Independent journalist Jack Cashill discusses his examination of the Trayvon Martin shooting/George Zimmerman case (“If I had a son: Race, Guns and the railroading of George Zimmerman”) at a forum held at the Platte County Resource Center in Kansas City, Missouri and televised on C-Span’s “Book TV”.
The entire discussion is about 1 hr  and 15 minutes long.  He opens up the discussion of his book about the Trayvon Martin shooting by laying down the foundation for the Progressive/Communist Agitprop history of politicizing non-political criminal cases for the advancement of the Socialist agenda, starting with the Sacco/Vanzetti case in the 1920’s.  It is a worthwhile listen for those who don’t have a full appreciation that the techniques used by the Progressives in the Trayvon Martin drama were from an old, old playbook.

Author Jack Cashill discusses the George Zimmerman trial and the “Skittles – Hoodie – Gated Community” narrative that was created around the Trayvon Martin shooting by the Agit-Prop artists.

“Agit Prop … it worked, then, it works now … When did the worm turn ….  the liberal self-image, when did that stop being true?…
…When did it become okay to accuse an innocent man to advance the narrative?…  It is another thing all together to plead for the guilt of an innocent man…
…The search for the Great White Defendant hasn’t gone away….”

Around the 47:00 mark, Cashill discusses the role of the Conservative Treehouse in stripping bare the false narrative and Agit-Prop around the case, starting with SD’s analysis and revelation of the “recording of a recording” of George Zimmerman in the sally port of the police department falsely massaged and then televised by ABC.
“just a couple of highlights from the trial …. the media chose not to mention it [Trayvon’s cell phone contents]… everyone’s favorite witness, the star witness (laughing from audience) …Rachael Jeantel… the media had been building this up as the “star witness” …. everyone at the Conservative Treehouse knew this a total train wreck waiting to happen .. and they were just a little surprised by the nature of the wreck, because it was so bizarre it surprised even  them ….”
From the question and answer period at about the 1:02 mark:
Question from audience: “Jack, you’ve talked about the bias, deception and corruption of the media …and demonstrated it quite well …. what to you do to get the country to get back on finding reality from the press…”
Jack’s answer:  “You do it … the model is here … you do what the people at the Conservative Treehouse did … they started their own blog a couple of years ago, and they focused among other things, on this case .. no one is getting paid for this, by the way … what they do with their blog, is they say, “We don’t want your stupid opinions…. we’re talking about this case… we want facts, we want you to challenge facts….” 
….You can’t get away with saying stupid on a blog like this … and the defense attorneys starting turning to them … they used them during the trial… [the Conservative Treehouse] used crowd sourcing… this is what 8 people can do with no money … by the end of the trial, the Conservative Treehouse was the authoritative source on the George Zimmerman trial ….”
Jack also shares in the post-discussion Q&A the anecdote of SD’s valve stems being cut and the calling card warning the Conservative Treehouse to “stop” investigating the Trayvon Martin case and the Miami-Dade School Police Department as an example of the hazards of “investigative journalism”, and Diwataman’s analysis of the 7-11 video and purchase of the materials for Lean and “blunts”.
Here is the entirety of Jack’s talk as well as the Question-and-Answer period that followed:

