piers morganPiers Morgan pens a back-handed attack piece today regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s open call for Jews in Europe to return to the safety of Israel.
In essence Morgan is saying Netanyahu is fear mongering amid the European Jewish population to firm up his domestic electability.
From the Article:

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, says his country is in imminent danger of being nuked off the face of the earth by Iran.
But he wants every Jew to flee terror attacks in the rest of the world…and come to live in Israel?
Makes perfect sense, right?
Well, no, obviously it doesn’t. Netanyahu’s reaction to the latest appalling terror attacks in Denmark, which echoed sentiments he expressed after the Charlie Hebdo outrage in Paris, is a disgrace: cowardly, self-serving, crassly insensitive and overtly political. (more)

Piers goes on to proclaim that victims of ISIS and Islamic Extremists are not just Jews, but cartoonists, Muslims, and seemingly -in Obama-like fashion- other “random folk”. Disingenuous in the extreme all the way to willful blindness.
To say that Jews are at no greater risk than other members of a potentially victim population is ridiculous and ignores the reality of the leftist, politically correct form of central governance -within the EU and London specifically- where Islamic extremists hide behind cries of Islamaphobia and racism to deflect their anti-Semitic ideology.
This same willful blindness now streaming from the typewriter of Morgan is the same world-view, ideology and perspective which led to 1,400 children sexually exploited in Rotherham England.
Apparently there is something in the water, or at least the British Broadcasting media water cooler, which insures various British editors and opinion writers ignore the rampant extremist hatred on the streets in front of their offices – under their noses.   The degree of political correctness which infects the British journalist class reflects their own cowardice lest they be called racist or islamophobic and miss the next upper crust cocktail party invite.
And therein lies the heart of the disconnect between Piers Morgan the British ideologue and the American audience who identified it and tuned him out during his attempt to host a nightly US show on CNN.   Americans are more apt to identify the reality of any threat and call it what it is; Europeans, filled with airs, graces and pontifications, refuse to accept the growing cultural threats around them until it reaches up and bites them in the arse.
Which explains why a growing number of the U.K electorate, who are slowly removing their culturally Marxist blinders, are finding common sense behind the political upstart of UKIP.
Yes, as astounding as it might seem, there are those in England who can still identify feathered creatures as birds.  For them UKIP is providing a perspective based on reality of the world as it is – rather than how the Piers Morgan’s, and Rotherham Borough Council, wish it to be.
As Piers continues:

Israelis can decide next month whether they still want him to be their leader.

But the rest of us are perfectly entitled, right now, to tell him to shut up.

Mainly because his logic is so deeply flawed.

The single most dangerous place for Jews to live outside of Israel, statistically, is New York City.

More have been killed by terrorism there this century than any other country.

How so?

Well cast your minds back to September 11, 2001.

At least 270 Jews are known to have died in the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11. Possibly as many as 400.

That’s between 10 and 15 percent of all the victims.

I don’t remember hearing anyone, least of all Benjamin Netanyahu, declare then that every Jew in New York should immediately quit the city and go and live in Israel.  (more)

The reason Jews did not need to contemplate leaving America after 9/11 is because The United States, and more importantly the U.S. President George W Bush, clearly identified the risks, behaviors and perpetrators, for who they are – and responded accordingly.

Meanwhile in London:

Islam Demonstration

You’ll find Piers Morgan leading the politically correct parade while shouting: “nothing to see here folks, move along, move along“……  Then again, considering recent developments he’s likely to be joined by President Obama who will modify the saying to: “nothing to see here random folks, move along, move along“.

After all “there is nothing about ISIS that is Islamic“.  Right Piers?

