Let me qualify this post and question by saying this is something I have wanted to ask and write about for quite a while.  I often ask this question to people I meet in general life discussion, and I am very interested to hear every response.  Today is a great day to ask this…

Think back…  So, you are living your life, doing what you and everyone familiar to you are doing in the ordinary and regular way of living your specific life.

Perhaps you paid some attention to the political comings and goings of things, perhaps not.

Perhaps like most comfortably invisible people you were just putting one foot in front of the other, and generally doing the day-to-day things that most would consider ordinary.

Then one day, for some unknown and likely not that consequential reason, something caught your attention. Something piqued your curiosity; perhaps you noticed something you wouldn’t ordinarily have noticed. Perhaps you heard something, or saw something, or were just in a situational space where something itched your brain as you looked at something, heard something or noticed something that just didn’t quite fit or sit right.

Perhaps that little something, or big something, caused you to look just a little bit closer at the story, event or moment with a little more curiosity than before.  Perhaps you dug into that specific moment with a little more than a side-eye glance, and you noticed something.   After looking at it a little closer, you realized that construct was not at all what it appeared to be on the surface.

From that moment forward, for the first time, you really started to question the ‘thing’ that was in front of you, and from that moment forward, you woke up to recognize that things around you, things you perhaps didn’t pay attention to before, were not what you thought they were.  It was from this moment when you really started to pay attention and your political awakening began.

Question:  When was that moment for you?

I am always amazed at the replies I get in real life to this question of when the individual awakening began.

For some it was at an early age, for others much later in life.  For some it was recently, and for others it was a long time ago.   However, for everyone there was that moment when it started, and it is completely unique to the individual.

So, on this day, Sunday February 19, 2023, a generally innocuous day in the grand scheme of things, I pose this question to everyone.

Yes, even all the CTH lurkers who read here and never join the conversation.   The comment section is open for all replies with the general rules of on-line decorum still standing.  Us old schoolers still use the early internet standards of on-line discussion, and CTH requests polite and civil conversation that enlightens, expands thinking and uplifts the audience.

I am genuinely curious and will be reading every reply because it’s really cool to see what that “moment” was for each person.  I’m pretty sure the entire CTH community will also enjoy reading the unique replies to the question.

We all travel a different path. We all come from different, likely comfortably invisible, life experiences. And we all merge into this big melting pot of curious people who are looking deeply at the issues we face.   Regardless of how each of us arrived here, the larger dynamic is that we likely share a common curiosity for the reality of our situation.  It’s a safe bet to say that almost everyone reading this is in the top-tier of “high information” consumers.

My question is not what arrived you at The Conservative Treehouse, but rather what the moment was when you began looking around and realizing that things just didn’t seem to add up.  That’s the origin of the journey.  That’s the moment I am inquiring about.

Perhaps it’s a weird way of looking at CTH, but our fellowship is always what has been the most important aspect to this little corner of the internet.  It’s not the content of the Treehouse, but the conversation on the porch that matters.  You, the readers, friends, people who assemble here, are the important element. Not me and not the site admins.

That’s genuinely the way I have always looked at our fellowship, and that’s also the reason for every detail I put into keeping this little corner of the internet standing.

So, with that in mind, what was that moment in your life when you realized the social, political and/or media narrative, was not at all what it was presented to be?

Love to all,

~ Sundance
