
May I Play Through?

We would be remiss if we did not report on the reactions of the “most transparent administration evah” to crisis after crisis…. illustrated by the brilliant Dianny of “All The Right Snark.”  Right on, Dianny, right on……

Obama’s obsession with playing golf while the world burns is pretty much a metaphor for how he governs.  He doesn’t govern.  He putts.  Nothing will get in this man’s way when he’s golf-course-bound.  Not one thing.  He doesn’t act like he’s entitled.  He’s enTitleist.
Kidnapped Nigerian Christian girls? Hamas firing rockets into Jerusalem? ISIS murdering Christians? Russians shooting down a civilian airliner?
Will anything get this idiot to put his golf clubs away and even pretend to be President?

WeeWeed's Mailboxes and Old Barns: The Year We Were Too Broke To Pay Attention

cotton-pickers-wanted-r-a-w-m-My dad was a career military man and as such was TDY (temporary duty yonder) away from his family often.  When this happened my mother would receive part of his pay – an allotment – and we were always living with one grandparent or another while he was gone because the family got “kicked off-base” as soon as his tour began.  One year, the gubmint in all its efficiency and brilliant management (still demonstrated today) delayed my mom’s allotment for a few months and we found ourselves “without money”.  While this predicament was nothing new, apparently it was a tad worse than normal. (more…)

Dawn, March 6, 1836, Siege of the Alamo – Day 13

th_el_zpsf7513b28    By Elvis Chupacabra

“The Siege of The Alamo” by Lajos Markos Reproduced with thanks to the Markos Estate

The old timers said that a dry, chill wind was blowing out of the northwest, right from the heart of the Commancheria, that dawn of March 6, 1836. It ripped the palls of black smoke billowing from the old Alamo mission into ragged tendrils and hurled them away, as if trying to clear the air of the sickly sweet smell of burning flesh and the acrid stench of gunpowder. By the time the sun broke above the horizon and cast a golden light over the old mission-turned-fortress, gunshots still sporadically rent the air, but the main sound was that of an enraged mob. (more…)