
It's Come To This – The Federal Dept. of Justice asking for Tips to Help Prosecute George Zimmerman – DOJ/CRS Sets Up Email National Hotline

This is just unbelievable. This administration WANTS full blown race warfare. There is no other reason for setting up a national hotline for people to email in tips to aid in the prosecution of George Zimmerman. Keep in mind the name on this Orlando Sentinel report. Dept of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Department of Community Relations, TOM PEREZ. The same Tom Perez President Obama nominated for Labor Secretary. (more after article)
ORLANDO – The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday afternoon appealed to civil rights groups and community leaders, nationally and in Sanford, for help investigating whether a federal criminal case might be brought against George Zimmerman for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, one advocate said.
Obama Holder
The DOJ has also set up a public email address to take in tips on its civil rights investigation.
Barbara Arnwine, president and executive director the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law – who earlier in the day joined calls for federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman, said that later in the afternoon, she joined a U.S. Department of Justice conference call to discuss the prospects. (more…)

The NAACP Leverages The CRS Against George Zimmerman – March 13, 2012 Example

Tuesday March 13th 2012, Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee again told the community there was nothing discovered in factual physical or witness evidence to dispute the statements made by George Zimmerman – not was there anything found which contradicted the hours of question, answers, and statements Mr. Zimmerman had voluntarily undertaken.

The NAACP was not happy with that:

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The Media VS George Zimmerman – Trial Delivery At Any Cost….. And The CRS Has Reserved Seats For The Lynching

Wanted Poster - Zimmerman 2When we revealed the Miami-Dade School Police Department cover-up, we were contacted by a well known writer who wanted to commend the Treehouse community for our dogged pursuit of truth. Additionally, they were astounded at the information revealed within the six sworn affidavits – and asked for a phone call.

Reluctantly, after much back and forth, we decided to go ahead and make the call. In essence the writer wanted to reconcile how they had never seen any of this information in the Main-Stream press – they considered it explosive, and couldn’t fathom why the Miami Herald had never followed up on their FOIA request about the burglary.

As a consequence of this phone call I was begged to contact the Main-Stream media and provide the information – Not to do so was framed as not doing everything possible to help the Truth, and as a consequence George Zimmerman.   Zimmerguilt eventually dictated my acquiescence. (more…)

Ferguson Missouri Gets A Taste Of The DOJ Secret Police – The CRS Comes To Ferguson….

Social justice manipulation can only go so far when it is fighting to retain a premise not grounded in substance or reality.
However, as the racial propaganda continues, there comes a very specific point when the goals of the professional grievance movement run into the reality of failure.  When that moment is reached, the protective processes with the CRS step in to control the exit.
FERGUSON • The news release was emailed to dozens of local and national media representatives earlier this week.
ferguson 8The city of Ferguson was promoting a five-week series of “town hall” meetings beginning Monday to update residents “on changes the council wants the community to consider’’ and to address concerns about the city.
But by Friday, a little-known unit of the U.S. Department of Justice had gotten involved, and those meetings, originally billed by Mayor James Knowles as a dialogue with the community “so they know exactly where we stand on things with full transparency,” would be closed to the media and nearly anyone else who wasn’t a resident.
In the days after Michael Brown’s fatal shooting Aug. 9 by a city police officer, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder dispatched the Justice Department’s Community Relations Service to the city to help keep the peace and resolve racial tension. (more…)

Eric Holder and DOJ/CRS Actively Wanted To Keep Mike Brown Robbery Video Hidden From Public….

holder,%20sharpton%20%20ap_0We’ve seen this exact scenario play out numerous times, most visibly in 2012 when the DOJ wanted to keep the FBI reports on the lack of racial animus -which supported George Zimmerman- from the public.
Under Eric Holder’s tenure the DOJ civil rights division has actively engaged in pushing racial grievances to the forefront of their operational goals.  This type of intentional organizational racism even led to the former head of the Civil Rights Division, Ondray Harris, quitting his federal job after he was instructed not to hire non-blacks.
In the Mike Brown shooting the institutional racism of the DOJ surfaces again with the DOJ demand NOT to release the robbery video which showed the behavior of Mike Brown just prior to the encounter with police officer Darren Wilson.

The DOJ will hide behind the false construct of the Community Relations Service and claim the request not to release was made in the best interest of lowering racial tensions.  However, their intents, based on all historical references, are transparently the opposite of their claims. (more…)

Now The Brutal Bias From The Orlando Sentinel In The Zimmerman Case Makes Sense – The Editorial Review Was Full Frontal Racial Bias From Black Content Approvers….

Perhaps people already knew this and I’m the first to catch on to the obvious.
When Rene Stutzman, a reporter for The Orlando Sentinel, informed me about the editorial board deciding “what” content would be “permitted to be discussed”, within the Trayvon Martin reporting of her newspaper, I had no idea the Senior Vice-President / Director of Content was African American.
Nor did I know the editor she was talking about, Mark Russell, was also African American.
It just never crossed my mind to ask.
Now I see two articles (here and here), discussing who was actually behind those decisions she was speaking toward, it all begins to make sense.
The editor in charge of the Sentinel was Mark Russell. Obviously, based on the extreme position taken by the editor and shared with me via Stutzman, the position was such that no aspect of Trayvon Martin’s background would be covered by the paper.  It was clearly a racial position.
A position amplified by the fact the Director of Content, Avido Khahaifa, would also be the key decision maker, and who was/is also demanding his reporters filter the news on the basis of race first.
Now it all makes sense. (more…)

Zimmerman Post Trial Debrief – Open Discussion Thread

patriotThings are settling down. Thankfully.
Let me give you some perspective.   Remember, we welcome participation – but we do not welcome a site reflecting a non-mannered sports bar after your team wins the FA Cup (look it up).    We have a set site security process of first comment approval.  Hence,we are generally at maximum capacity with inbound site traffic in the range of 3,000 people per hour.  (that’s generally where we max out efficiency)
For the past 3 days, we have been running around 15,000 inbound visitors per hour EVERY HOUR.    To say the site has been running sketchy is a slight understatement.  The admins have been valiant,  I would say incredibly so.   In just trying to manage the volume of trafficked comments.   (more…)

Federally Approved DOJ CRS Extortion – Dream Defenders and Thomas Battles Turn "Justice" into "Just Us"…

*Important note as you process this information. There are two videos that MUST be watched in order to intellectually absorb the level of corruption at work.  The information is critical to understanding, and the post itself needs to be understood quickly.  I cannot stress the importance against the backdrop of understanding the deception.
The civil rights arm of the Dept. of Justice is now a modern leveraging or enforcement mechanism to insure the aggrieved are paid off as well as protected. The legal terms such as “adverse impact”, “disparate treatment” and others, have been corrupted to apply to black skin color as the common denominator for the application being reviewed.
The protective agency, who guard the optics of the Black Grievance Industry, is the Community Relations Service (CRS), also known as the DOJ “Peacekeepers”. The primary role of the CRS Peacekeepers is to protect the image of the Black Grievance Industry. They do this by keeping the public unaware of the consequences of the BGI activity and at the same time telling the BGI to put down the molotov cocktails because they can be too easily seen.
Thomas BattlesThe CRS is a federally protected super-secret agency within the DOJ who operate with stealth immunity on behalf of black citizens. To the public the CRS will claim their interests are to represent, and look out for, minority interests.  However, in actual application their only engagements are facilitations around persons of black skin color. The Marxist SPLC spins the Peacekeepers thusly:

[…] Reserved and discreet, yet engaging and well-connected, Thomas Battles and his team were dispatched to the city as the shooting was making national headlines — to assist without drawing attention to themselves.
“He and his staff largely operate out of the spotlight doing very important, very necessary work,’’ said Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, where Battles and his team have received training. “They are going to cities like Sanford that are torn apart by a racial rift, put in an international spotlight. These are places that need help quickly.’’ (link)

Thomas Battles is the Southeast Regional Director of the Community Relations Service. (more…)

The Silence Of The Shams – Understanding The Ruse That Is The U.S. DOJ V Zimmerman…

Yesterday, we attended, photographed and documented the Federal DOJ-CRS meeting with Law Enforcement in Broward County. Why? Simply because it just further evidences the scheme we have documented the Trial of George Zimmerman to be.
crs 1
We are all bearing witness to a pre-scripted event being played out for a national audience. What the Sandra Fluke story was for the DNC/Charlotte, so too is the Trayvon story for the Black Grievance Industry; Only this time instead of the DNC the puppeteer is the Dept of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Community Relations Service.
The DOJ-CRS. (more…)