
Donald Trump Polling Ahead of Clinton – But Did He Really Get Polling Bounce?…

One of the lesser discussed WikiLeaks revelations was the leak outlining collusion between The Democrat National Committee and CBS News Political Polling.  The DNC requested and received control over the CBS published polling outcome.

We have previously outlined this activity as “agenda polling“; it has been discussed in great length.  The WikiLeaks release just provided more evidence.  Every single major media poll release is specifically constructed to deliver a directional narrative as outlined by the ideological message for the accompanying/distributing outlet.

2 candidate trump vs clinton - CNN Poll National

Which brings us to today’s CNN narrative polling (full pdf below); where they state Trump has “surged” following the RNC convention in Cleveland.  Quite hypocritical of them actually, when you consider CNN claimed the entire convention was an abysmal failure.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz Booed Off Stage by Florida Delegation – Drops Out of Convention Completely…

DNC Chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, attempted to deliver a speech today in Philadelphia at a Florida delegation breakfast.  Mayhem ensued…

Wasserman Schultz was not able to deliver her speech and was booed off stage.  She had to be escorted out of the hotel venue by security as the audience shouted “shame, shame, shame”.   Andrea Mitchell was in the venue and delivered this report to a gobsmacked MSNBC:

Within hours of leaving the breakfast, and accepting there’s no way she could speak at the convention, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz announced her complete withdrawal.


Debbie Doesn’t Do Philly – Banned From Speaking at Convention Debbie Wasserman Shultz Steps Down as DNC Chair…

update-1This is an evolving story #BestSummerEver – Due to the revelations within the WikiLeaks DNC emails, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz has been barred from speaking at the Democrat Convention.

Wasserman Schultz and ObamaIn an effort to diffuse the growing controversy, and trying to split the baby, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has just resigned her position as head of the DNC effective AFTER the Philadelphia convention…..  NOT GOOD ENOUGH says the majority of convention attendees so… stay tuned!    UPDATE:  Donna Brazille to fill in?

PHILADELPHIA – […] A Hillary Clinton source expects Wasserman Schultz to be gone by the end of the day, while another Democratic source said President Barack Obama or a proxy for him may need to get involved and call Wasserman Schultz because her posture is that she was appointed by the president.

Wasserman Schultz is holding on, believing “she can weather this,” a source told CNN
Short of her resigning, both critics and supporters within the DNC are demanding she issue a statement to deal with the many issues raised by the release of a trove of DNC emails by Wikileaks that appeared to show the party favoring Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the primary process. (more…)

Democrat Rules Committee Votes Down Bernie Sanders Effort To Abolish/Eliminate Superdelegates….

The professional party apparatus, ie. Team Clinton, just gave the Bernie supporters the biggest F.U. so far in Philadelphia.

Hillary Clinton A pansuit orangeAfter the DNC locked the doors so hundreds of Team Bernie supporters could not get in to attend the rules meeting, and after locking out media during the discussion, an effort to fully eliminate superdelegates in future elections failed.

A delegate for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders offered an amendment to get rid of superdelegates (party insiders who can vote for the candidate of their choice at the convention).

Sanders supporters accurately identified it was superdelegates who gave Hillary Clinton too much of an advantage in their battle for the Democratic presidential nomination.

However, the party power structure will not allow such efforts.  The amendment was defeated by a rules committee vote of 108-58.  Although it earned enough support to force a floor vote at the convention should Team Bernie do so.

Following the vote, the media was allowed back in to witness, the Rules Committee subsequently voted down several other compromise amendments; including measures: to give superdelegates one-tenth of a vote each, ban lobbyists from being superdelegates, and bar superdelegates from voting on the convention’s first ballot.  They all failed. (more…)