CTH begins every outline of the ongoing Durham investigation with the following disclaimer:  How is John Durham going to reveal everything that is possible about the deep state Trump targeting operation, and simultaneously handle the involvement of Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann and the Special Counsel team who were specifically appointed to cover it up?

The short answer is, Durham can’t. The ramifications would collapse the U.S. government; yes, all three collaborating branches.

As a consequence, some of these revelations are only valuable insofar as they will be needed by historians who look upon the scattered rubble of this once great republic and seek to explain to future generations how it all went wrong.  [How the Fourth Branch of Government was created].

In a court filing late yesterday [Read Filing Here] special counsel John Durham dropped an explosive point into the public psyche.  Durham confirms that an outside government contractor, controlled by Hillary Clinton aligned “tech executive-1” Rodney Joffe, had access to conduct electronic surveillance and spying operations into the Executive Office of The President of the United States (EOP).

Tech Executive-1 is Rodney Joffe who worked with a federal cyber contractor called Neustar.

While the surveillance and spying operation against Donald Trump is likely not a revelation to many people here, it will be quite a shock for some to see the direct admission in a public court filing.   The eye-opening part is the contractor access to conduct surveillance of Trump extended into his actual presidency as the “Office of the President” was being monitored by outside agents.

Of course, the legacy media (New York Times, Politico, Washington Post, et al) will have to ignore these surveillance revelations because they so vehemently denied anyone connected to government spying on Trump it in all years past.

If you want to dig into the details of this filing, I would recommend a review of TechnoFog’s outline HERE.

The obvious question is: If Rodney Joffe is spying on the office of the president, why hasn’t he been indicted?

Unfortunately, the most likely answer starts to get into that circular silo crap we have often discussed.  The feds will say they were worried about Trump as a Russian asset as he came into office, so they used extreme sensitive measures to monitor him.  Rodney Joffe will say he used his access to the DNS system of the president because the feds asked him to monitor the office of the President… and you are back in that investigative circular chase that goes nowhere…. until someone says, “mistakes were made.”

I’m sure a lot of deep weeds walkers will get into even more detail about this specific filing.  We’ll share the good ones and check them out.

In the interim, what’s interesting to me is a little question I have always asked for years about this surveillance set up as it starts to surface.  A few years ago, when discussing the Crowdstrike stuff, DNC hack, emails to Wikileaks etc….

… I always said there were just small glances, flickers of evidence, stuff in the background, that seemed to indicate the Clinton campaign had some kind of direct access point, a portal per se, into the government database.  The Clinton crew just seemed to have direct access to information that wasn’t coming from a leak, but rather from their ability to extract government data on their own.

The most obvious reason for this suspicion was the absence of an inside government broker relaying information to the Clinton crew.  Sure, they had boatloads of allies in the Intel Community, CIA, DoD, State Dept, DOJ, FBI and Deep State writ large, but they also seemed to be able to have information that couldn’t be attributed to reception from a government insider.

The Clinton crew had info that didn’t come from a leak.  The Clinton crew had info that was direct.

This filing might just have answered or affirmed my questions and suspicions.  It could be that Rodney Joffe, working outside government with a direct pipe into the same government database, just extracted what Team Clinton needed and then passed it along.  Clinton team packages it, spins it, then launders it back into the government.

There are several federal contractors with access to government databases.  However, Rodney Joffe is a federal contractor with direct access to extract data who works with Clinton.

In essence, Joffe was the portal I always suspected she had.

Court Filing Here

Technofog Article Here


A lot more will come out related to this singular court filing.  Hell, I’ve got about a dozen questions from just the first few pages; however, I stand by my introductory disclaimer, no-one inside government can/will be touched.

All three branches of government participated in the corrupt and illegal targeting of Donald J Trump, a political outsider.  And all three branches of government have also participated in the cover-up.

CTH – “In the era shortly after 9/11, the DC national security apparatus was constructed to preserve continuity of government and simultaneously view all Americans as potential threats.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) were created specifically for this purpose.

What Barack Obama and Eric Holder did with that new construct was refine the internal targeting mechanisms so that only their ideological opposition became the target of the new national security system.  This is very important to understand as you dig deeper into this research outline.

Washington DC created the modern national security apparatus immediately and hurriedly after 9/11/01.  DHS came along in 2002 and within the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 the ODNI was formed.  When Barack Obama and Eric Holder arrived a few years later, those newly formed institutions were viewed as opportunities to create a very specific national security apparatus that would focus almost exclusively against their political opposition.”  READ MORE
