
Gander, Newfoundland: September 11, 2001

On this fourteenth anniversary of September 11, 2001, We The People of the USA again thank you sincerely,  O Canada,  for your kindness and support of our brothers and sisters in their time of dire need.  From Whitehorse to Gander, your graciousness will never be forgotten. This is a repeat of a post originally posted in 2011 when many of those same passengers returned to Gander for the 10 year anniversary , so many of the links will be gone but the story remains the same.
GANDER, N.L. – Gander International Airport in Newfoundland was once a cosmopolitan crossroads where transatlantic flights carrying everyone from world leaders to Humphrey Bogart touched down to refuel.
Its modernist lounge with geometric flooring and sleek furniture is a trip back to 1959, when the Queen opened it as an avant-garde ode to the glamour of air travel.
But Gander’s global prominence faded when jumbo jets started criss-crossing the Atlantic non-stop. Traffic at the sprawling airfield — a former Second World War staging point — dwindled to cargo planes, military flights, emergency landings and the odd private jet.
Then 9-11 hit. (more…)

Dawn, March 6, 1836, Siege of the Alamo – Day 13

th_el_zpsf7513b28 By Elvis Chupacabra (Originally Published 2013)

“The Siege of The Alamo” by Lajos Markos Reproduced with thanks to the Markos Estate

The old timers said that a dry, chill wind was blowing out of the northwest, right from the heart of the Commancheria, that dawn of March 6, 1836. It ripped the palls of black smoke billowing from the old Alamo mission into ragged tendrils and hurled them away, as if trying to clear the air of the sickly sweet smell of burning flesh and the acrid stench of gunpowder. By the time the sun broke above the horizon and cast a golden light over the old mission-turned-fortress, gunshots still sporadically rent the air, but the main sound was that of an enraged mob. (more…)