Just a small detail, apparently of no consequence for those who seemingly overlook such things; however, NBC is admitting to not only knowing the identity of the DC grand jury, but actually following them around and noting their activity. [SOURCE LINK]

Nothing like a little spotlight pressure to keep all the DC participants on the right path.  Nudge-Nudge, Wink-Wink, Say-no-More.

Worth noting Valerie Jarrett’s daughter, Laura Jarrett, is a member of the NBC surveillance team [link here], reporting her findings to NBC headquarters.

Lest we forget, it was NBC who ended up getting caught for tracking and conducting surveillance on jury members in the Kyle Rittenhouse case [link here], eventually leading to the judge needing to ban them from the courthouse.  Just saying.

[Source Link]


I doubt the DC grand jury pool needs guidance from the media on what the community expectations are.  👀
