
Sean Spicer White House Press Briefing – (Audio and Transcript) June 23rd…

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer delivers the press beating for June 23rd (Audio and Transcript below)


[Transcript] 1:51 P.M. EDT – MR. SPICER: I want to start with some good news. We continue to see great progress by Congressman Steve Scalise, but additionally, it’s great to note that just a few minutes ago George Washington Hospital has announced that Mike Mika, who was also involved in that shooting, has been upgraded to good condition. So we continue to keep an eye on the situation and wish him a speedy recovery on his way to getting out of the hospital. And so that’s a great way to start this. (more…)

Sarah Sanders White House Press Briefing – Audio and Transcript – June 22nd…

White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders delivers the press briefing for June 22nd.  The audio and transcript are released:

[Transcript] 1:26 P.M. EDT – MS. SANDERS: Good afternoon. This morning, the President continued his week of events highlighting technology and how it will continue to contribute to the economy of the future by bringing leaders in the industry to the White House to discuss emerging technologies.

The President met with them after they participated in working groups separated by topic — unmanned aircraft systems, 5G wireless connectivity, and financing — where he saw firsthand how these important technologies are reshaping modern life.


Sean Spicer Press Briefing – June 19th (Full Transcript)…

It has been reported today that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has been moved to the position of communications director and will no longer be the primary person delivering media press briefings.

That said, it also appears many of the previous recommendations, CTH followers and Trump supporters have suggested, are being thoughtfully considered by the WH communications team.  The media are apoplectic at the possibility the White House might shut down their ability to ‘create news-bites’ via planned and coordinated broadcast gotcha questioning.

Below is the transcript for today’s press briefing.  In my opinion, the non-broadcast format should be the standard WH protocol.  Holding a presser, and publish the transcript immediately thereafter should be the norm; save broadcast opportunities for when Cabinet Officials are also delivering information…

[TRANSCRIPT] 1:38 P.M. EDT – MR. SPICER: Good afternoon. A belated Father’s Day to all the dads out there. Hope you enjoyed your day. I also want to extend a very happy birthday in absentia to Jeff Mason. Sorry he can’t be here, but I’m sure he’s enjoying his birthday a little bit more. (more…)

Massive Contradiction – John Brennan Completely Contradicts FBI Director James Comey on Congressional Notification…


Today former CIA Director John Brennan testified to congress on the Russian counter-intelligence operation which began in July 2016.  Today, John Brennan completely contradicted the March 20th, 2017, testimony of former FBI Director James Comey.

We have previously drawn attention to a particular part of former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to congress from March 20th.  The issue is when was congressional leadership, specifically the congressional intelligence oversight group called the “Gang-of-Eight”, notified of the Russian investigation (a counter-intelligence operation).

Pay close attention.  On March 20th FBI Director James Comey -together with NSA head Admiral Mike Rogers- testified to congress specifically about this notification (first three minutes of the video):

Rep. Stefanik: [01:12] …”when did you notify the White House, the DNI or congressional leadership”?

James Comey: …”good question.  Congressional leadership, sometime recently they were briefed on the nature of the investigation, as I said.  Obviously the department of justice has been aware of it all along”…

Watch the first 3 minutes of that video.  Notice the discomfort etc.  We have previously outlined why THAT is such a big deal –SEE HERE–  Comey is discussing the recent notification to congress that took place approximately a week earlier.  Prior to that congressional notification FBI Director Comey admits to keeping congress in the dark “because of the sensitivity of the matter” from July 2016 through March 2017.

Now, watch the opening statement from former CIA Director John Brennan today:
