
Wikileaks Release Shows DNC Colluding With CBS News, Wording Poll Data Against Bernie Sanders…

Earlier today WikiLeaks released more documents showing how the Democrat National Committee (DNC) specifically worked to destroy the candidacy of Bernie Sanders in a united effort with the media to support Hillary Clinton.

The revelations within the release are quite astounding, and unfortunately confirm all the prior suspicions of the Bernie Sanders supporters about the democrat party apparatus working with the Clinton campaign to eliminate the threat posed by Senator Sanders.

campaign cartoon

There are multiple examples of specific activity where the DNC is colluding with the media to undermine Sanders.  A few examples are below, and we’ll dig in to some of those stories later.  However, within one part of the email release there’s another angle confirming something we have covered here exhaustively. (more…)

Hillary Clinton Says She Learned Of Loretta Lynch / Bill Clinton Meeting Through The Media…

Ever since they initially came on the political scene, it has always seemed odd that no reporter ever asks: “when was the last time you saw your husband?.
There’s absolutely nothing within the definition of “marriage” that fits the two professional politicians, Bill and Hillary.  Their relationship is always in the abstract when referenced.

Hillary doesn’t stand a chance of winning the election. There’s a reason why no-one shows up to her events, speeches or rallies. Authenticity is always a key aspect to electoral victory; she just ain’t got it.
♦ In 2008 there were 38,111,341 Democrat votes in the primary. In 2016 there were 28,269,195. A net decrease of 9,842,146 (-29%)
♦ In 2012 there were 19,214,513 Republican votes in primary. In 2016 there were 30,261,999. A net increase of 11,047,486 (+57%)

NYT Frames Donald Trump's Advice To Pearl Clutching DC Politicians As "Man Up"…

Priceless.  The only problem for the New York Times is, Trump never said: “Man Up”.
A recent Times article, which was transparently structured to present candidate Trump with gender references, outlines Donald Trump’s opinion of the weak-kneed professional political class.  His position is essentially the same as Senator Jeff Sessions, get over it.
Trump new york times screen shot

The media is so dishonest !

(Via New York Times) Donald J. Trump has some advice for panicked Republicans in Washington who are melting down over his most incendiary statements: Man up.

“Politicians are so politically correct anymore, they can’t breathe,”Mr. Trump said in an interview Tuesday afternoon as fellow Republicans forcefully protested his ethnically charged criticism of a federal judge overseeing a lawsuit against the defunct Trump University.

“The people are tired of this political correctness when things are said that are totally fine,” he said during an interlude in a day of exceptional stress in the Trump campaign. “It is out of control. It is gridlock with their mouths.” (more…)

Bernie Sanders Vows To "Keep The Struggle" All The Way To The Democrat Convention…

Good News and Bad News for Bernie Sanders supporters.

The Bad News was the predictable MSM marginalization of Senator Sanders ongoing challenge to the anointed candidate of the DNC, Hillary Clinton.  The intentional delays in the various party secretaries of state conveniently slowing vote totals so they could best frame the Hillary prime-time optics was entirely predictable, and only missing the Kasich style confetti.
bernie frustrated warren
The good news is Senator Sanders is apparently fully aware of the machinations, and took to the stage at 1:30am to deliver a message antithetical to the Clinton acolytes and sycophants in the main stream media.  Bernie vowed to continue on to the Washington DC primary and all the way to Philadelphia.
The media response?  Spontaneous ‘splodey heads erupted all night. (more…)

Reporter Tells Bernie Sanders "He Is Acting Sexist" Because He's Competing Against Hillary Clinton…

yamiche alcindorA New York Times journalist interrupted candidate Bernie Sanders as he tried to call on another reporter during a press conference.
The intentional interruption was targeted for the current media cycle by repeatedly asking the Vermont senator how he’d address all women who say he is acting sexist for standing in the way of Clinton becoming the first female presidential nominee in American history.
While it is difficult to determine who the questioner is [ADD: It was New York Times Reporter Yamiche Alcindor Pictured above] from the audio of the press conference, the exact question was this:

“What do you say to women … What do you say to women who say that you staying in the race is sexist because you are standing in the way of what would be the first female president”?

If Bernie was quicker on his feet he could have quickly replied: Is Hillary Clinton anti-Semitic because she stands in the way of what might be the first Jewish president?
Alas, an opportunity missed. (more…)

Activist Trump University / La Raza Judge Now Attempts To Re-Seal Court Documents…

Candidate Donald Trump previously accused Judge Gonzalo Curiel of having a bias, a specific political and agenda bias, to the benefit of the plaintiffs in the case; and it appears he is correct.
Yesterday it was discovered that Judge Curiel, an activist for illegal immigration, works on behalf of San Diego La Raza immigration activists to select illegal aliens for scholarships.
judge gonzalo curiel 2Trump arizona 4
Today his inherent rush to judgement surfaces once again, as Judge Curiel now tries to reverse course on a decision to unseal court records.
His original order unsealed court documents which were unredacted and exposed the personal information of people within the civil lawsuit.  Today, claiming it was a “mistake“, Judge Curiel tries to put the toothpaste back in the tube: (more…)

Rasmussen Poll: 71% of Democrats Say Clinton Should Run Even if Under Felony Indictment…

Orange really IS the new black.

A Rasmussen Poll released today shows 50% of the electorate believe Hillary Clinton should continue running for President even if she is under federal indictment.  Perhaps even more stunning is that 71% of Democrats think she should keep running if charged with a felony.
hillary rasmussen poll
(Rasmussen) Most continue to believe likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is a lawbreaker, but half of all voters also say a felony indictment shouldn’t stop her campaign for the presidency.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters think Clinton should immediately stop campaigning if she is charged with a felony in connection with her use of a private e-mail server while secretary of State. Fifty percent (50%), however, think she should continue running until a court determines her guilt or innocence. (more…)

Hillary Clinton Drops "Women Card" After Poll Test Shows Little Benefit…

An Associated Press article notes advice to Hillary Clinton to drop the use of gender in her campaign:
Hillary Clinton press we can

Clinton has stopped explicitly mentioning her role in history and joking about being the “youngest woman president.” That’s by design: Those kinds of direct appeals weren’t working with voters.
“De-emphasize the ‘first’ talk,” advised a research report done by Emily’s List. “They already know she’d be the first woman president,” the report said of donors, “but we don’t get anything by reminding them.” (link)

Bernin' Bridges – Senator Bernie Sanders Endorses Wasserman-Shultz Primary Opponent…

Reverend, you’ve got balls as big as church bells“…

It looks like we might want to pay attention to provocateur Jake Tapper and State of the Union tomorrow as he interviews Bernie Sanders.
In a recently released snippet from the interview Bernie goes full wolverine on the DNC and specifically DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. When Tapper thought he would corner Sanders about an openly pro-Sanders Schultz primary opponent, Senator Sanders didn’t flinch and said he fully supports her challenger.
However, Bernie didn’t stop there. He said if he wins the nomination Debbie Wasserman-Schultz will be removed from the DNC.  WATCH:


Hillary Clinton Says: "There is no way I will not be the nominee" – As Senate Leadership Plot To Destroy Sanders…

Against the backdrop of increasingly transparent collapse in support for candidate Hillary Clinton, the machine quickly organized her water-carrying media team to coordinate a media strategy more favorable to her anointment.
She will NOT be denied !
fatal attractionhillary clinton entitled
George Stephanopolous would have been too obvious, even the Clinton’s have limits; so the ever reliable democrat media operative, Clinton New Network’s Chris Cuomo, was flown to Chicago for an exclusive interview.

[…]  “I will be the nominee for my party, Chris. That is already done in effect. There is no way I won’t be,” the former first lady told CNN’s Chris Cuomo.
