Miami Dade Schools Police Department

Here is the sworn affidavit given by Commander Deanna Fox-Williams (pictured above second from right) to the internal affairs division of the Miami-Dade School Police Department.   The redacted name in all the documentation is Trayvon Martin, or the initials “TM”.

Within the affidavit you will find even more information about the specifics surrounding how statistics were manipulated and how officers were given specific instructions to conceal student encounters with law enforcement. Generally in favor of diversion programs intended for one purpose, to improve statistics.

The M-DSPD, under the leadership of Police Chief Hurley was attempting to inflate the appearance of their effectiveness by changing how police officers were permitted to engage with School Students and uphold the law.

Police officers were pressured and given instructions to falsely classify behavior, at times even invoking the “Baker Act”, so the criminal justice statistics could be artificially improved. By all appearances Trayvon Martin was one of those “diversionary” students.

Commander Fox-Williams also describes her conversations with others inside the General Investigations Unit.   Pay particular attention to the conversation(s) in Major Kitchell’s office – regarding Trayvon Martin;  Also Lieutenant Roger Ramirez who was speaking specifically about the stats at Krop Senior High School (Martin attended)

Major Kitchell was promoted to replace Police Chief Hurley after the investigation found numerous examples of unethical conduct by Chief Hurley.

Police Chief Kitchell now heads the Miami-Dade School Police Department.

[*tip* skip to begin at page 45 to avoid mind clutter]

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