The Ferguson and Saint Louis County Police Departments were smart right from the start. Much of what they did, and did not do, in relationship to investigating the Mike Brown shooting, specifically as it regards releasing information to the media, was intentional.
By holding specific factual evidence close to the vest they obviously frustrated the media. However, in doing so they also insured the integrity of witness evaluation. As a specifically intended outcome their decisions also meant that false witnesses could easily be identified.
Canfield Map New 2
As we previously shared the crime scene itself created a witness grid of sorts. Canfield Drive, the street location of the shooting itself, runs essentially East and West. The witnesses most of the public are familiar with are from locations North of Canfield.
We previously explained how this took place HERE.
The more publically known witnesses: Tiffany Mitchell, Piaget Crenshaw, Dorian Johnson (Big Mike co-hort) all had early legal representation brought upon by their relationship to community leaders, and each other, toward selling a specific storyline to the media; we can call this script the “Hands Up” narrative.
In turn each attorney can factually be connected to the larger Ferguson grievance group who were aiming to support Brown family attorney’s Daryl Parks and Benjamin Crump.
The only non-lawyered witnesses, who were coincidentally also located North of Canfield, were Michael Brady and a guy who live-tweeted the post-shooting events under the auspices of “Pharaoh“.
Brady did not need a lawyer because he was not part of selling a script of testimony other than what he actually did see for himself (more on that to follow), and Pharaoh who gave a statement to VICE News, likewise did so without the need to enhance the scripted narrative.
Later media witnesses such as the audio witness that provided the “shooting audio” also gave their media-evidence via attorney(s).
Into this odd witness mix you can add the LA Times video witness who was located behind the construction workers. And later, as the narrative began to diminish in effectiveness, and desperation began to set in, you also had the “anonymous” construction witnesses promoted almost exclusively by CNN and MSNBC.   [Again, noting all of these “witnesses” are North of Canfield Drive.]
However, there were many other witnesses who saw part or all of the events. Those witnesses you have not seen because they were not part of the “Hands Up” narrative.
Indeed all of the witnesses South of Canfield have never given public statements to the media. The driver of the White 2-door car, a witness named “steve”, and a background audio witness heard in the Ace Johnson video (also known as the Black Canseco video) are examples of witnesses not in the media – but interviewed by authorities.
Most of the media witnesses, and their attorney’s, were/are selling a specific Mike Brown victim narrative. Hence you see Tiffany, Piaget and Dorian overemphasized while the less controversial/saleable Brady and Pharaoh were played down.
The construction worker(s) “anonymous witnesses” were an outcome of desperation in trying to find anyone to support the narrative. However, the construction workers were at least 270 feet away from the shooting event – and did not see the aspects which are of the most vital import.
The video which CNN looped to attract attention to the construction witnesses was taken by Kevin Christopher Seltzer, who was in touch with the Scheme Team, and tried to shop around his video to make some quick cash.
As an outcome of needing to support the media witnesses, the alignment of the black grievance industry, white guilt apologists on the left, and the media once again formed.
To aid their efforts the professional left began constructing wild conspiracy theory.
However, their lack of factual knowledge of physical evidence in relationship to events, and the lack of factual accuracy within the statements of the media witnesses -as it relates to the shooting event- created a problem.
All of their grand conspiracy theories are easily debunked, ignored by actual investigators, and totally refuted by the facts.
Two Examples:
The guy who took it upon himself to create a petition to remove the fundraising sites for Officer Darren Wilson is named Shaun King.  In the last 48 hours Shaun King has taken to Twitter to postulate two wildly divergent theories.
We would normally laugh at these except for the fact they are being sold by actual media personalities within the national media:

[*Note* How anyone can read those twitter feeds and not think the media has dropped far below bat shit crazy is beyond me.  I digress…]
The first theory was that Officer Wilson chased Mike Brown from his SUV and began shooting at Big Mike as he ran away.

After firing the first volley of shots, and missing, Mike Brown turned around and gave up. At which point the second volley of shots began and Mike Brown was killed.
Shaun King posed his constructed theory on Twitter much to the appreciation of the sheeple masses who slurp Hoax and Chains like thirsty sycophants of Jim Jones.
However, again the facts refute the theory. Remember, the shooting audio was recorded.

Brown was shot/hit “at least six times” with, according to Mike Brown’s family autopsy, all entrance wounds from the front.
Mike Brown autopsy
The second volley of shots was only four bullets.
How could Brown receive six bullet entry wounds, from the front, with only four bullets?
Short answer: he can’t, and he didn’t.  The theory is silly.
FACT:  Brown was facing officer Wilson for all shots which hit him. Wilson did not fire randomly at Mike Brown as he was running away.

Facing easy rebuke, 24 hours later Shaun King changed course and constructed Theory #2. King “discovered” one of the first aspects we shared when we first looked at the shooting.   It’s not a grand discovery, it’s the basics of research 101 – Seek first to understand.

The distance between Wilson’s SUV and Mike Brown’s body was well over 100′. Actually, it’s more like 120 feet.


Graphic Via Diwataman

Shaun King constructs the grand theory behind the great “ah ha” revelation that this 120 foot distance is divergent from the Police Chief stating the distance was 35′.
Ergo, Officer Wilson, according to Shaun King, opened fire on Mike Brown from a distance of 100 feet or more….. and something about that being illegal is the reason…. or something of the sort.
However, yet again the ridiculous theory runs into those pesky facts which are unavoidable.  The ejected shell casings from the gun of Wilson used in the shooting were all identified at, near, and even behind, the body of Mike Brown.
evidence-cones1 grid revised
This position of the shell casings indicate Officer Wilson was, at some point, moving away from or retreating.  It is also evident that Mike Brown was in general proximity  to Officer Wilson as the shots were fired.
The shooting distance, or proximity of Wilson and Brown, as identified by the location of the shell casings, and adjusted for shell casing ejection, was actually inside a span of about 35 – 36 feet.
However, it is a fact that Wilson’s vehicle was about 100′ behind (West) of the actual shooting proximity.   Meaning the foot pursuit was about 100′ to 130′.
Canfield Map 4 with witness locations
The actual construct of the scene was intentionally obtuse by the Ferguson police department so they could evaluate the integrity of the witnesses with questions about the physical locations themselves. False witnesses would be easily identified by anyone who did not know which police SUV was actually Officer Wilson’s.
This filter was made easier by the speed of the arriving backup vehicles. The second Police SUV arrived mere seconds after the shooting, the third and fourth only moments later.
Those arriving backups patrol vehicles drove past Wilson’s suv which was parked 120+ feet (West), giving all but the actual eye witnesses a difficult time identifying the vehicle where Wilson and Big Mike Brown were first physically engaged.
Wilson Vehicle 3
Indeed, in the surrounding crowd even just moments (30 seconds to a minute) after the event many observers were erroneously identifying the Second, Third, and even Fourth arrived Police SUV as Officer Wilsons’.
Such erroneous attributions allowed police to filter through the “claimed” witnesses and focus only on those who did actually identify Wilson’s SUV, and subsequently actually ‘did see’ the events.  Many witnesses claimed to have seen events, few actually did.
Piaget funnyIf you go back to Tiffany Mitchell, Piaget Crenshaw and even Dorian Johnson, you’ll find they falsely identified the distances and even the vehicles which were on scene.
All of these popular media witnesses were constructing information based on conversation amid the crowd – not factually what they saw.
Obviously Dorian Johnson had a vested self-preservation interest in the narrative; hence his initial story did not stand scrutiny, was filled with false statements, and, as admitted by his attorney, was not factually correct to the media.
According to Dorian’s attorney, lying to the media is not technically lying (see video below). According to Freeman Bosley Jr, as long as Dorian tells the police/investigators the truth, regardless of what he has told the media, he’s not lying.

So you can essentially write off anything said by Dorian to the media if you are trying to understand the actual construct of what took place.   Young Dorian, having an outstanding arrest warrant, and having admitted to false testimony in the past, and having admitted to lying to the media, is essentially useless for the purpose of evaluating events.
For the investigators Dorian Johnson provides value, because they have leverage to place on him to solicit honesty.   However, outside of that interrogation room, or leverage, his statements to the media are manipulative at best, and structurally false at worst.
Likewise, Tiffany and Piaget while not duplicitous in the shooting itself, have constructed most, if not all, of their statements based on popular opinion needed by those people in/around events who wanted a specific narrative (ie. “Hands up – Don’t shoot”) sold.
tiffany mitchell and piaget crenshaw
And think about this as you evaluate the media:  Last night at 7:21 pm media “analyst” Lisa Bloom sends this twitter message out to Shaun King and Goldie Taylor:

Nuf said….
