
DOJ Report States “Hands Up – Don’t Shoot” Narrative Was Completely False – We Again Explain Its Origin

Today the DOJ released their comprehensive finding report on the Mike Brown shooting. The DOJ Report states unequivocally the “Hands Up – Don’t Shoot” narrative was a completely false construct, but yet the media ran with it for months. Why? Here’s the report, and our previous overview of exactly how that ridiculous narrative was started.

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Understanding The Origin Of The Mike Brown Narrative

When we first began digging in to the Mike Brown story something odd was immediately identifiable. The individual witness statements, when compared over time, were case studies in the evolution of self-contradiction.

But why ?

It’s generally a true statement that eye witnesses testimonials can often be unreliable; but the statements of the Canfield Greens apartment complex who immediately hit the New York media circuit were beyond unreliable – they were actually contradicting themselves from show to show, often within hours.

A little research into the shooting aftermath and things began to fall into place. (more…)

Eric Holder Presents Finding of Both DOJ Ferguson Investigations (Video) – #1) Officer Darren Wilson, and #2) Overall Ferguson Police Dept.

Below you will find video of Attorney General Eric Holder delivering his outline and interpretation of two federal DOJ investigations. The first into Police Officer Darren Wilson regarding the shooting death of Mike brown. The second into the more broad issues around the Ferguson Police Department.

Regarding the investigation of Darren Wilson – AG Holder admits there was nothing found to identify any federal issue with the actions taken by Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of Mike Brown.

Dorian Johnson hands uphands up screenshot

To the contrary, Holder outlines there was NOTHING physically, forensically, or within the statements of reliable witnesses which would support the “hands up – don’t shoot” narrative sold by the media ad infinitum.

So how did they get it so wrong?

Attorney General Holder states as a result of the investigation the DOJ has found there was nothing even remotely accurate about how the shooting was originally reported in the media.

However, Holder transitions into investigation #2 by blaming, and more notably excusing, the disparity based on a toxic level of distrust amid the minority community which caused blacks to believe the outrageous claims put forth by paid professional racist organizers (ie. Anthony Shahid et al) who are active within the community.


Officer Darren Wilson Will NOT Face Federal Civil Rights Charges – Full Ferguson DOJ Finding Report Included (pdf)

darren wilson november 2Following the shooting death of Mike Brown in Ferguson Missouri the federal DOJ launched two investigations.  One investigation into Officer Darren Wilson, and a second investigation into the Ferguson Police Department.

Officer Wilson was previously cleared by a Saint Louis Grand Jury of any wrongdoing.

[…] DOJ found that Wilson’s use of deadly force against Brown could not be proven to be considered “objectively unreasonable,” and that federal charges were not appropriate.

“There is no evidence upon which prosecutors can rely to disprove Wilson’s stated subjective belief that he feared for his safety,” states a DOJ report on the decision. (link)

Today, after telling the family of Mike Brown that Officer Wilson will not face any DOJ charges, the DOJ released a report of their investigative findings.  The Saint Louis Post Dispatch has a summary of findings HERE

You can read the investigation of Darren Wilson HERE. We have also embedded it below:

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And Here is the full report on the investigation of the Ferguson Police Department: (more…)

"Federal Charges" Filed Against Ferguson Market Arsonist #1…

ferguson arsonistFERGUSON, MO – Federal prosecutors are bringing charges in one of the fires in riots that destroyed businesses after the Michael Brown grand jury decision.
A federal grand jury indicted Antonio Whiteside, 26, charging him with the arson of the Ferguson Market, the spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in St. Louis said.
The market was the scene of a reported strong-armed robbery by Michael Brown shortly before his fatal confrontation with police officer Darren Wilson. (more…)

Mike Brown Grand Juror Sues To Remove Gag Order….

Get beyond all the righteous pontificating and it sounds like someone wants to cash in and write a book…. The pdf of the filed lawsuit is here…. and, oh yeah – check out the lawyers. Always check out the lawyers.  

Robert McCullochST. LOUIS COUNTY • A member of the grand jury who declined to file criminal charges against former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown sued St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Monday for the right to speak publicly about the proceedings.
The plaintiff, identified in court documents only as “Grand Juror Doe,” has alleged First Amendment violations in a civil suit filed in federal court in St. Louis. According to the lawsuit, Doe wants to talk publicly about the experience of serving on a grand jury, the evidence and investigation that the plaintiff believes would educate the public and “to advocate for legislative change to the way grand juries are conducted in Missouri.”

BREAKING – Saint Louis Prosecutor Releases 73 Page August FBI/County Police Interview With Dorian Johnson (pdf attached)

Dorian johnson giving statementOn Wednesday August 13th 2014 the FBI and local investigators sat down with Dorian Johnson in the office of his attorney, Freeman Bosley Jr. This was five days after the shooting death of his cohort, and strong arm robbery suspect, Michael Brown.
Wednesday August 13th was the day after Police Officer Darren Wilson had also given recorded statements to the investigators.
Prior to today the Federal Department of Justice had refused to release the official record and transcript of that interview with Dorian Johnson. Speculation has grown as to what the motives of the FBI would be to keep it hidden.
Apparently the FBI changed position and allowed Saint Louis Prosecutor to release the information.   Today the transcript was released.
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African American Grand Jury Will Examine Evidence In Mike Brown Shooting Case…

Let it not be said the grievance community is nothing, if not, persistent.
SAINT LOUIS – (KTVI) – African-American community leaders say they’re taking action to put justice back into the hands of black people. They say they will convene a black grand jury on January 3rd and 4th to look at the evidence in the Michael Brown shooting.
angry black coalition
Those grand jury members will go over the evidence presented to the St. Louis County Grand Jury. They also say they will call Darren Wilson, County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch, Ferguson Mayor James Knowles and Governor Jay Nixon to testify.
“What it does is educates and informs our people that two bodies came together, examined the same set of evidence, and were able to come to different conclusions. Therefore, the only thing standing between us and our ability to carry out the will of the people is to change this relationship that exists between us and the armed state apparatus that controls us.” said Omali Yeshitela of the African People’s Socialist Party. (more…)

Addendum Discussion Evidence Thread – Robert McCulloch Releases More Grand Jury Evidence December 8th

Previous Thread #1Thread #2Thread #3  – Thread #4

Thread #5Thread #6Thread #7 – Thread #8 

New Evidence Has Been Released By Saint Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch
Robert McCulloch


We previously crowd sourced the grand jury evidence in EIGHT THREADS.  However, the prosecutor, responding to additional inquiry has released more details.  HERE


♦ Eight Federal Witness Interviews: (more…)

Saint Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch To Release More Grand Jury Evidence/Information Tonight…

Perhaps in response to this.
Robert McCulloch


We await details to find out what it might be…..

update-1UPDATE:  New Evidence Available HERE
♦  Eight Federal Witness Interviews:

  1. Witness 11
  2. Witness 12
  3. Witness 14
  4. Witness 32
  5. Witness 35
  6. Witness 40
  7. Witness 47
  8. Witness 48

♦  Federal Autopsy – DOD
♦  Ferguson Statement 

Not All Ferguson Grand Jury Documents Released – Surprise!! The Media Just Found Out Dorian's Testimony is Mysteriously Missing…

DUH. You guys already know this, but apparently the media had to hire a team of private investigators and investigative journalists to figure it out. The most significant document missing is the one we first noticed absent on the very first night. Dorian Johnson’s joint State and FBI interview conducted on August 13th.
In our researched opinion this is directly because there was a deal made with Dorian for his “story”. (I outlined the deal on November 25th)  It is entirely possible, actually more than possible, most likely, the recorded FBI interview/statement of Dorian Johnson is wildly divergent from both his media interviews and his grand jury testimony.
Dorian johnson giving statementWe strongly feel the FBI knew Dorian was making up a story, then when given structural immunity, he admitted to making up a story on August 13th.
The State/FBI officials then allowed him to give BS testimony -that mostly matched his BS media interviews- to the grand jury because the feds/state were willing to provide him a cover story for his own protection from community backlash.
Bottom line, the Feds needed the accurate truth because by August 13th they had enough of a physical and forensic outline to substantiate the three interviews of Darren Wilson. Wilson was interviewed on Saturday 8/9 (local), Sunday 8/10 (local and state), and for more than three hours on Tuesday 8/12 (state and federal FBI).
By the time the same Feds sat down with Dorian (next day after Wilson) as seen in this picture at the attorney’s office, they knew only three actual, well, actually “claimed” eye-witness statements were in conflict with Wilson:  Dorian Johnson, Tiffany Mitchell and Piaget Crenshaw. The feds knew the physical evidence DID NOT match the claims of Dorian, Tiffany and Piaget.
They mostly needed to know why those claims didn’t match.