S.

However, there was only one party for a conservative minded person, the Tory party.    Yet the problem was/is Tory is much like our Republicans;  mostly establishment, and mostly RINO’s.  

As a result of the Tory RINO-ism the “conservative element” within the Tory broke off and began the Ukip party – a 4th Party.   Ukip is now headed by Nigel Farage (you’ve probably seen his awesome U-Tube speeches which are often highlighted on conservative blogs).

The Ukip political party is similar in ideological make-up to the U.S. Tea Party, only they are an actual officially registered political party in England since around 1993. 

Ukip believes in a libertarian perspective on individual freedom; generally seeks a smaller government; and strongly supports nationalism (exceptionalism), low taxes, the abolishment of ‘Death-Tax’, and strong immigration controls. 

fox-and-beagleNigel Farage

In the last several years, in addition to defections from the traditional Tory conservatives, the Ukip party has been attracting massive legions of “independent minded” people who are sick of the consequences they must suffer from due to liberal policies.   Notably mass immigration, and the creation of a social welfare state which is demanding more and more taxation and stifling growth (sound familiar?).

The generally liberal media in England have been portraying Ukip as fracturing the Tory’s, or conservatives.  [Again, sound familiar]  However in reality Ukip is gaining support from both sides; taking votes from Tory and Labor, and even unbelievably Lib-Dems.    (more…)