In advance of an effort to bring sunlight to events, and with full appreciation to the credo of our assembly, The Truth Has No Agenda, a few points of personal emphasis.

Everything you read and review upon these pages is free for the taking. Anyone, for any reason, can take any content I produce and use it to advance the honest effort of providing raw unfiltered truth to their audience.

Everything is available for use free, without any attribution or citation needed.

All that I provide is free and can be modified, changed, enhanced in part or whole to meet your needs. Images, writing, research, analysis, all of it is provided, along with no expectation of citation or attribution dependent on your motives and intents.

Make the words your own, use them in part or modify to make a more intelligent or comprehensive outline. All the accompanying graphics are available to use as would suit your interests. All the research is cited and verifiable.  We are not going to save this republic by demanding or restricting information via self-important perspectives on citation or attribution. I simply do not care about such issues. Make it your own in whatever manner or format fits your interests.

I am currently working on a big picture article that should explain why this is important. There is something key and critical that is being missed and overlooked by those who are communicating the importance of events that took place over the past several years, through today.

I am also working on a project to assist people of influence in providing critical and truthful information, through a process that is outside the format of tradition (congress) and outside the general comfort zone of those we entrust – who have a responsibility to inform. More on that later, and yes, it looks like I will have to go back on the road.

In the interim, please accept this reminder with the expressed intent. Anything provided here is yours to take whole or in part and make it your own as we work earnestly to deliver greater understanding to a larger audience.  Effective solutions require brutally accurate understanding.

With humble appreciation and the warmest of regards,


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